
马京晶是北京大学国家发展研究院的管理学副教授(长聘)、木兰学者、BiMBA商学院副院长。她于2015年在凯洛格商学院市场营销系获取博士学位。她的主要研究领域包括消费者行为与决策,公益行为与决策,心理健康与幸福。马京晶的研究成果曾被发表在世界顶尖级学术期刊上,其中包括消费者研究杂志(Journal of Consumer Research), 营销研究杂志(Journal of Marketing Research), 消费者心理学杂志(Journal of Consumer Psychology)和哈佛商业评论(Harvard Business Review)。马京晶的学术成果曾被多家权威媒体报道,其中包括福布斯、世界经济论坛、华尔街日报 、当代心理学、新华社、人民日报等。

Jingjing Ma is an Associate Professor with tenure at National School of Development at Peking University. She received her Ph.D. in marketing from Kellogg School of Management in 2015. Her research focuses on judgment and decision making. Her studies utilize laboratory and field experiments, and leverage eye-tracking techniques and big data analytics. Her primary research area is understanding the benefits and pitfalls of the maximizing mindset and associated psychological mechanisms. She also conducts research to understand how to foster socially beneficial behavior. Her research has appeared in major journals such as Journal of Consumer Research , Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology , and Harvard Business Review. Her work has been featured in numerous media outlets, including the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, World Economic Forum, Washington Post, Atlantic, Scientific American, Psychology Today, and Quartz.


2021年7月–现在, 北京大学, 国家发展研究院, 副教授(长聘)

2015年9月–2021年7月, 北京大学, 国家发展研究院, 助理教授

2008年3月–2009年11月,美国波士顿In4mation Insights,高级分析师


2010年9月–2015年6月, Northwestern University, 市场营销, 博士, 导师: Neal Roese

2010年9月–2012年6月, Northwestern University, 市场营销, 硕士

2006年9月–2008年3月, UCLA, 管理学, 硕士, 导师: Shi Zhang

2003年9月–2006年7月, 北京大学, 经济学, 硕士, 导师: 张黎

1999年9月–2003年7月, 北京大学, 经济学, 学士

1999年9月–2003年7月, 北京大学, 世界历史, 学士, 导师: 张雄







北京银行教学奖, 2017

The Audience Choice Award for research with Aaron Brough, Jim Wilkie, Mathew Issac, and David Gal, The Qualtrics Insight Summit, 2016

Fellow, AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium, 2014

Fellow, Haring Symposium, Indiana University, 2013

TGS Travel Grant, Northwestern University, 2011, 2012

Best Student Poster Award, SJDM, Seattle, WA, 2011

Fellowship, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, 2010-2015

Anderson Fellowship, UCLA Anderson School of Management, 2006, 2007

GMAT 高分奖, 北京, 中国, 2006

挑战杯论文奖, 北京大学, 中国, 2005

光华研究生奖学金, 北京大学, 中国, 2004

杨乃英奖学金, 北京大学, 中国, 2002

光华本科生奖学金, 北京大学, 中国, 2001

新生奖学金, 北京大学, 中国, 2000


腾讯基金会和南都公益基金会资助项目, 主持人, 2022, “中国在线捐赠行为及创新改进策略研究”, 在研。

比尔及梅琳达•盖茨基金会资助课题, 主持人, 2020 -2023, “中国在线捐赠行为及创新性措施的探索”, 在研。

国家高端智库办课题, 主持人, 2020,“以民生为导向培育新消费增长点”, 国务院研究室委托, 在研。

国家高端智库办课题, 主持人, 2019,“走出去高质量发展专题研究”, 交办部委:商务部, 已结题。

国家高端智库办课题, 主持人, 2018,“中国消费升级趋势下的产品高品质标准国际化”, 归属国务院研究室的“推动高质量发展的问题研究”课题, 已结题。

比尔及梅琳达•盖茨基金会资助课题, 主持人, 2017 -2019, “中国在线捐赠行为研究”(050347) , 已结题。

国家自然科学基金面上项目(NSFC),名称:最优化与满意型员工的适应性绩效及其PERMA机制研究,批准号:71772007,项目组主要成员,  2018年1月至 2021年12 月,在研。

国家自然科学基金面上项目(NSFC),名称:消费者网上购物行为与眼动分析,批准号:71672001,项目负责人,2017年1月至 2020年12 月,已结题。




1)    Yang, Haiyang, Jingjing Ma, Neal Roese, and Amitava Chattopadhyay (2021), “Market Disruption Strategies: The Transformation of Xiaomi,” INSEAD Case No. 6608; INSEAD Teaching Note No. 6608. https://publishing.insead.edu/case/xiaomi

2)    Yang, Haiyang, Jingjing Ma, Neal Roese, and Amitava Chattopadhyay (2021), “Market Disruption Strategies: The Transformation of Xiaomi,” Harvard Case No. IN1717; Harvard Teaching Note No. IN1717. https://hbsp.harvard.edu/product/IN1717-PDF-ENG

3)    Yang, Haiyang, Jingjing Ma, Neal Roese, and Amitava Chattopadhyay (2021), “市场颠覆战略:小米的转型之路”INSEAD Case No. 6608 (中文版). https://publishing.insead.edu/case/market-disruption-strategies-transfor...

代表性论文发表  (*通讯作者)

1)    Yang, Haiyang and Jingjing Ma* (2022), “Post-COVID-19 Distress and Unhealthy Consumption Behavior,” Journal of Mental Health. 

2)     Ma, Jingjing, Zichuan Mo*, and Yuanjie Zhao (2021), “Dynamic Luxury Advertising: Using Lifestyle vs. Functional Advertisements in Different Purchase Stages,” Journal of Advertising, 1-18.

3)    Yang, Haiyang, Jingjing Ma, and Amitava Chattopadhyay (2021), “How Xiaomi Became an Internet-of-Things Powerhouse,” Harvard Business Review, 4-26.

Harvard Business Review (Russian Edition): “Как Xiaomi стала IoT-гигантом,” 5-12

Harvard Business Review (Korean Edition): “샤오미가 사물인터넷 시장을 석권한 방법,” 5-17

Harvard Business Review (Chinese Edition): “小米成為物聯網巨擘的關鍵策略,” 6-4 

4)    Yang, Haiyang and Jingjing Ma* (2021), “Factors Associated With Chinese Adults’ Vaccine Acceptance,” JAMA Health Forum, 2(7): e211466. 

5)      Yang, Haiyang and Jingjing Ma* (2021), “Relationship Between Wealth and Emotional Well-being Before, During, versus After a Nationwide Disease Outbreak: A Large-scale Investigation of Disparities in Psychological Vulnerability Across COVID-19 Pandemic Phases in China,” BMJ Open, 11: e044262. 

6)    Yang, Haiyang and Jingjing Ma* (2021), “How the COVID-19 Pandemic Impacts Tobacco Consumption: Changes in Smoking Behavior and Well-being Implications,” Addictive Behaviors, 119 (2021). 

7)    Ma, Jingjing, Zichuan Mo*, and David Gal (2021), “The Route to Improve the Effectiveness of Negative PSAs,” Journal of Business Research, 123 (February), 669-682. 

8)    Yang, Haiyang and Jingjing Ma* (2020), “How an Epidemic Outbreak Impacts Happiness: Factors that Worsen (vs. Protect) Emotional Well-being during the Coronavirus Pandemic,” Psychiatry Research, 289(2020), 113045. 

9)    马京晶,莫子川,石晓伟 (2020),“负面社会推理对消费者购买行为的影响,” 南开管理评论, 23(2), 155-166. 

10)    Goldsmith, Kelly*, Caroline Roux, and Jingjing Ma (2018), “When Seeking the Best Brings out the Worst in Consumers: Understanding the Relationship between a Maximizing Mindset and Immoral Behavior,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 28(2), 293-309. 

11)    Brough, Aaron*, Jim Wilkie, Jingjing Ma, Mathew Issac, and David Gal (2016), “Is Eco-Friendly Unmanly? The Green-Feminine Stereotype and Its Effect on Sustainable Consumption,” Journal of Consumer Research, 43(4), 567-82. 

12)    Ma, Jingjing* and David Gal (2016), “When Sex and Romance Conflict: The Impact of Sex in Advertising on Preference for Romantically-Linked Products and Services,” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. LIII (August 2016), 479-96. 

13)    Ma, Jingjing* and Neal J. Roese (2014), “The Maximizing Mind-set,” Journal of Consumer Research, 41 (1), 71-92. 

14)    Ma, Jingjing* and Neal J. Roese (2014), “The Danger of Touting a Product as ‘the Best’,” Harvard Business Review, 92 (10), 28. 

15)    Ma, Jingjing* and Neal J. Roese (2013), “The Countability Effect: Comparative versus Experiential Reactions to Reward Distributions,” Journal of Consumer Research, 39 (6), 1219-33. 

16)    Ma, Jingjing* and Neal J. Roese (2013), “The Surprising Power of (a Lack of) Numbers,” The European Financial Review (Lead Story), October/November, 40-42.


1)    Ma, Jingjing*, Zichuan Mo, Yuanjie Zhao (2021), “When Lifestyle Advertising Hurts Luxury Brands”, Advances in Consumer Research, v.49.

2)    Ma, Jingjing*, Yu Lin, and Danit Ein-Gar (2019), “Charitable Maximizers: the Impact of the Maximizing Mindset on Charitable Behavior”, Advances in Consumer Research, v.47, 760-761.

3)    Ma, Jingjing*, Kent Grayson, and David Gal (2017), “Increasing PSA Effectiveness: Two Routes from Self-Threat to Message Acceptance,” Advances in Consumer Research, v.45, 764-765.

4)    Ma, Jingjing* and David Gal (2016), “He’s Just Not That Into Anyone: The Impact of Sex Fantasy on Attraction,” Advances in Consumer Research, v.44, 545-545.

5)    Ma, Jingjing*, Ryan Hamilton, and Alexander Chernev (2015), “The Impact of Usage Frequency on Lifestyle Branding,” Advances in Consumer Research, v.43, 142-146.

6)    Ma, Jingjing*, Ying Wang, and Neal J. Roese (2014), “The Impact of the Maximizing Mindset on Decision Time,” Advances in Consumer Research, v.42, 590-591.

7)    Ma, Jingjing* and Neal J. Roese (2013), “The Maximizing Mindset,” Advances in Consumer Research, v.41, 181-185.

8)    Ma, Jingjing* and Neal J. Roese (2012), “The Countability Effect: Comparative versus Experiential Reactions to Reward Distributions,” Advances in Consumer Research, v.40, 106-111.

9)    Ma, Jingjing*, Ryan Hamilton, and Alexander Chernev (2012), “The Unexpressed Self: The Impact of Restricting Freedom of Self-Expression on Brand Preferences,” Advances in Consumer Research, v.40, 95-100.

10)    Ma, Jingjing* and Shi Zhang (2009), “Choosing Between American and Chinese Brands,” Advances in Consumer Research, v.36, 896-897.

11)    Ma, Jingjing* and Shi Zhang (2008), “On the Compatibility of Orientation, Task, and Preference: The Role of Brand Information,” Advances in Consumer Research, v.35, 895-896.

12)    Ma, Jingjing*, Lee Zhang, and Xinxin Ma (2007), “Affect without Cognition,” Advances in Consumer Research, v.34, 389-391.

13)    马京晶*、张实、张黎 (2009), “品牌信息对消费者目标取向、决策任务和产品类型偏好三者间匹配性的影响作用,” 营销科学学报, 5 (1), 13-26.

14)    马京晶*、马欣昕、张黎 (2008), “选择与放弃中对产品实用性和享乐性的不同偏好-以电脑光盘和音乐CD为例,” 营销科学学报, 4 (1), 107-119.

15)    张黎、马京晶* (2006), “消费经验、文化意含与Fishbein模型,” 营销科学学报, 2 (3), 30-43.





南开大学, 2019年7月。

暨南大学, 2018年1月。

广东工业大学, 2017年12月。

中山大学, 2017年12月。

双清论坛, 国家自然科学基金, 2017年9月。

北京大学, 心理学系, 2017年9月。

香港中文大学, 2017年5月。

厦门大学, 2017年4月。

武汉大学, 2017年4月。

上海交通大学, 2016年6月。

人民大学, 2016年5月。

南京大学, 2015年12月。

University of California Riverside, Anderson Graduate School of Management, Nov. 2014.

University of Central Florida, College of Business Administration, Oct. 2014.

北京大学, 国家发展研究院, 2014年10月。

香港大学, 2014年10月。

南阳理工大学, 2014年10月。

University of British Columbia, Sauder School of Business, Oct. 2014.

University of Florida, Warrington College of Business Administration, Sep. 2014.

复旦大学, 2014年8月。

学术会议讲演 (演讲者标粗)

1)    Ma, Jingjing, Zichuan Mo, and Yuanjie Zhao, “When Lifestyle Advertising Hurts Luxury Brands”, presented at Association for Consumer Research Conference, Oct. 2021.

2)    Zhu, Ying, Jingjing Ma, Jiajia Liu, and Jingjing Wang, “The Experiential Brain of Smartphone Users: How Smartphone Use Reshape Thinking Style”, presented at Association for Consumer Research Conference, Oct. 2020.

3)    靳菲、马京晶、David Dubois, “When Intention to Share Increase Variety-Seeking”, 在中国营销科学学会年会,中国, 成都, 2019年10月。

4)    Ma, Jingjing, Yu Lin, and Danit Ein-Gar, “Charitable Maximizer”, presented at Association for Consumer Research Conference, Atlanta, Oct. 2019.

5)    Zhu, Ying, Jingjing Ma, and Jingjing Wang, “A Meta-Analysis of the Antecedents and Consequences of Smartphone Addiction”, presented at Association for Consumer Research Conference, Atlanta, Oct. 2019.

6)    Ma, Jingjing, Mo Zichuan, and David Gal, “Increasing PSA Effectiveness: Two Routes from Self-Threat to Message Acceptance,” presented at La Londe Conference on Consumer Behavior and Communications, La Londe, France, June. 2019.

7)    Jin, Fei, Jingjing Ma, and David Dubois, “When Intention to Share Increase Variety-Seeking: The Role of Self-Enhancement”, presented at Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, Savannah, GA, Mar. 2019.

8)    Mo, Zichuan and Jingjing Ma, “When Compensatory Consumption Backfires: The Pain and Pleasure of Experiential Purchases,” presented at Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, Dallas, TX, Feb. 2018.

9)    Chen, Qihui and Jingjing Ma, “When a Minor Problem Causes a Major Trouble for Experiential Purchases,” presented at Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, Dallas, TX, Feb. 2018.

10)    Ma, Jingjing, Kent Grayson, and David Gal, “Increasing PSA Effectiveness: Two Routes from Self-Threat to Message Acceptance,” presented at Association for Consumer Research Conference, San Diego, CA, Oct. 2017.

11)    Ma, Jingjing, “The Impact of the Maximizing Mindset on Variety Seeking Behaviors,” presented at Association for Consumer Research Conference, San Diego, CA, Oct. 2017.

12)    Ma, Zhenfeng and Jingjing Ma, “The Effect of Maximizing on Consumer Response to Features and Price,” presented at Association for Consumer Research Conference, San Diego, CA, Oct. 2017.

13)    Mo, Zichuan and Jingjing Ma, “When Compensatory Consumption Backfires: The Pain and Pleasure of Experiential Purchases,” presented at Association for Consumer Research Conference, San Diego, CA, Oct. 2017.

14)    Chen, Qihui and Jingjing Ma, “When a Minor Problem Causes a Major Trouble for Experiential Purchases,” presented at Association for Consumer Research Conference, San Diego, CA, Oct. 2017.

15)    Chen, Jia and Jingjing Ma, “The Effect of Nostalgia Advertising on Brand Loyalty,” presented at Association for Consumer Research Conference, San Diego, CA, Oct. 2017.

16)    Mo, Zichuan and Jingjing Ma, “Why Are Luxury Ads So Abstract?” presented at Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, San Francisco, CA, Feb. 2017.

17)    Ma, Jingjing and David Gal, “He’s Just Not That Into Anyone: The Impact of Sex Fantasy on Attraction,” presented at Association for Consumer Research Conference, Berlin, Germany, Oct. 2016.

18)    Goldsmith, Kelly, Caroline Roux, and Jingjing Ma, “When Choosing the Best Brings out the Worst: Maximizing Increases Cheating Due to Greater Perceptions of Scarcity,” presented at Association for Consumer Research Conference, Berlin, Germany, Oct. 2016.

19)    Brough, Aaron, Jim Wilkie, Jingjing Ma, Mathew Issac, and David Gal, “It’s Not Manly Being Green: The Role of Gender Identity Maintenance in Men’s Avoidance of Environmentally-Friendly Behavior,” presented at Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, St. Pete Beach, FL, Feb. 2016.

20)    Brough, Aaron, Jim Wilkie, Jingjing Ma, Mathew Issac, and David Gal, “It’s Not Manly Being Green: The Role of Gender Identity Maintenance in Men’s Avoidance of Environmentally-Friendly Behavior,” presented at Winter Society for Judgment and Decision Making Conference, UT, Jan. 2016.

21)    Roux, Caroline, Jingjing Ma, and Goldsmith, Kelly, “When Choosing the Best Brings out the Worst: Maximizing Increases Cheating Due to Greater Perceptions of Scarcity”, Presented at Society for Judgment and Decision Making Conference, Chicago, IL, Nov. 2015.

22)    Ma, Jingjing, Ryan Hamilton, and Alexander Chernev, “The Impact of Usage Frequency on Lifestyle Branding”, Presented in Symposia Session—“Fashion Signals and Symbols: Beyond Conspicuous Consumption”—at Association for Consumer Research Conference, New Orleans, LA, Oct. 2015.

23)    Ma, Jingjing, Ying Wang, and Neal J. Roese, “The Impact of the Maximizing Mindset on Decision Time”, Presented at Trans-Atlantic Doctoral Conference, London Business School, May. 2015 (Invited Presentation).

24)    Ma, Jingjing, Ying Wang, and Neal J. Roese, “The Impact of the Maximizing Mindset on Decision Time”, Presented in Competitive Paper Session—“Mind-sets and Control in Motivation”—at Association for Consumer Research Conference, Baltimore, MD, Oct. 2014 (Session Chair).

25)    Ma, Jingjing, Ryan Hamilton, and Alexander Chernev, “The Unexpressed-Self: The Impact of Restricting Self-Expression on Brand Preferences”, Presented in Symposia Session—“And Now for Something Completely Different: The Meaning of Life”—at Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, 2014 SCP Proceeding (p.91-92), Miami, FL, Mar. 2014.

26)    Ma, Jingjing and Kent Grayson, “Failure to Compensate: Why Cross-Domain Affirmations Do Not Always Alleviate Identity Threats”, Presented in Symposia Session—“Identity Threats and Consumption: Causes, Cures, and Costs”—at Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, 2014 SCP Proceeding (p.124-125), Miami, FL, Mar. 2014.

27)    Ma, Jingjing and Neal J. Roese, “The Maximizing Mindset”, Presented in Special Session—“Comparative Thinking and Consumer Well-Being”—at Association for Consumer Research Conference, Chicago, IL, Oct. 2013 (co-chaired with Yangjie Gu).

28)    Ma, Jingjing and Neal J. Roese, “The Countability Effect”, Presented at The Haring Symposium, Indiana University, Mar. 2013 (Invited Presentation).

29)    Ma, Jingjing and Neal J. Roese, “The Maximizing Mindset”, Presented at Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, 2013 SCP Proceeding (p.250-251), San Antonio, Texas, Feb. 2013.

30)    Ma, Jingjing and Neal J. Roese, “The Countability Effect”, Presented at Society for Judgment and Decision Making Conference, Minneapolis, MN, Nov. 2012.

31)    Ma, Jingjing, Ryan Hamilton, and Alexander Chernev, “The Unexpressed Self: The Impact of Restricting Self-Expression on Brand Preferences”, Presented at Society for Judgment and Decision Making Conference, Minneapolis, MN, Nov. 2012.

32)    Ma, Jingjing and Neal J. Roese, “The Countability Effect”, Presented in Special Session—“In Pursuit of Happiness”—at Association for Consumer Research Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Oct. 2012 (co-chaired with Haiyang Yang and Neal J. Roese).

33)    Ma, Jingjing, Ryan Hamilton, and Alexander Chernev, “The Unexpressed Self: The Impact of Restricting Self-Expression on Brand Preferences”, Presented in Special Session—“Brands as A Means of Self-Expression”—at Association for Consumer Research Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Oct. 2012 (Session Chair).

34)    Ma, Jingjing and Neal J. Roese, “The Effect of Countability on Satisfaction”, Presented at Society for Judgment and Decision Making Conference, Seattle, WA, Nov. 2011 (Best Student Poster Award).

35)    Ma, Jingjing and Shi Zhang, “Choosing Between American and Chinese Brands”, Presented at Association for Consumer Research Conference, San Francisco, CA, Oct. 2008.

36)    Ma, Jingjing and Shi Zhang, “On the Compatibility of Orientation, Task and Preference: The Role of Brand Information”, Presented at Association for Consumer Research Conference, Memphis, TN, Oct. 2007.

37)    范亭亭、张黎、张实、马京晶, “产品类别风险(PCR)对品牌延伸的影响”, 在中国营销科学学会年会上宣读, 全文被收入2007JMS中国营销科学学术年会论文集[C](p.516-530), 复旦大学管理学院, 中国, 上海, 2007.

38)    马京晶、张黎、马欣昕, “情感主导的品牌购买意愿”,  在中国营销科学学会年会上宣读并被列入候选优秀论文, 全文被收入2006JMS中国营销科学学术年会论文专集[C](光盘A-第四组), 武汉大学经济与管理学院, 中国, 武汉, 2006.

39)    Ma, Jingjing, Xinxin Ma, and Lee Zhang, “Affect without Cognition”, Presented at Association for Consumer Research Conference, Orlando, FL, Sep. 2006.

40)    张黎、马京晶, “消费者对产品的消费经验、产品的文化意含与Fishbein模型”, 在中国营销科学学会年会上宣读,全文被收入2005JMS中国营销科学学术年会论文专集[C](p.188-201), 北京大学光华管理学院, 中国, 北京, 2005.

41)    严焱、马京晶, “企业战略和城市变迁——湖北省十堰市原有汽车工业的定位与该市今后发展对策研究”, 在中国经济学年会上宣读, 中国, 天津, 2004.


Seminar in Consumer Behavior: Judgment and Decision Making
研究生课程 (英文授课)

本科生课程 (英文授课)

Consumer Behavior
MBA课程 (英文授课)

Marketing Research
MBA课程 (英文授课)

EDP 课程(中文授课) 

DPS 课程(中文授课) 



刘佳佳, 2022

莫子川, 2020,中山大学 (助理教授)

靳菲, 2019, 四川大学 (助理教授) (*联合导师)


杨舒涵, 2021, University of Alberta (市场营销博士项目)

林宇, 2020, 香港中文大学 (市场营销博士项目)

张晗雨, 2020, Emory University (市场营销博士项目) (*联合导师)

成亮, 2020; 石晓伟, 2017; 梁芳园, 2017。


英文期刊审稿人:Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Consumer Research, Marketing Letter, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Association for Consumer Research

中文期刊审稿人:南开管理评论, 管理世界, 心理学学报

会议审稿人:Association for Consumer Research Conference, Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, La Londe Conference on Consumer Behavior and Communications

Forbes: Does Unconscious Bias Affect Our Sustainable Lifestyle Choices?
World Economic Forum: COVID-19 drove 74% drop in emotional well-being in China: Study
The Wall Street Journal: Happiness? When It Comes to Rewards, Don't Count On It
The Atlantic: The Agony of Perfectionism
The Washington Post: Your Manliness Could Be Hurting the Planet
New York: Men Are Destroying the Earth Because They Think Environmentalism Is Too Girly
The Guardian: A vexing question: why do men recycle less than women?
Make Change: Can We Finally Close the Green Gender Gap?
NPR: Manliness and Green Living
CBS: Men may avoid being green because they find it “unmanly”
Euornews: Is sustainability a women’s issue?
Scientific American: Men Resist Green Behavior as Unmanly
Journalist’s Resource: Is “going green” unmanly? Gender stereotypes and perceptions of environmentally friendly behaviors
Yahoo! News: Recycling’s Not Just for Women, Bro
ABC (Australia): Paint Nude Women on Solar Panels: How to Get Men to Care about the Environment
Quartz: Studies Show People Think Caring About the Environment Is "Feminine"
Scientific American: Cash Rewards Might Make Us Unhappy
Science Daily: Are You A High Achiever?
Science Daily: Rewards Programs: When Do Consumers Compare Experience Over Value?
Science Daily: Going Green Is for Girls, but Branding Can Make Men Eco-friendly
Broadly: Machismo Is Ruining the Planet, Study Says
Business Standard: Men Willing to Go Green If Products Are 'Masculine'
Hybrid Cars News: Are EVs Not Manly Enough?
Mic: Men Are Ruining the Planet Because They Think Green Products Are "Feminine"
Newser: Men Think Going Green Will Make Them Wimps
Notre Dame News: Going Green Is for Girls — But Branding Can Make Men Eco-friendly
Outside Magazine: What Brands Can Learn from Patagonia's Gender-Neutral Marketing
Portland Press Herald: Commentary: Research Shows Recycling's Not Very Manly
Psych Central: It's Not Easy Being Green -- At Least for Men
Psychology Today: Why It’s Still “Unmanly” to Be Eco-Friendly
Siasat Daily: Men Willing to Purchase Eco-Friendly Things If Products Are 'Masculine'
Slate: Eco-Friendly Branding Must Be Super Manly to Attract Manly Men, Study Says
Sustainable Brands: How Framing Sustainability as Strength Can Help Win Male Audiences
teleSUR English: Survey Shows Men Find Environmentalism 'UnManly'
Treehugger: Men Avoid 'Green Behaviors' to Preserve Their Macho Image
Yahoo! Finance: The Agony of Perfectionism
Medical News Today: Are you a high achiever? Even the best products might leave you dissatisfied
Woman Today India: Aiming high can leave you unhappy
TruthDive: Always aiming too high in life can leave you dissatisfied even with best products
EurekAlert!: Are you a high achiever? Even the best products might leave you dissatisfied
Science Codex: Are you a high achiever? Even the best products might leave you dissatisfied
Science Codex: Rewards programs: When do consumers compare experience over value?
Psychology Today: Numbers Can Influence Satisfaction with Purchases
Business Insider: People Just Compare Their Cash Bonuses, And Usually End Up Unhappy
Quartz: How to Get a Bigger Bonus: Don’t Ask for It in Cash
Examiner: Are You A High Achiever?
Examiner: Psychology of More for Your Money
Kellogg Insight: Excessive Expectations
Kellogg Insight: Would You Like Your Bonus in Cash or Cake?
Business Standard: Always Aiming Too High in Life Can Leave You Dissatisfied Even with Best Products
Phys.org: Are You A High Achiever? Even the Best Products Might Leave You Dissatisfied.
Phys.org: Rewards Programs: When do Consumers Compare Experience over Value?
EurekAlert!: Rewards Programs: When do Consumers Compare Experience over Value?
Atelier: Customer Reward Programmes: Are Non-Monetary Gifts More Effective than Cash
McKnight’s: High Achievers May be More Prone to Product Dissatisfaction, study finds
Sina: China Economics Annual Conference
Johns Hopkins University: Onset of COVID-19 pandemic led to 74% drop in overall emotional well-being
中国网:民众对于战胜疫情非常有信心 北大国发院-百分点联合发布疫情数据报告
搜狐网:民众对于战胜疫情非常有信心 北大国发院-百分点联合发布疫情数据报告
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