科研成果 by Year: 2011

Xu KY, Zhu W, Chen L, DeFilippi C, Zhang J, Xiao R-P. Mechanistic distinction between activation and inhibition of (Na++K+)-ATPase-mediated Ca2+ influx in cardiomyocytes. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications [Internet]. 2011;(2):200-203. 访问链接
Pan D, Liu L-M, Slater B, Michaelides A, Wang E. Melting the ice: On the relation between melting temperature and size for nanoscale ice crystals. ACS Nano [Internet]. 2011;(6):4562-4569. 访问链接
Li C-Y, Zhou W-Z, Zhang P-W, Johnson C, Wei L, Uhl GR. Meta-analysis and genome-wide interpretation of genetic susceptibility to drug addiction. [Internet]. 2011. 访问链接
Lin N, Badie N, Yu L, Abraham D, Cheng H, Bursac N, Rockman HA, Wolf MJ. A method to measure myocardial calcium handling in adult Drosophila. Circulation Research [Internet]. 2011;(11):1306-1315. 访问链接
Liu X, Wang D, Zhao Y, Tu B, Zheng Z, Wang L, Wang H, Gu W, Roeder RG, Zhu W-G. Methyltransferase Set7/9 regulates p53 activity by interacting with Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America [Internet]. 2011;(5):1925-1930. 访问链接
Zhang Y, Lv F, Jin L, Peng W, Song R, Ma J, Cao C-M, Xiao R-P. MG53 participates in ischaemic postconditioning through the RISK signalling pathway. [Internet]. 2011;(1):108-115. 访问链接
Zhang Y, Lv F, Jin L, Peng W, Song R, Ma J, Cao C-M, Xiao R-P. MG53 participates in ischaemic postconditioning through the RISK signalling pathway. Cardiovascular Research [Internet]. 2011;(1):108-115. 访问链接
Zhang Y, Lv F, Jin L, Peng W, Song R, Ma J, Cao C-M, Xiao R-P. MG53 participates in ischaemic postconditioning through the RISK signalling pathway. Cardiovascular Research [Internet]. 2011;(1):108-115. 访问链接
Qu Y, Huang C, Zhang P, Zhang J. Microblogging after a major disaster in China: a case study of the 2010 Yushu earthquake. Proceedings of the ACM 2011 conference on Computer supported cooperative work. 2011:25-34.
Li N, Luo C, Zhu X, Chen Y, Ouyang Q, Zhou L. Microfluidic generation and dynamically switching of oxygen gradients applied to the observation of cell aerotactic behaviour. Microelectronic Engineering. 2011;(8):1698-1701.
Yoo AS, Sun AX, Li L, Shcheglovitov A, Portmann T, Li Y, Lee-Messer C, Dolmetsch RE, Tsien RW, Crabtree GR. MicroRNA-mediated conversion of human fibroblasts to neurons. [Internet]. 2011;(7359):228-231. 访问链接
He S, Wu Y, Yu D, Lai L. Microsomal prostaglandin E synthase-1 exhibits one-third-of-the-sites reactivity. Biochemical Journal [Internet]. 2011;(1):13-21. 访问链接
Li F, Villani M, Kohn R. Modelling Conditional Densities Using Finite Smooth Mixtures. In: Mixtures: Estimation and Applications. John Wiley & Sons; 2011. pp. 123–144. 访问链接Abstract
Smooth mixtures, i.e. mixture models with covariate-dependent mixing weights, are very useful flexible models for conditional densities. Previous work shows that using too simple mixture components for modeling heteroscedastic and/or heavy tailed data can give a poor fit, even with a large number of components. This paper explores how well a smooth mixture of symmetric components can capture skewed data. Simulations and applications on real data show that including covariate-dependent skewness in the components can lead to substantially improved performance on skewed data, often using a much smaller number of components. Furthermore, variable selection is effective in removing unnecessary covariates in the skewness, which means that there is little loss in allowing for skewness in the components when the data are actually symmetric. We also introduce smooth mixtures of gamma and log-normal components to model positively-valued response variables.
Hou L, Wang L, Qian M, Li D, Tang C, Zhu Y, Deng M, Li F. Modular analysis of the probabilistic genetic interaction network. Bioinformatics [Internet]. 2011;(6):853-859. 访问链接
Hou L, Wang L, Qian M, Li D, Tang C, Zhu Y, Deng M, Li F. Modular analysis of the probabilistic genetic interaction network. Bioinformatics [Internet]. 2011;(6):853-859. 访问链接
He S, Lai L. Molecular docking and competitive binding study discovered different binding modes of microsomal prostaglandin e synthase-1 inhibitors. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling [Internet]. 2011;(12):3254-3261. 访问链接
Tang Y, Xu R, Guo G, Yu J, Wang Y, Lai L, Wu K. Molecular engineering. Chemistry Bulletin / Huaxue Tongbao. 2011;(11):970-982.
Liu Y, Jiang Y-A, Si Y, Kim J-Y, Chen Z-F, Rao Y. Molecular regulation of sexual preference revealed by genetic studies of 5-HT in the brains of male mice. Nature [Internet]. 2011;(7341):95-100. 访问链接
Li Q-Q, Luo Y-xiao, Sun C-Y, Xue Y-X, Zhu W-L, Shi H-S, Zhai H-F, Shi J, Lu L. A morphine/heroin vaccine with new hapten design attenuates behavioral effects in rats. Journal of Neurochemistry [Internet]. 2011;(6):1271-1281. 访问链接
Yu S-L, Xie XC, Li J-X. Mott physics and topological phase transition in correlated dirac fermions. Physical Review Letters [Internet]. 2011;(1). 访问链接
