陆蓉静 Rongjing Lu

Ph.D student (2023 - Current)

Master degree in Beihang Univversity (2020-2023)

Bachelor degree in Beihang Univversity (2016-2020)

Emial: rjlu@stu.pku.edu.cn

Research Interest: Environmental fate and risk assessment of chemicals


·Lu, R J., Xia D*., Ma X., Zhao S S., Liu Y S. (2023). Short and medium-chain chlorinated paraffins in indoor dust from a multistory residential building in Beijing, China: vertical distribution and potential health risks. Science of The Total Environment, 2023, 861: 160642.

·Xia D., Vaye O., Lu R J., Sun Y F*. (2021). Resolving mass fractions and congener group patterns of C8−C17 chlorinated paraffins in commercial products: Associations with source characterization. Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 769: 144701.