
Li A, Shi X, Qiu X, Wei G, Zheng Y, Chen Q, Chen S, Hu M, Zhu T. Organosulfur compounds in ambient fine particulate matter in an urban region: Findings of a nontargeted approach. Science of The Total Environment. 2023;887:164114.Abstract
Organosulfur compounds (OSCs) are important components of fine particulate matter (PM2.5); however, little information is available on OSCs in urban regions due to their chemical complexity, especially for novel species such as aromatic sulfonates. To supplement the detection technique and systematically identify OSCs, in this study we developed a nontargeted approach based on gas chromatography and high-resolution mass spectrometry (GC-HRMS) to screen OSCs in PM2.5 of urban Beijing and provide field evidence for their source and formation mechanism. 76 OSCs were found through mass difference of sulfur isotopes and characteristic sulfur-containing fragments. 6 species were confirmed as aromatic sulfonates by authentic standards. 32 OSCs showed higher levels in the heating season, presumably because of the intensive emission, especially from coal combustion. While certain species, with 2-sulfobenzoic acid as the representative, were 2.6-times higher in the non-heating season than in the heating season. Such species were significantly correlated with ozone and aerosol liquid water content (r = 0.2–0.8, p < 0.05), implying an oxidation-involved aqueous-phase formation in the atmosphere. In addition, with an average proportion of ∼95 % of the total sulfobenzoic acids, the predominance of the 2-substitution product over its isomers of 3- or 4-sulfobenzoic acid suggests a more plausible mechanism of radical-initiated reaction of phthalic acid followed by sulfonation, with atmospheric reactivity indicated by ozone and temperature as the determining factor. This study provided not only a nontargeted approach for OSCs in ambient PM2.5, but also field evidence on their secondary formation proposed in previous simulation studies.
Liu Y, Wu J, Cheng N, Gan P, Li Y, Liu W, Ye J, Tong M, Liang J. The overlooked role of UV185 induced high-energy excited states in the dephosphorization of organophosphorus pesticide by VUV/persulfate. Chemosphere [Internet]. 2023;334:138993. 访问链接Abstract
Vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) based advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) recently attracted widespread interests. However, the role of UV185 in VUV is only considered to be generating a series of active species, while the effect of photoexcitation has long been overlooked. In this work, the role of UV185 induced high-energy excited state for the dephosphorization of organophosphorus pesticides was studied using malathion as a model. Results showed malathion degradation was highly related to radical yield, while its dephosphorization was not. It was UV185 rather than UV254 or radical yield that was responsible for malathion dephosphorization by VUV/persulfate. DFT calculation results demonstrated that the polarity of P-S bond was further increased during UV185 excitation, favoring dephosphorization while UV254 did not. The conclusion was further supported by degradation path identification. Moreover, despite the fact that anions (Cl-, SO42- and NO3-) considerably affected radical yield, only Cl- and NO3- with high molar extinction coefficient at 185 nm significantly affected dephosphorization. This study shed light on the crucial role of excited states in VUV based AOPs and provided a new idea for the development of mineralization technology of organophosphorus pesticides.
Yang X, Li F, Liu W, Chen L, Qi J, Sun W, Pan F, Duan T, Sun F. Oxygen vacancy-induced spin polarization of tungsten oxide nanowires for efficient photocatalytic reduction and immobilization of uranium(VI) under simulated solar light. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental [Internet]. 2023;324:122202. 访问链接Abstract
Tungsten oxide nanowires (WO3−x) with rich oxygen vacancies (OVs) were fabricated through a facile hydrothermal method, which had both high adsorptive capability and photocatalytic activity. 95.1% of total U(VI) (C0 = 10 mg/L) was removed by WO3−x at pH 5, and 79.9% was transformed to U(IV) to achieve reductive immobilization after photocatalysis under simulated solar light. Band structure and optical characterizations indicated WO3−x had narrower band gap energy, but higher charger carrier separation and transfer rates compared with conventional WO3. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations further demonstrate the spin polarization state electrons of W 5d in WO3−x due to the construction of OVs, thus greatly inhibiting recombination of electron-hole pairs. In addition, the electron density increases in WO3−x and the photogenerated e– in the conduction band of WO3−x has higher reduction ability than WO3, leading to more efficient electron transfer from WO3−x to UO22+ after photo-excitation for U(VI) reduction.
Lu K, Zhou H, Lee J, Nelson B, Zhang Y. Ozone mitigations beyond the control of nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds. Science Bulletin [Internet]. 2023;68:1989-1992. 访问链接
Xie J, Yuan X. Partial Heights, Entire Curves, and the Geometric Bombieri–Lang Conjecture. [Internet]. 2023. pdf
Bai F. Pathway and Cost-Benefit Analysis to Achieve China’s ZeroHydrofluorocarbon Emissions. Environ. Sci. Technol. [Internet]. 2023;(57):6474−6484. 访问链接Abstract
Global hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) cumulative emissions will bemore than 20 Gt CO2-equiv during 2020−2060 and have a non-negligible impacton global warming even in full compliance with the Kigali Amendment (KA).Fluorochemical manufacturers (including multinationals) in China haveaccounted for about 70% of global HFC production since 2015, of which about60% is emitted outside China. This study built an integrated model (i.e., DECAF)to estimate both territorial and exported emissions of China under three scenariosand assess the corresponding climate effects as well as abatement costs. Achievingnear-zero territorial emissions by 2060 could avoid 23 ± 4 Gt CO2-equiv ofcumulative territorial emissions (compared to the 2019 Baseline scenario) during2020−2060 at an average abatement cost of 9 ± 6 USD/t CO2-equiv. Under thenear-zero emission (including territorial and abroad) pathway, radiative forcingfrom HFCs will peak in 2037 (60 ± 6 mW/m2) with a 33% peak reduction and 8years in advance compared to the path regulated by the KA, and the radiative forcing by 2060 will be lower than that in 2019. Accelerated phase-out of HFC production in China could provide a possibility for rapid global HFC abatement and achieve greater climate benefits.
Periodate activation by pyrite for the disinfection of antibiotic-resistant bacteria: Performance and mechanisms
Liu F, Hou Y, Wang S, Li Z, Zhang B, Tong M. Periodate activation by pyrite for the disinfection of antibiotic-resistant bacteria: Performance and mechanisms. Water Research [Internet]. 2023;230:119508. 访问链接Abstract
The propagation of antibiotic-resistant bacteria (ARB) greatly endangers the ecological safety and human health. This study employed pyrite (FeS2, naturally abundant mineral) for periodate (PI) activation to disinfect ARB. FeS2/PI system could disinfect 1 × 107 CFU mL−1 of kanamycin-resistant E.coli below the limit of detection in 20 min. Efficient ARB inactivation performance was achieved in pH from 3 to 9, ionic strength from 0 to 300 mM, with HA (0.1–10 mg L−1) in suspension, and in real water samples including tap water, river water and sewage. FeS2/PI system could also efficiently disinfect gentamycin-resistant E.coli and Gram-positive B. subtilis. The generated reactive species including Fe(IV), ·O2– and ·OH would attack cell membrane and overwhelmed intracellular defense system. The intracellular kanamycin resistance genes in cells would be released and then degraded in FeS2/PI system. PI preferred to be adsorbed on Fe site of FeS2 (with lower adsorption energy, more occupancy of bonding state and stronger bonding strength). The subsequent transfer of electron cloud from Fe site to PI would cleave IO bond to generate reactive species. Moreover, FeS2/PI system could also combine with sand filtration system to efficiently capture and disinfect ARB. Therefore, FeS2/PI system is a promising approach to inactivate ARB in different scenarios.
Periodate activation by pyrite for the disinfection of antibiotic-resistant bacteria: Performance and mechanisms. Water Research [Internet]. 2023. 访问链接
Li X, Wang Y, Sun Y, Wu X, Chen J*. PGSS: Pitch-Guided Speech Separation, in Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence.Vol 37.; 2023:13130–13138. 访问链接
He Y, Lu J, Wang X, Shi J-jie. Phonon-mediated superconductivity in the metal-bonded perovskite $\mathrmAl_4\mathrmH$ up to 54 K under ambient pressure. Phys. Rev. B [Internet]. 2023;108:054515. 访问链接
Feng Y, Li X, Millar TJ, Szczerba R, Wang K, Quan D, Qin S, Fang X, Tuo J, Miao Z, et al. Photochemical origin of SiC2 in the circumstellar envelope of carbon-rich AGB stars revealed by ALMA. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences. 2023;10:1215642.
Li Y, Hou J, Wang Z, Dai X, Sun Y, Liu J, Liu Y. Phthalate Levels in Chinese Residences: Seasonal and Regional Variations and the Implication on Human Exposure. National Science Open [Internet]. 2023;2:6. 访问链接Abstract
Indoor pollution of manmade semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs) such as phthalates are a growing threat to human health. Herein we summarize the dust-phase phthalate concentrations in Chinese residences reported from 2011 to 2021 and simulate corresponding airborne concentrations based on equilibrium models. The simulation considers seasonal and regional variations in indoor temperature and PM2.5 concentration, in contrast to the common practice of using constant values. Results show that variations in these two environmental factors lead to up to ten- and six-fold variations in the monthly median gas- and particle-phase concentrations of phthalates, respectively, in residences in individual climate zones. For higher-vapor-pressure species di-n-butyl phthalate and di-isobutyl phthalate, the resultant seasonal and regional variations in aggregate non-diet intake can reach six- and three-fold, respectively. These results have important implications on exposure assessment of SVOCs and epidemiological evaluation of their health effects.
Gao S, Wu X, Qu T. A Physical Model-Based Self-Supervised Learning Method for Signal Enhancement Under Reverberant Environment. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing. 2023;31:2100-2110.Abstract
In a reverberant environment, interferences such as reflections and background noise can degrade the perception of the sound source signal. Although the DNN-based methods have made a tremendous breakthrough in addressing this issue, the performance of these models is highly dependent on the completeness of the training dataset, which will limit its generalization under unknown environments. In this article, we propose a physical model-based self-supervised learning (PMSSL) method to realize the DNN model optimization under unknown scenarios. This method incorporates a room reverberation physical model into the sound source enhancement model optimization process, realizing the self-learning of the DNN model under physical constraints. In this process, the time-frequency characteristics of the input signal and the spatial feature of the reverberation environment are utilized for parameter optimization, improving the adaptability of the DNN model under unknown scenarios. Experimental results based on simulated and measured data prove that the proposed method can obtain much more accurate source signal enhancement results compared with the pre-trained models, verifying its effectiveness and adaptability in new environments.
Chang Y, Gelwick K, Willett SD, Shen X, Albouy C, Luo A, Wang Z, Zimmermann NE, Pellissier L. Phytodiversity is associated with habitat heterogeneity from Eurasia to the Hengduan Mountains. New Phytologist. 2023;n/a.Abstract
Summary The geographic distribution of plant diversity matches the gradient of habitat heterogeneity from lowlands to mountain regions. However, little is known about how much this relationship is conserved across scales. Using the World Checklist of Vascular Plants and high-resolution biodiversity maps developed by species distribution models, we investigated the associations between species richness and habitat heterogeneity at the scales of Eurasia and the Hengduan Mountains (HDM) in China. Habitat heterogeneity explains seed plant species richness across Eurasia, but the plant species richness of 41/97 HDM families is even higher than expected from fitted statistical relationships. A habitat heterogeneity index combining growing degree days, site water balance, and bedrock type performs better than heterogeneity based on single variables in explaining species richness. In the HDM, the association between heterogeneity and species richness is stronger at larger scales. Our findings suggest that high environmental heterogeneity provides suitable conditions for the diversification of lineages in the HDM. Nevertheless, habitat heterogeneity alone cannot fully explain the distribution of species richness in the HDM, especially in the western HDM, and complementary mechanisms, such as the complex geological history of the region, may have contributed to shaping this exceptional biodiversity hotspot.
Xu L, Li K, Zhang M, Guo J, Jia W, Bai X, Tian X, Huang Y. Plastic substrate and residual time of microplastics in the urban river shape the composition and structure of bacterial communities in plastisphere. Journal of environmental management [Internet]. 2023;345:118710. 访问链接Abstract
The widespread secondary microplastics (MPs) in urban freshwater, originating from plastic wastes, have created a new habitat called plastisphere for microorganisms. The factors influencing the structure and ecological risks of the microbial community within the plastisphere are not yet fully understood. We conducted an in-site incubation experiment in an urban river, using MPs from garbage bags (GB), shopping bags (SB), and plastic bottles (PB). Bacterial communities in water and plastisphere incubated for 2 and 4 weeks were analyzed by 16S high-throughput sequencing. The results showed the bacterial composition of the plastisphere, especially the PB, exhibited enrichment of plastic-degrading and photoautotrophic taxa. Diversity declined in GB and PB but increased in SB plastisphere. Abundance analysis revealed distinct bacterial species that were enriched or depleted in each type of plastisphere. As the succession progressed, the differences in community structure was more pronounced, and the decline in the complexity of bacterial community within each plastisphere suggested increasing specialization. All the plastisphere exhibited elevated pathogenicity at the second or forth week, compared to bacterial communities related to natural particles. These findings highlighted the continually evolving plastisphere in urban rivers was influenced by the plastic substrates, and attention should be paid to fragile plastic wastes due to the rapidly increasing pathogenicity of the bacterial community attached to them.
Shi X, Qiu X, Li A, Jiang X, Wei G, Zheng Y, Chen Q, Chen S, Hu M, Rudich Y, et al. Polar nitrated aromatic compounds in urban fine particulate matter: A focus on formation via an aqueous-phase radical mechanism. Environmental Science & Technology. 2023;57:5160-5168.
Fang S, Li Q, Yang C, Wu B, Liu S, Yang J, Ma J, Yang Z, Tang K, Lu J. Polarization tunable bidirectional photoresponse in Van der Waals a −In2Se3/NbX2(X=S,Se,andTe) ferroelectric diodes. Phys. Rev. Materials [Internet]. 2023;7:084412. 访问链接Abstract
Ferroelectric diodes can generate a polarization-controlled bidirectional photoresponse to simulate inhibition and promotion behaviors in the artificial neuromorphic system with fast speed, high energy efficiency, and nonvolatility. However, the existing ferroelectric diodes based on ferroelectric oxides suffer from a weak bidirectional photoresponse (below 1 mA/W), difficult miniaturization, and a large response photon energy (over 3 eV). Here, we design a series of van der Waals �−In2Se3/Nb�2 (� = S, Se, and Te) ferroelectric diodes with bidirectional photoresponse by using ab initio quantum transport simulation. These devices show a maximum bidirectional photoresponse of 30 (−19) mA/W and a minimum response photon energy of 1.3 eV at the monolayer thickness. Our work shows advanced optoelectronic applications of the van der Waals ferroelectric diodes in the future artificial neuromorphic system.
Mei Y, Yang Z, Sun P-F, Zhou S, Guo H, Peng LE, Yao Z, Yang W, Tang CY. Polyelectrolyte-assisted interfacial polymerization for polyamide nanofiltration membrane with enhanced separation and anti-biofouling properties in groundwater treatment. Desalination. 2023;555:116546.
Liu M, Tan P, Xue J, Liu Z, Ouyang H, Jiang D, Xi Y, Sun W, Wang Y, Gai Y. A Portable Self‐Powered Turbine Spirometer for Rehabilitation Monitoring on COVID‐19. Advanced Materials Technologies. 2023;8(15):2300328.
Chen L, Su P, Liu J, Chen S, Huang J, Huang X, Zhang H, Ye B, Yang W, Li W. Post‐synthesis amination of polymer of intrinsic microporosity membranes for CO2 separation. AIChE Journal. 2023;69(6):e18050.
