Yang C, Cai X-C, Keyes DE, Pernice M. NKS method for the implicit solution of a coupled Allen-Cahn/Cahn-Hilliard system. In: Erhel J, Gander MJ, Halpern L, Pichot G, Sassi T, Widlund O Proc. 21st International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering. Vol. 98. Rennes, France: Springer; 2014. pp. 819–827. 访问链接
Zhang X, Yang C, Liu F, Liu Y, Lu Y. Optimizing and scaling HPCG on Tianhe-2: early experience. In: Proc. 14th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 2014), Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 8631, part I. Dalian, China: Springer; 2014. pp. 28–41. 访问链接
Yang C, Cai X-C, Bank R, Holst M, Widlund O, Xu J. A fully implicit compressible Euler solver for atmospheric flows. In: Proc. 20th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods (DD-20), Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering. Vol. 91. San Diego, CA, USA: Springer; 2013. pp. 679–686.
Valdes-Garcia A, Xia F, Han S-J, Farmer DB, Dimitrakopoulos C, Oida S, Yan H, Wu Y, Hedges CM, Jenkins KA, et al.Graphene Technology for RF and THz Applications. In: 2013 Ieee Mtt-S International Microwave Symposium Digest. ; 2013. 访问链接
Smooth mixtures, i.e. mixture models with covariate-dependent mixing weights, are very useful flexible models for conditional densities. Previous work shows that using too simple mixture components for modeling heteroscedastic and/or heavy tailed data can give a poor fit, even with a large number of components. This paper explores how well a smooth mixture of symmetric components can capture skewed data. Simulations and applications on real data show that including covariate-dependent skewness in the components can lead to substantially improved performance on skewed data, often using a much smaller number of components. Furthermore, variable selection is effective in removing unnecessary covariates in the skewness, which means that there is little loss in allowing for skewness in the components when the data are actually symmetric. We also introduce smooth mixtures of gamma and log-normal components to model positively-valued response variables.
Yang C, Cai X-C. Newton-Krylov-Schwarz method for a spherical shallow water model. In: Huang Y, Kornhuber R, Widlund O, Xu J Proc. 19th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods (DD-19), Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering. Vol. 78. Zhangjiajie, China: Springer; 2011. pp. 149–155.
Ye PD, Gu JJ, Wu YQ, Xu M, Xuan Y, Shen T, Neal AT. ALD High-k as a Common Gate Stack Solution for Nano-electronics. In: Misra D, Chen Z, Iwai H, Bauza D, Chikyow T, Obeng Y Dielectrics for Nanosystems 4: Materials Science, Processing, Reliability, and Manufacturing. Vol. 28. ; 2010. pp. 51-+. 访问链接