科研成果 by Year: 2011

Zhao Q, Guo H-W. Paradigms and paradox in the ethylene signaling pathway and interaction network. Molecular Plant [Internet]. 2011;(4):626-634. 访问链接
Yang C, Cai X, Keyes DE, Pernice M. Parallel domain decomposition methods for the 3D Cahn–Hilliard equation, in Proc. Annual Meeting of DOE’s Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC 2011).; 2011.
Yang C, Cai X-C. Parallel multilevel methods for implicit solution of shallow water equations with nonsmooth topography on the cubed-sphere. Journal of Computational Physics [Internet]. 2011;230:2523–2539. 访问链接
Yang C, Cai X-C. A parallel well-balanced finite volume method for shallow water equations with topography on the cubed-sphere. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics [Internet]. 2011;235:5357–5366. 访问链接
Chen Q, Liu Y, Donahue NM, Shilling JE, Martin ST. Particle-phase chemistry of secondary organic material: Modeled compared to measured O:C and H:C elemental ratios provide constraints. Environmental Science and Technology. 2011;45:4763-4770.Abstract
Chemical mechanisms for the production of secondary organic material (SOM) are developed in focused laboratory studies but widely used in the complex modeling context of the atmosphere. Given this extrapolation, a stringent testing of the mechanisms is important. In addition to particle mass yield as a typical standard for model-measurement comparison, particle composition expressed as O:C and H:C elemental ratios can serve as a higher dimensional constraint. A paradigm for doing so is developed herein for SOM production from a C(5)-C(10)-C(15) terpene sequence, namely isoprene, a-pinene, and beta-caryopyhllene. The model MCM-SIMPOL is introduced based on the Master Chemical Mechanism (MCM v3.2) and a group contribution method for vapor pressures (SIMPOL). The O:C and H:C ratios of the SOM are measured using an Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (AMS). Detailed SOM-specific AMS calibrations for the organic contribution to the H(2)O(+) and CO(+) ions indicate that published O:C and H:C ratios for SOM are systematically too low. Overall, the measurement-model gap was small for particle mass yield but significant for particle-average elemental composition. The implication is that a key chemical pathway is missing from the chemical mechanism. The data can be explained by the particle-phase homolytic decomposition of organic hydroperoxides and subsequent alkyl-radical-promoted oligomerization.
Chen Q, Liu YJ, Donahue NM, Shilling JE, Martin ST. Particle-phase chemistry of secondary organic material: modeled compared to measured O:C and H:C elemental ratios provide constraints. Environmental Science & Technology [Internet]. 2011;45(11):4763–4770. Link
Wei Z, Huang Y, Zhao D, Liang Z, Li Z. A parylene-based flexible electroporation chip applicable for in vivo gene and siRNA delivery. 2011 16th International Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Conference, TRANSDUCERS'11. 2011:1942-1945.
Zhang Y, Deng S, Liu Y, Shen G, Li X, Cao J, Wang X, Reid B, Tao S. A passive air sampler for characterizing the vertical concentration profile of gaseous phase polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in near soil surface air. Environmental Pollution [Internet]. 2011;159:694-699. 访问链接
Shi Z, Yang R, Zhang L, Wang Y, Liu D, Shi D, Wang E, Zhang G. Patterning graphene with zigzag edges by self-aligned anisotropic etching. Advanced Materials [Internet]. 2011;(27):3061-3065. 访问链接
Wang Z, Fang J, Tang Z, Lin X. Patterns, determinants and models of woody plant diversity in China. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological SciencesProceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2011;278:2122-2132.Abstract
What determines large-scale patterns of species richness remains one of the most controversial issues in ecology. Using the distribution maps of 11 405 woody species in China, we compared the effects of habitat heterogeneity, human activities and different aspects of climate, particularly environmental energy, water–energy dynamics and winter frost, and explored how biogeographic affinities (tropical versus temperate) influence richness–climate relationships. We found that the species richness of trees, shrubs, lianas and all woody plants strongly correlated with each other, and more strongly correlated with the species richness of tropical affinity than with that of temperate affinity. The mean temperature of the coldest quarter was the strongest predictor of species richness, and its explanatory power for species richness was significantly higher for tropical affinity than for temperate affinity. These results suggest that the patterns of woody species richness mainly result from the increasing intensity of frost filtering for tropical species from the equator/lowlands towards the poles/highlands, and hence support the freezing-tolerance hypothesis. A model based on these results was developed, which explained 76–85% of species richness variation in China, and reasonably predicted the species richness of woody plants in North America and the Northern Hemisphere.
刘括, 何柳, 唐迅, 胡永华. PDE4D基因相关位点与缺血性卒中关联性的Meta分析. 中华疾病控制杂志中华疾病控制杂志. 2011;15:183-187.Abstract
目的通过Meta分析的方法对磷酸二酯酶4D(phosphodiesterase 4D,PDE4D)基因相关位点多态性与缺血性卒中的遗传关联性进行综合评价。方法检索PubMed、CNKI等多个中英文数据库及网络资源,对纳入文献进行质量评价后,采用RevMan 5.02软件进行Meta分析。结果共纳入30篇合格文献,共计13 590例病例和13 373例对照。Meta分析表明,在中国人群中携带SNP83位点的C等位基因的个体,与T等位基因相比,发生缺血性卒中危险的OR值为1.36(95%CI:1.23~1.51);与TT基因型相比,CC基因型与CC+CT基因型发生缺血性卒中危险的OR值分别为1.57(95%CI:1.25~1.97)和1.29(95%CI:1.13~1.47),但在西方人群和其他亚洲人群中未发现上述关联。其余各位点也未发现与缺血性卒中的关联存在统计学意义。结论在中国人群中PDE4D基因SNP83位点与缺血性卒中发病可能存在关联。
Huang Y, J.Y.Li, Zou XF, Qu TS, Wu XH, Mao LH, Wu YH, L.Li. Perceptual Fusion Tendency of Speech Sounds. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 2011;23(4):1003-1014.
He L, Wang J. Periodic magnetoresistance oscillations induced by superconducting vortices in single crystal Au nanowires. Nanotechnology [Internet]. 2011;(44). 访问链接
Zhang JB, Xu Z, Yang G, Wang B. Peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) and peroxypropionyl nitrate (PPN) in urban and suburban atmospheres of Beijing, China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions [Internet]. 2011;11(3):8173-8206. 访问链接Abstract
Peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) and peroxypropionyl nitrate (PPN) were measured sequentially in situ by an online gas-phase chromatograph with electron capture detector at urban (Peking University, PKU) and suburban (Yufa, A town in the south of Beijing) sites 5 in Beijing during the photochemical season in 2006. Maximum and average values of PAN were 11.22 ppbv and 1.95 ppbv at PKU during 15 to 27 August, and maximum and average values of PPN were 2.51 ppbv and 0.41 ppbv at Yufa during 2 to 12 September. Average mixing ratios (PAN/PPN) were 5.60 (at PKU) and 5.83 (at Yufa), which is much lower than those in other metropolitan areas. High correlation between PAN and 10 PPN reflects similar volatile organic compound origins. Thermal loss of PAN and PPN was remarkable when compared with their ambient concentrations. PAN and PPN with ozone have similar trend by day. Thermal decompositions of PAN and PPN were calculated, and results indicated that thermal losses influence their atmospheric lifetime significantly. The percentages of PAN loss at the two sites were very similar; however, 15 PPN urban loss was higher than that in suburban.
Zhang C, Zhang L, Roermund HV, Song S, Zhang G. Petrology and SHRIMP U–Pb dating of Xitieshan eclogite, North Qaidam UHP metamorphic belt, NW China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 2011;42:752-767.
Wei WXLXL, Golberg D, Chen Q, Bando Y, Peng LM. Phonon-Assisted Electron Emission from Individual Carbon Nanotubes. Nano Letters [Internet]. 2011;11:734-739. 访问链接Abstract
A question of how electrons can escape from one surfaces has seldom been studied and is still not properly answered. Herein, lateral electron emission from a one-atom-thick surface is thoroughly studied for the first time. We study election emission from side surface of individual electrically biased carbon nanotubes (CNTs) both experimentally and theoretically and discover a new electron emission mechanism named phonon-assisted electron emission. A kinetic model based on coupled Boltzmann equations of electrons and optical phonons is proposed, and well describes experimentally measured lateral electron emission from CNTs. It is shown that the electrons moving along biased CNT can overflow from the one-atom-thick surface due to the absorption of hot forward-scattering optical phonons. A low working voltage, high emission density, and side emission character make phonon-assisted electron emission pin:nadir promising in electron source applications.
Wei X, Golberg D, Chen Q, Bando Y, Peng LM. Phonon-Assisted Electron Emission from Individual Carbon Nanotubes. Nano Letters. 2011;11:734-739.
Li H, Lin D, Dhonukshe P, Nagawa S, Chen D, Friml J, Scheres B, Guo H, Yang Z. Phosphorylation switch modulates the interdigitated pattern of PIN1 localization and cell expansion in Arabidopsis leaf epidermis. Cell Research [Internet]. 2011;(6):970-978. 访问链接
Slowik JG, Brook J, Chang RY-W, Evans GJ, Hayden K, Jeong C-H, Li S-M, Liggio J, Liu PSK, McGuire M, et al. Photochemical processing of organic aerosol at nearby continental sites: contrast between urban plumes and regional aerosol. ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. 2011;11:2991-3006.Abstract
As part of the BAQS-Met 2007 field campaign, Aerodyne time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometers (ToF-AMS) were deployed at two sites in southwestern Ontario from 17 June to 11 July 2007. One instrument was located at Harrow, ON, a rural, agriculture-dominated area approximately 40 km southeast of the Detroit/Windsor/Windsor urban area and 5 km north of Lake Erie. The second instrument was located at Bear Creek, ON, a rural site approximately 70 km northeast of the Harrow site and 50 km east of Detroit/Windsor. Positive matrix factorization analysis of the combined organic mass spectral dataset yields factors related to secondary organic aerosol (SOA), direct emissions, and a factor tentatively attributed to the reactive uptake of isoprene and/or condensation of its early generation reaction products. This is the first application of PMF to simultaneous AMS measurements at different sites, an approach which allows for self-consistent, direct comparison of the datasets. Case studies are utilized to investigate processing of SOA from (1) fresh emissions from Detroit/Windsor and (2) regional aerosol during periods of inter-site flow. A strong correlation is observed between SOA/excess CO and photochemical age as represented by the NOx/NOy ratio for Detroit/Windsor outflow. Although this correlation is not evident for more aged air, measurements at the two sites during inter-site transport nevertheless show evidence of continued atmospheric processing by SOA production. However, the rate of SOA production decreases with airmass age from an initial value of similar to 10.1 mu g m(-3) ppmv(CO)(-1) h(-1) for the first similar to 10 h of plume processing to near-zero in an aged airmass (i.e. after several days). The initial SOA production rate is comparable to the observed rate in Mexico City over similar timescales.
He SZ, Chen ZM, Zhang X. Photochemical reactions of methyl and ethyl nitrates: A dual role of alkyl nitrates in the nitrogen cycle. Environmental Chemistry. 2011;8(6):529-542.
