科研成果 by Type: 期刊论文

Wei J, Chandrasekhar V. Local and nonlocal conductance enhancement due to Cooper pair splitting. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2012;(PART 4).
Cadden-Zimansky P, Wei J, Chandrasekhar V. Coherent nonlocal correlations in Andreev interferometers. New Journal of Physics. 2012.
Wei J, Cadden-Zimansky P, Chandrasekhar V, Virtanen P. Thermal fluctuations and flux-tunable barrier in proximity Josephson junctions. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2011;(22).
Wei J, Chandrasekhar V. Positive noise cross-correlation in hybrid superconducting and normal-metal three-terminal devices. Nature Physics. 2010;(7):494-498.
Wei J, Sheet G, Chandrasekhar V. Possible microscopic origin of large broadening parameter in point Andreev reflection spectroscopy. Applied Physics Letters. 2010;(6).
Cadden-Zimansky P, Wei J, Chandrasekhar V. Cooper-pair-mediated coherence between two normal metals. Nature Physics. 2009;(6):393-397.
Karasik BS, Pereverzev SV, Olaya D, Wei J, Gershenson ME, Sergeev AV. Noise measurements in hot-electron titanium nanobolometers. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity. 2009;(3):532-535.
Wei J, Cadden-Zimansky P, Chandrasekhar V. Observation of large h/2e and h/4e oscillations in a proximity dc superconducting quantum interference device. Applied Physics Letters. 2008;(10).
Wei J, Olaya D, Karasik BS, Pereverzev SV, Sergeev AV, Gershenson ME. Ultrasensitive hot-electron nanobolometers for terahertz astrophysics. Nature Nanotechnology [Internet]. 2008;(8):496-500. 访问链接
Karasik BS, Olaya D, Wei J, Pereverzev S, Gershenson ME, Kawamura JH, McGrath WR, Sergeev AV. Record-low NEP in hot-electron titanium nanobolometers. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity. 2007;(2):293-297.
Wei J, Pereverzev S, Gershenson ME. Microwave-induced dephasing in one-dimensional metal wires. Physical Review Letters. 2006;(8).
Karasik BS, Delaet B, McGrath WR, Wei J, Gershenson ME, Sergeev AV. Experimental study of superconducting hot-electron sensors for submm astronomy. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity. 2003;(2 I):188-191.
Wei J, Liu W, Guan W, Xiong G, Yan S. Observation of strong reduction of 1/f noise in Pr0.67Sr0.33MnO3 films. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. 2002;(45):11821-11829.
Wei J, Hou Y, Song P, Chen M, Wu K, Yan S. Observation of a trap effect in N/SNS/N structure. Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications. 2000;(PART 2):1591-1592.