科研成果 by Year: 2014

Yang Y, Ou B, Zhang J, Si W, Gu H, Qin G, Qu L-J. The Arabidopsis Mediator subunit MED16 regulates iron homeostasis by associating with EIN3/EIL1 through subunit MED25. Plant Journal. 2014;(6):838-851.
Zhu D, Wu Z, Cao G, Li J, Wei J, Tsuge T, Gu H, Aoyama T, Qu L-J. TRANSLUCENT GREEN, an ERF family transcription factor, controls water balance. Molecular Plant. 2014;(4):601-615.
Li R, Li J, Li S, Qin G, Novák O, Pěnčík A, Ljung K, Aoyama T, Liu J, Murphy A, et al. ADP1 Affects Plant Architecture by Regulating Local Auxin Biosynthesis. PLoS Genetics [Internet]. 2014;(1). 访问链接