
厉以宁. 2000年中国经济九大问题. 煤炭企业管理. 2000;(1):12-14.Abstract
通货紧缩会不会结束? 这是大家最关心的问题。过去很多年以来,我们都已经习惯在通货膨胀下生活,然而这几年遇到了通货紧缩,物价连续下跌,市场需求不旺,消费减少。为什么发生通货紧缩呢?最主要的原国是人们的收入预期是紊乱的。紧缩以后造成的一种现象是什么呢?就是下岗的人员增加了,自己没有生活费了,生活没有着落就不会买东西。在这种情况下尽管利率一直在下降,人们还在多存钱。收入预期的不旺,就造成货品积压,反过来就影响到企业。通货紧缩带来的害处,就在于企业赢利的机会大大减少了。企业没有钱赚,相互之间拖欠的债务就会增加。债务拖欠增加了,企业周转不好的话,会进一步促使
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张利, 吴慰慈. 21世纪图书馆读者服务的发展趋势. 大学图书馆学报. 2000;(4):47-49.Abstract
厉以宁. 21世纪我们该培养什么样的人才. 人事与人才. 2000;(11):12-14.
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Califano A, Stolovitzky G, Tu Y. Analysis of gene expression microarrays for phenotype classification. Proceedings / . International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology ; ISMB. International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology [Internet]. 2000:75-85. 访问链接
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Gong L. Applications of Hamiltonian and Laplace Transform in an Economic Growth Model. Acta Mathematica Scientia. 2000;20(4):442-450.Abstract
This paper analyzes the long-run effects and short-run effects of foreign aid on the domestic economy by using the Hamilton system and Laplace transform. It is found that an increase in the foreign aid has no long-run effect on the foreign borrowing, domestic capital accumulation and the foreign direct investment in the home country, but increases the steady-state consumption level the same amount. However, the short-run analysis presents that increasing foreign aid does not affect the initial consumption level and the initial consumption increase rate; but it affects the initial savings positively.
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