科研成果 by Year: 2024

Huang D, Siebert J, Sossi P, Kubik E, Avice G, Murakami M. Nitrogen sequestration in the core at megabar pressure and implications for terrestrial accretion. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta [Internet]. 2024;376:100–112. 访问链接Abstract
Nitrogen (N) is the most abundant element in Earth's atmosphere, but is extremely depleted in the silicate Earth. However, it is not clear whether core sequestration or early atmospheric loss was responsible for this depletion. Here we study the effect of core formation on the inventory of nitrogen using laser-heated diamond anvil cells. We find that, due to the simultaneous dissolution of oxygen in the metal, N becomes much less siderophile (iron-loving) at pressures and temperatures up to 104 GPa and 5000 K, a thermodynamic condition relevant to the bottom of the magma ocean in the aftermath of the moon-forming giant impact. Using a core–mantle–atmosphere coevolution model, we show that the impact-induced processes (core formation and/or atmospheric loss) are unlikely to account for the observed N anomaly, which is instead best explained by the accretion of mainly N-poor impactors. The terrestrial volatile pattern requires severe N depletion on precursor bodies, prior to their accretion to the proto-Earth.
Huang D, Li Y, Murakami M. Low Viscosity of Peridotite Liquid: Implications for Magma Ocean Dynamics. Geophysical Research Letters [Internet]. 2024;51. 访问链接Abstract
Transport properties of silicate melts control magma ocean dynamics on the early terrestrial planets and rocky exoplanets. Here we calculate the viscosity (transport of momentum) of peridotite liquid at potential magma ocean conditions (0–159 GPa, 2,200–6,000 K) using ab initio molecular dynamics simulations. We find that, unlike MgSiO 3 or basaltic melts, the viscosity of the highly depolymerized peridotite liquid (a) increases monotonically with pressure without an anomalous drop and (b) is lower than those of other melts over the entire mantle pressure range. Low viscosity would promote fractional crystallization in a less polymerized magma ocean and thus contribute to mantle heterogeneity from its earliest stage. Given the compositional dependence of magma ocean properties, emphasis on multicomponent bulk silicate Earth‐like composition, instead of simple end‐members, are rendered necessary, in order to better understand high‐energy planetary accretion processes and their aftermaths.