
王金霞:北京大学中国农业政策研究中心(CCAP)主任,北京大学现代农学院教授,北京大学“博雅特聘教授”,国家“杰出青年科学基金”获得者。2020、2021和2022年Elsevier发布的应用经济学“中国高被引学者”榜单学者之一,五篇论文被2022年IPCC 第六次评估报告(AR6)第二工作组报告所引用,荣获“北京大学2021-2022学年优秀德育奖” 和“北京大学2022年度中国工商银行奖教金优秀教师奖”。1989-1996年在内蒙古农业大学攻读农业经济管理本科和硕士学位,1996年考入中美联合培养温洛克农业经济博士培训项目(Winrock Lead 21 Program),2000年获中国农业科学院农业经济管理博士,2001-2002年期间应聘为国际水资源管理研究所(IWMI)博士后科学家;2003年到美国加州戴维斯分校做访问学者。2000-2015期间在中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所工作,2015年底应邀加入北京大学现代农学院。被联合国开发计划署、世行、亚行、澳大利亚利亚国际农业研究中心、水利部、财政部等10多家国内外机构聘为咨询专家;水利部水利标准化工作专家委员会成员,若干个国内外核心期刊的编委。研究领域主要包括水资源管理、制度与政策,气候变化经济学、农村环境政策及农村经济转型等。主持了40多项国内外合作项目(例如国家自然科学基金“杰出青年科学基金”项目、重点项目、重大国际合作项目、科技部973课题等)。在国内外知名刊物如《经济研究》《管理世界》《经济学季刊》、JEEM、AJAE等上公开发表学术论文210多篇,大部分被SCI/SSCI收录;出版中英文专著7部,30多个政策报告提交给国办、中办及相关部委。筹划了“现代农业经济管理学系列教材”,是该教材系列首本《变化环境下的适应性灌溉管理》的合著者。培养的研究生一些获得国家奖学金、北京市优秀毕业生和北京大学优秀毕业生等荣誉。

Jinxia Wang: Director of China Center for Agricultural Policy (CCAP) at Peking University (PKU), Professor at the School of Advanced Agricultural Sciences at PKU, “Distinguished Boya Professor” at PKU, Distinguished Young Scholar Award from the National Natural Science Foundation in China. The “Highly Cited Chinese Researchers” in the applied economics in 2020, 2021 and 2022 issued by the Elsevier, 5 papers have been cited in the working group II report in the AR6 of IPCC, honored “Distinguished Moral Education Prize during 2021-2022 of Peking University” and “Distinguished Teacher Awards of ICBC Fellowship in 2022 of Peking University”. During 1989-1996, she received her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Agricultural Economics at Agricultural University of Inner Mongolia, and then in 1996, she was enrolled in the Winrock Lead 21 Program for training Ph.D. candidates of agricultural economics. She received her Ph.D. degree in Agricultural Economics at Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 2000. During 2001-2002, she was hired as Postdoctoral Scientist of International Water Management Institute (IWMI). In 2003, she was visiting scholar of University of California, Davis in US. During 2000-2015, she was researcher in the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research of Chinese Academy of Sciences; in the end of 2015, she was invited to join in the School of Advanced Agricultural Sciences at PKU. She has been consultant for more than 10 international and domestic organizations (such as UNDP, World Bank, ADB, ACIAR, Ministry of Water Resources in China and Ministry of Finance in China), she is invited as the member of the Water Resources Standardization Expert Committee of the Ministry of Water Resources, the editorial board member of several domestic and international Journals. Her research focuses on water management, institution and policy, climate change economics, rural environmental policy and rural transformation. She has led more than 40 domestics and international cooperation projects, such as projects funded the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Distinguished Young Scholar project, key project, international cooperation project) and projects funded by Ministry of Science and Technology. She has published more than 210 papers in both domestic and international journals (such as Economic Research JournalManagement World, China Economic QuarterlyJEEMAJAE), 7 Chinese and English books; she has submitted more than 30 policy briefs to General Office of the State Council and relevant Ministries. She has initiated the textbook series of the “Modern Agricultural and Management Economics”, and the co-author of the first textbook“Adaptive Irrigation Management under Changing Environment”. Some of her PhD Candidates honored the National Scholarship, Distinguished Graduate of Beijing, Distinguished Graduate of Peking University.

