科研成果 by Type: Book Chapter

宋洁, 赵越, 王娟, 王世东. 第五章 数据交易. In: 数据要素五论:信息、权属、价值、安全、交易. 北京: 北京大学出版社; 2022. 访问链接Abstract
随着数字技术的迅猛发展与数字应用的广泛普及,人类社会积累的数据种类、规模及其经济、社会和政治价值的挖掘与应用,正以前所未有的方式加速扩张,数据已从单纯作为事实或信息的载体,转变为数字时代的资源和资产,甚至被定义为生产要素。 在顶层设计方面,国家高度重视数据资源,并在政策领域逐步明晰数据作为生产要素的战略地位。2017年12月,习近平总书记在中共中央政治局第二次集体学习时强调,要构建以数据为关键要素的数字经济。2019年10月,党的十九届四中全会提出要“健全劳动、资本、土地、知识、技术、管理、数据等生产要素由市场评价贡献、按贡献决定报酬的机制”。2020年3月,《中共中央 国务院关于构建更加完善的要素市场化配置体制机制的意见》明确将数据视作一种新型生产要素,与土地、劳动力、资本、技术等传统生产要素并列,提出要加快培育数据要素市场,为进一步发挥数据生产要素的作用指明了方向。2021年3月,中央在“十四五”规划中明确强调,迎接数字时代,激活数据要素潜能,推进网络强国建设,建立健全数据要素市场规则,统筹数据开发利用、隐私保护和公共安全,培育规范的数据交易平台和市场主体。在实践层面上,在实践层面上,数据已成为日益重要的经济资源和生产资料,数据的生产、汇集、开发、利用、数据相关技术及产业创新已成为世界经济发展的重要驱动力。作为新的生产要素,数据正驱动着中国和世界主要经济体生产方式和经济形态的变革,推动着社会变革和制度变迁。因此,正确理解数据要素俨然成为理解数字时代的入手点。正因为如此,与之相关的各类探讨也不胜枚举。为此,我们认为有必要在纷繁的研究与讨论中,梳理出一条由发展背景到关键要素识别、再到明晰关键要素特性分析的研究主线。
Xie K. Harnessing Nationalism: Competition in Chinese Education in the Late-Colonial Dutch East Indies. In: Empire Competition: Southeast Asia as a Site of Imperial Contestation. New York: Pace University Press; 2021. pp. 109-131.Abstract
The Dutch East Indies government adopted the so-called Ethical Policy in the early 20th century, resulting in complex repercussions for Chinese minorities. Education was among the most contended battleground between Dutch authorities and the Chinese community and within the Chinese community itself. While the establishment of the Tiong Hoa Hwe Koan schools galvanized the rise of Chinese nationalistic sentiment, the colonial government also founded a Dutch-language school system specifically tailored for the Chinese to counterweight the potential ideological threat. By exploring the competitions and intricacies between the two systems, this paper seeks to problematize the existing literature that predominantly focuses on only one side of the story. The paper argues that the emergence of the two systems was neither a natural result of the Dutch Ethical Policy nor merely driven by the Indies Chinese’s desperate demand for education. Instead, it vividly reflects various tensions within the heterogeneous Chinese community and its entangled relationships with the transforming colonial state and the ancestral homeland.
Zhang M. Le Monde Chinois: Importation et Assimilation du Yoga. In: Yoga: L'encyclopédie. Paris: Albin Michel; 2021. pp. 50-56.
Zhang M. Re-discovering Buddha's Land: The Transnational Formative Years of China's Indology. In: Translocal Lives and Religion: Connections between Asia and Europe in the Late Modern World. Sheffield: Equinox; 2021. pp. 149-168. 访问链接
Cheng Z, Shi J, Yuan C, Kim S, Graham S. Thermal science and engineering of β-Ga2O3 materials and devices. In: Ultrawide Bandgap Semiconductors. Academic Press; 2021. pp. 77.
Xie K. (Un)Preparing a Revolution: The Comintern in the Prelude to the 1926–1927 Uprisings in Indonesia. In: The Russian Revolution in Asia: From Baku to Batavia. London: Routledge; 2021. pp. 122-137. 访问链接Abstract
This chapter assesses the 1926-1927 Uprising in Indonesia across several interconnected geographic and institutional scales: In the Comintern, where exiled leaders of the Partai Komunis Indonesia conferred with Comintern representatives about the situation at home; in the highest levels of the Politburo, where disagreements over revolutionary tactics in China exacerbated the power struggle between Stalin and Trotsky; and in Indonesia itself, where colonial repression inspired the abortive uprising. In so doing, this chapter shows how the Uprising demonstrated the limits of internationalism. As PKI leaders were unable to maintain effective contact with the movement in Indonesia, gaps in information undermined decision-making and led to conflict over the applicability of Russian models to the Indonesian context. Debates over Moscow’s China policy diverted attention from other territories and drew PKI members into the Stalin-Trotsky feud. Comintern support for the Uprising, therefore, did not materialize, further undermining the communist movement in Indonesia.
张忞煜. 司法制度. In: 印度政治制度. 北京: 中国社会科学出版社; 2021. pp. 152-207.
王志恒, 郑华, 储诚进, 陈迪马, 刘晓娟, 王少鹏, 牛克昌, 唐志尧, 周健, 李耀琪, et al. 生物多样性与生态系统功能及服务. In: 方精云, 刘玲莉 生态系统生态学回顾与展望. 北京: 高等教育出版社; 2021. pp. 161-211.
赵忻怡. 第5篇 社会保障政策. In: 劳动与雇佣政策. 北京: 中国人民大学出版社; 2021. pp. 153-215.
肖珑. 高校图书馆组织机构 . In: 高校图书馆员应知应会. 北京: 国家图书馆出版社; 2021. pp. 33-65.
Xie K. Various Forms of Chineseness in the Origins of Southeast Asian Communism. In: Left Transnationalism: The Communist International and the National, Colonial, and Racial Questions. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press; 2020. pp. 286-314. 访问链接Abstract
People often see the origins of communist movements in Southeast Asia and the region’s overseas Chinese community as closely intertwined. This perception is evident in the cases of densely Chinesepopulated areas such as Malaya and Siam (Thailand), as well as places like Vietnam and Cambodia, where China’s influence has been historically strong in both political and cultural domains. Admittedly, it is very convenient to connect many Chinese-involved communist activities in Southeast Asia to the emergence of the communist party in China, but the simplistic argument – that Southeast Asia imports communism from China – is severely problematic. While overseas Chinese...
雷瑭洵. 上古汉语“告”的音义、句法及其演变. In: 语言学论丛. Vol. 61. 北京: 商务印书馆; 2020.Abstract
张忞煜. 伊斯兰文化的印度化与近代早期印度民族建构. In: 新世界史. Vol. 4. 北京: 社会科学文献出版社; 2020. pp. 30-39.
厉以宁发展与贫困治理思想述评. In: 一生治学当如此:厉以宁经济理论述评. Vol. 13. 商务印书馆; 2020. pp. 204–218. 全书介绍 ISBN: 978-7-100-18534-9Abstract
Liu K, Ostadhassan M, Cai J. Chapter 1 - Characterizing Pore Size Distributions of Shale. In: Cai J, Hu X Petrophysical Characterization and Fluids Transport in Unconventional Reservoirs. Elsevier; 2019. pp. 3-20. 访问链接Abstract
Research on unconventional shale reservoirs has increased dramatically due to the decline of shale production from conventional reserves. Pore structure analysis can assist in accurately understanding the storage and migration properties of the gas and oil that are very critical for the numerical simulation and overall production estimation. In this chapter, three methods (field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM), nitrogen adsorption, and mercury intrusion capillary pressure (MICP)) are introduced and applied to analyze the microstructures of shale rocks. Pore information is derived and analyzed using the three methods. Limitations and strengths of the three methods are also described in this chapter. The results showed that nanopores were widely distributed in the shale samples. FESEM is a straightforward way to view the pores but is limited in characterizing the pores in two dimensions. Nitrogen adsorption can quantify the pores that are <200nm in size. MICP can detect pores with a broad size range from a few nanometers to few hundred micrometers. The pore information from the MICP method reflects the pore throat characteristics.
Cai Y, Yang P, Lyytinen A. Chapter 17: The role of non-research universities in regional innovation systems in China. In: Handbook of Universities and Regional Development. Edward Elgar Publishing; 2019. 访问链接
Zhao X, Chui E. The Development and Characteristics of Universities of the Third Age in Mainland China. In: The University of the Third Age and Active Ageing. Springer; 2019. pp. 157-168.
Zhang M. The Making of Kabīr's Rasa: A Case Study of North Indian Bhakti Intellectual History. In: Early Modern India: Literatures and Images, Texts and Languages. Heidelberg: CrossAsia-eBooks; 2019. pp. 173-189.
Cai Y, Yang P, Lyytinen A. The role of non-research universities in regional innovation systems in China. In: ; 2019. pp. 329-347.
赵忻怡, 罗磊. 医务社会工作与医患沟通. In: 医患沟通艺术. 北京大学医学出版社: 北京; 2019. pp. 186-191.
