科研成果 by Type: Book Chapter

Gao R, Ye F, Luo G, Cong J. Indoor Map Construction via Mobile Crowdsensing. In: SpringerBriefs in Computer Science. ; 2018. pp. 3–30. 访问链接Abstract
© The Author(s) 2018. The lack of indoor maps is a critical reason behind the current sporadic availability of indoor localization service. Service providers have to go through effort-intensive and time-consuming business negotiations with building operators, or hire dedicated personnel to gather such data. In this chapter, we propose Jigsaw, a floor plan reconstruction system that leverages crowdsensed data from mobile users. It extracts the position, size, and orientation information of individual landmark objects from images taken by users. It also obtains the spatial relation between adjacent landmark objects from inertial sensor data, and then computes the coordinates and orientations of these objects on an initial floor plan. By combining user mobility traces and locations where images are taken, it produces complete floor plans with hallway connectivity, room sizes, and shapes. It also identifies different types of connection areas (e.g., escalators, stairs) between stories, and employs a refinement algorithm to correct detection errors. Our experiments on three stories of two large shopping malls show that the 90-percentile errors of positions and orientations of landmark objects are about 1 \~ 2m and 5 \~ 9°, while the hallway connectivity and connection areas between stories are 100% correct.
Gao R, Ye F, Luo G, Cong J. Introduction of Indoor Map Construction. In: SpringerBriefs in Computer Science. ; 2018. pp. 1–2. 访问链接Abstract
© The Author(s) 2018. We describe the motivation and background of map construction for ubiquitous indoor location-based services, and then give an overview of this book and present how it is organized in the following chapters.
Xie K. The Netherlands East Indies 1926 Communist Revolt Revisited: New Discoveries from Singapore’s Digital Newspaper Archives. In: Chapters on Asia. Singapore: National Library Board; 2018. pp. 267-294. 访问链接Abstract
Many historians consider the 1926/27 PKI Uprisings as important precursors of Indonesia’s nationalist movement, which ultimately led to the country’s independence. When it comes to the actual course of events, however, existing narratives tend to describe the abortive revolts as ill-prepared, poorly organised and easily suppressed – and consequently, of limited impact in shaking the foundation of the Dutch colonial regime. It is also commonly understood that in the aftermath of the rebellions, dutch authorities dealt a crushing blow to the pki and its associated organisations by carrying out large-scale arrests, imprisonments, executions, and banishments. Beyond these facts, however, very little attention has been paid to the deeper meanings that the revolt revealed. as the following sections will demonstrate, the movement created enormous anxiety in the NEI which forced the Dutch colonial government to act with a strong hand. moreover, with frequent exchanges of information and personnel across the Malacca Straits, the NEI uprisings also generated considerable uneasiness in British Malaya.
雷瑭洵. 上古“委”声字的归部. In: 中国语言学(第九辑). 北京: 北京大学出版社; 2018. pp. 23-30.Abstract
雷瑭洵. 《上古汉语:构拟新论》音义关系指误. In: 西域历史语言研究集刊(第十辑). 北京: 科学出版社; 2018. pp. 397-408. 访问链接Abstract
白一平(William H.Baxter)与沙加尔(Laurent Sagart)两位教授的新着Old Chinese: A new reconstruction(《上古汉语:构拟新论》)在古代文献的处理上有不少失当之处,其中音义关系处理为其中一大宗,主要有下述几种情况:1、将别义的异读处理为不别义的异读;2、语音和语义的配合不当;3、滋生方向有误;4、误判同源词;5、对音义关系的年代认识不当。
Dai H, Masui T. Achieving carbon emissions peak in China by 2030: the key options and economic impacts. In: Shinichiro Fujimori, Mikiko Kainuma TM Post 2020 climate action: global and asian perspectives. Singapore: Springer; 2017.
Shao S, Li Z, Liu W. Basic Structures of Relativistic Wave Functions . In: Handbook of Relativistic Quantum Chemistry. Berlin: Springer; 2017. pp. 481-496. 访问链接Abstract
It is shown that relativistic many-body Hamiltonians and wave functions can beexpressed systematically with Tracy-Singh products for partitioned matrices. The latter gives rise to the usual notion for a relativistic $N$-electron wave function: A column vector composed of $2^N$ blocks, each of which consists of $2^N$ components formed by the Kronecker products of $N$ one-electron 2-spinors. Yet, the noncommutativity of the Tracy-Singh product dictates that the chosen serial ordering of electronic coordinates cannot be altered when antisymmetrizing a Tracy-Singh product of 4-spinors. It is further shown that such algebraic representation uncovers readily the internal symmetries of the relativistic Hamiltonians and wave functions, which are crucial for deriving the electron-electron coalescence conditions.
Shao S, Li Z, Liu W. Coalescence Conditions of Relativistic Wave Functions. In: Handbook of Relativistic Quantum Chemistry. Berlin: Springer; 2017. pp. 497-530. 访问链接Abstract
The electron-electron coalescence conditions for the wave functions of the Dirac-Coulomb (DC), Dirac-Coulomb-Gaunt (DCG), and Dirac-Coulomb-Breit (DCB) Hamiltonians are analyzed by making use of the internal symmetries of the reduced two-electron systems. The results show that, at the coalescence point of two electrons, the wave functions of the DCG Hamiltonian are regular, while those of the DC and DCB Hamiltonians have $r_{12}^{\nu}$ type weak singularities, with $\nu$ being negative and of $\mathcal{O}(\alpha^2)$. Yet, such asymptotic expansions of the relativistic wave functions are only valid within an extremely small convergence radius $R_c$ of $\mathcal{O}(\alpha^2)$. Beyond this radius, the behaviors of the relativistic wave functions are still dominated by the nonrelativistic limit. 
Fujimori S, Kubota I, Dai H, Takahashi K, Hasegawa T, Liu J-Y, Hijioka Y, Masui T, Takimi M. The Effectiveness of the International Emissions Trading under the Paris Agreement. In: Shinichiro Fujimori, Mikiko Kainuma TM Post 2020 climate action: global and asian perspectives. Singapore: Springer; 2017.
Huang M, Xiong X, Li T, Wu Y. High performance transistors based on two dimensional materials. In: Qin YJ, Hong ZL, Tang TA 2017 Ieee 12th International Conference on Asic. ; 2017. pp. 1053-1056. 访问链接
Shukla PR, Mittal S, Liu J-Y, Fujimori S, Dai H, Zhang R. India INDC Assessment: Emission Gap Between Pledged Target and 2 °C Target. In: Shinichiro Fujimori, Mikiko Kainuma TM Post 2020 climate action: global and asian perspectives. Singapore: Springer; 2017.
Liu W, Shao S, Li Z. Relativistic Explicit Correlation: Problems and Solutions. In: Handbook of Relativistic Quantum Chemistry. Berlin: Springer; 2017. pp. 531-545. 访问链接Abstract
The fundamental problems inherent in relativistic explicit correlation are highlighted, with practical suggestions for guiding future development of relativistic explicitly correlated wave function methods. 
Guo S, Zheng J, Hu M. Spatial distributions, chemical properties, and sources of ambient particulate matters in China. In: Air Pollution in Eastern Asia-An Integrated Perspective. Springer International Publishing AG; 2017.
肖珑,刘雅琼,张春红,张海舰. 北大读书讲座:汇聚名家大师,分享阅读人生. In: 大学图书馆阅读推广. 北京: 朝华出版社; 2017.
李世娟. 国外健康信息化发展论述. In: 李广建主编. 情报学与信息管理研究文集. 北京: 北京大学出版社; 2017. pp. 200-206.
肖珑. 大数据分析在CASHL资源共建共享中的应用. In: 书海同舟——中美高校图书馆合作发展论坛论文荟萃(2011-2015). 北京: 社科文献出版社; 2017. pp. 17-34.
王虹峥, 王军, 刘宇, 侯惠如., 赵禾欣, 张玲, 赵忻怡. 第一章照护师职业培训总论 . In: 失智老人照护师. 北京: 北京出版集团公司; 2017. pp. 1-12.
郭锡良. 访谈:乙未初冬访郭锡良先生. In: 北斗语言学(第二辑). 上海: 上海古籍出版社; 2017. pp. 243-248. 访问链接
关志英,肖珑. CASHL模式. In: 信息资源共享. 第二版. 北京: 高等教育出版社; 2016. pp. 273-285.
肖珑,姚伯岳. The Construction and Development of the Academic Digital Library of Chinese Ancient Collections. In: Academic Library Development and Administration in China. Hershey,PA, USA: IGI Global; 2016. pp. 126-135. 访问链接
