2018 IEEE International Microwave Week, at 演讲地点: 费城, 星期三, 六月 15, 2022: 040401webtoc.pdf FR1A : Transistor-Level Biosensor Techniques Chairs: Christian Damm, Universität Ulm and Simon Hemour, IMS (UMR 5218) Room 201A, Time 08:00–09:30, Friday 15 June 2018 FR1A-3 08:50 C Homodyne and Heterodyne Terahertz Dielectric Sensors: Prototyping and Comparison in BiCMOS Technology for Lab-on-Chip Applications Defu Wang, Klaus Schmalz, Mohamed Hussein Eissa, Johannes Borngräber, Maciej Kucharski, Mohamed Elkhouly, Minsu Ko, Yong Wang, H.J. Ng, Jongwon Yun, Bernd Tillack, Dietmar Kissinger IHP, Germany and Robert Bosch, Germany
Probability & Statistics --- Exercises, at 演讲地点: Peking University, 星期五, 十月 8, 2021: Prob_Work.pdf Stat_HW.pdf To prepare for the qualifying exam, click here to download previous years' exam questions.
Perturbative quantum simulation @ IJTCS, at 演讲地点: 北京大学 静园5院, 星期二, 八月 17, 2021: pqs.pptx Title: Perturbative quantum simulation 阅读更多有关 Perturbative quantum simulation @ IJTCS
Overlapped grouping measurement @ International Conference on Quantum Artificial Intelligence, at 演讲地点: Online, 星期五, 七月 9, 2021: ogm.pptx
SPIE OPTICS & PHOTONICS International Congress-Keynote speech, at 演讲地点: SPIE OPTICS & PHOTONICS International Congress, 星期一, 四月 19, 2021 Polarization structured illumination super-resolution microscopy