Welcome to SHEN LAB at Peking University. Our research focuses on:
- Analog, mixed-signal, and RF integrated circuits;
- High-Performance Analog Front-Ends for Sensor Applications
- Imaging systems
- Analog/Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuit Design and Layout Automation
SHEN LAB received a number of awards for his research contributions, including 2024 IEEE CICC Outstanding Student Paper Award (the corresponding author), 2023 IEEE ISSCC the Ananthan P. Chandraksan Distinguished-Technical-Paper Award (the corresponding author), 2018-2019 IEEE Solid State Circuits Society Predoctoral Achievement Award, 2019 the UT Austin Cockrell School of Engineering Fellowship, 2011 the Samsung Fellowship, and 2012 the National scholarship. He serves on the Technical Program Committee of the IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC). He was on the Technical Program Committee of ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference. He was an Associate Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS—PART I: REGULAR PAPERS.
Opening positions available: Ph.D., Master, Research Assistant, Engineer, Undergraduate Interns.
眼光不错哦~ 我们课题组现有成员学习能力突出,且非常高产,很多同学本科阶段就完成了ISSCC的芯片设计和测试。所以:和一群优秀的成员一起工作,你会学到很多,并且希望你也能成长成组里优秀的一员。我们立志于聚集一群志同道合的同学,一起做些有趣的科研。
我们课题组在2025年预计会有三位研究生同学毕业,分别是博士研究生叶思源 (siyuanye at pku.edu.cn),硕士研究生罗建波 (1636967374 at qq.com)、李国锵 (likwokc at stu.pku.edu.cn)。科研成就请看人物标签卡,欢迎联系。
邮箱:linxiao.shen at pku dot edu dot cn
Google Scholar: Linxiao Shen(沈林晓) - Google Scholar