科研成果 by Type: 期刊论文

Yang Y, Ou B, Zhang J, Si W, Gu H, Qin G, Qu L-J. The Arabidopsis Mediator subunit MED16 regulates iron homeostasis by associating with EIN3/EIL1 through subunit MED25. Plant Journal. 2014;(6):838-851.
Zhu D, Wu Z, Cao G, Li J, Wei J, Tsuge T, Gu H, Aoyama T, Qu L-J. TRANSLUCENT GREEN, an ERF family transcription factor, controls water balance. Molecular Plant. 2014;(4):601-615.
Li R, Li J, Li S, Qin G, Novák O, Pěnčík A, Ljung K, Aoyama T, Liu J, Murphy A, et al. ADP1 Affects Plant Architecture by Regulating Local Auxin Biosynthesis. PLoS Genetics [Internet]. 2014;(1). 访问链接
Fan L-M, Qu L-J. What and how, plants do encountering unfavorable stuff?. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 2013:1-.
Fan M, Kang D, Guan H, Chen Z, Qu L-J. A new protein kinase gene SSG1 is essential for adaptation of Arabidopsis to salt stress. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 2013:9-16.
Wang Y, Hou Y, Gu H, Kang D, Chen Z-L, Liu J, Qu L-J. The Arabidopsis Anaphase-Promoting Complex/Cyclosome Subunit 1 is Critical for Both Female Gametogenesis and Embryogenesis. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology [Internet]. 2013;(1):64-74. 访问链接
Tao Q, Guo D, Wei B, Zhang F, Pang C, Jiang H, Zhang J, Wei T, Gu H, Qu L-J, et al. The TIE1 transcriptional repressor links TCP transcription factors with TOPLESS/TOPLESS-RELATED corepressors and modulates leaf development in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell [Internet]. 2013;(2):421-437. 访问链接
Wei T, Ou B, Li J, Zhao Y, Guo D, Zhu Y, Chen Z, Gu H, Li C, Qin G, et al. Transcriptional Profiling of Rice Early Response to Magnaporthe oryzae Identified OsWRKYs as Important Regulators in Rice Blast Resistance. PLoS ONE [Internet]. 2013;(3). 访问链接
Liu J, Zhong S, Guo X, Hao L, Wei X, Huang Q, Hou Y, Shi J, Wang C, Gu H, et al. Membrane-bound RLCKs LIP1 and LIP2 are essential male factors controlling male-female attraction in Arabidopsis. Current Biology [Internet]. 2013;(11):993-998. 访问链接
Miao J, Guo D, Zhang J, Huang Q, Qin G, Zhang X, Wan J, Gu H, Qu L-J. Targeted mutagenesis in rice using CRISPR-Cas system. Cell Research [Internet]. 2013;(10):1233-1236. 访问链接
Sripinyowanich S, Chamnanmanoontham N, Udomchalothorn T, Maneeprasopsuk S, Santawee P, Buaboocha T, Qu L-J, Gu H, Chadchawan S. Overexpression of a partial fragment of the salt-responsive gene OsNUC1 enhances salt adaptation in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana and rice (Oryza sativa L.) during salt stress. Plant Science [Internet]. 2013:67-78. 访问链接
He J, Duan Y, Hua D, Fan G, Wang L, Liu Y, Chen Z, Han L, Qu L-J, Gonga Z. DEXH box RNA Helicase-Mediated mitochondrial reactive oxygen species production in Arabidopsis mediates crosstalk between abscisic acid and auxin signaling. Plant Cell [Internet]. 2012;(5):1815-1833. 访问链接
Luo G, Gu H, Liu J, Qu L-J. Four Closely-related RING-type E3 Ligases, APD1-4, are Involved in Pollen Mitosis II Regulation in Arabidopsis. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology [Internet]. 2012;(10):814-827. 访问链接
Wang Y, Hou Y, Gu H, Kang D, Chen Z, Liu J, Qu L-J. The Arabidopsis APC4 subunit of the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) is critical for both female gametogenesis and embryogenesis. Plant Journal [Internet]. 2012;(2):227-240. 访问链接
Wang W-Y, Zhang L, Xing S, Ma Z, Liu J, Gu H, Qin G, Qu L-J. Arabidopsis AtVPS15 Plays Essential Roles in Pollen Germination Possibly by Interacting with AtVPS34. Journal of Genetics and Genomics [Internet]. 2012;(2):81-92. 访问链接
Zhao Y, Wei T, Yin K-Q, Chen Z, Gu H, Qu L-J, Qin G. Arabidopsis RAP2.2 plays an important role in plant resistance to Botrytis cinerea and ethylene responses. New Phytologist [Internet]. 2012;(2):450-460. 访问链接
Wu R, Li S, He S, Waßmann F, Yu C, Qin G, Schreiber L, Qu L-J, Gu H. CFL1, a WW domain protein, regulates cuticle development by modulating the function of HDG1, a class IV homeodomain transcription factor, in rice and arabidopsis. Plant Cell [Internet]. 2011;(9):3392-3411. 访问链接
Hou X, Liu S, Pierri F, Dai X, Qu L-J, Zhao Y. Allelic analyses of the Arabidopsis YUC1 locus reveal residues and domains essential for the functions of YUC family of flavin monooxygenases. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology [Internet]. 2011;(1):54-62. 访问链接
Ou B, Yin K-Q, Liu S-N, Yang Y, Gu T, Hui JMW, Zhang L, Miao J, Kondou Y, Matsui M, et al. A high-throughput screening system for arabidopsis transcription factors and its application to Med25-dependent transcriptional regulation. Molecular Plant [Internet]. 2011;(3):546-555. 访问链接
Luo Y, Qin G, Zhang J, Liang Y, Song Y, Zhao M, Tsuge T, Aoyama T, Liu J, Gu H, et al. D-myo-inositol-3-phosphate affects phosphatidylinositol-mediated endomembrane function in Arabidopsis and is essential for auxin-regulated embryogenesis. Plant Cell [Internet]. 2011;(4):1352-1372. 访问链接
