科研成果 by Year: 2022

Huang D, Murakami M, Brodholt J, McCammon C, Petitgirard S. Structural evolution in a pyrolitic magma ocean under mantle conditions. Earth and Planetary Science Letters [Internet]. 2022;584:117473. 访问链接Abstract
Structure and properties of terrestrial magma oceans control the co-evolution of the core, mantle and atmosphere of the early Earth, but are poorly understood because discrepancies remain between experiments and theoretical calculations. Here we combine acoustic velocity measurements and ab initio simulations on pyrolite glass/melt with a silicate Earth-like composition. In the complex system, we find a gradual increase of sound velocity with increasing pressure. Through ab initio simulations, this is explicable by the transition from four- to six-fold coordinated Si occurring over the entire mantle regime. These results are at odds with recent X-ray diffraction measurements, which show an abrupt change in Si-O coordination at 35 GPa. It is however consistent with recent high-pressure data, where Ni partitioning between molten metal and silicate exhibits a similar gradual change with pressure. Unlike amorphous silica, smooth structural evolution in a multicomponent system implies progressive changes in magma ocean properties with depth, such as density, element partitioning and transport properties, which, when incorporated into magma ocean models, may improve our understanding of early history of the Earth and other rocky planets.
Huang D, Brodholt J, Sossi P, Li Y, Murakami M. Nitrogen Speciation in Silicate Melts at Mantle Conditions From Ab Initio Simulations. Geophysical Research Letters [Internet]. 2022;49. 访问链接Abstract
Nitrogen (N) is a major ingredient of the atmosphere, but a trace component in the silicate Earth. Its initial inventory in these reservoirs during Earth's early differentiation requires knowledge of N speciation in magmas, for example, whether it outgasses as N 2 or is sequestered in silicate melts as N 3− , which remains largely unconstrained over the entire mantle regime. Here we examine N species in anhydrous and hydrous pyrolitic melts at varying P‐T‐redox conditions by ab‐initio calculations, and find N‐N bonding under oxidizing conditions from ambient to lower mantle pressures. Under reducing conditions, N interacts with the silicate network or forms N‐H bonds, depending on the availability of hydrogen. Redox control of N speciation is demonstrated valid over a P‐T space encompassing probable magma ocean depths. Finally, if the Earth accreted from increasingly oxidized materials toward the end of its accretion, an N‐enriched secondary atmosphere might be produced and persist until later impacts.
Pakhomova A, Collings IE, Journaux B, Petitgirard S, Boffa Ballaran T, Huang D, Ott J, Kurnosov A, Hanfland M, Garbarino G, et al. Host-Guest Hydrogen Bonding in High-Pressure Acetone Clathrate Hydrates: In Situ Single-Crystal X-ray Diffraction Study. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 2022;13:1833–1838.Abstract
The phenomenon of host-guest hydrogen bonding in clathrate hydrate crystal structures and its effect on physical and chemical properties have become subjects of extensive research. Hydrogen bonding has been studied for cubic (sI and sII) and hexagonal (sH) binary clathrates, while it has not been addressed for clathrate structures that exist at elevated pressures. Here, four acetone hydrate clathrates have been grown at high-pressure and low-temperature conditions. In situ single-crystal X-ray diffraction revealed that the synthesized phases possess already known trigonal (sTr), orthorhombic (sO), and tetragonal (sT) crystal structures as well as a previously unknown orthorhombic structure, so-called sO-II. Only sO and sII have previously been reported for acetone clathrates. Structural analysis suggests that acetone oxygens are hydrogen-bonded to the closest water oxygens of the host frameworks. Our discoveries show that clathrate hydrates hosting polar molecules are not as exotic as previously thought and could be stabilized at high-pressure conditions through hydrogen bonding.