
Deng H, Sonnenthal E, Arora B, Breunig H, Brodie E, Kleber M, Spycher N, Nico P. The environmental controls on efficiency of enhanced rock weathering in soils. Scientific Reports. 2023;13:9765.
Eskandari-Ghadi M, Nakagawa S, Deng H, Pride S, Gilbert B, Zhang Y. The role of surface forces in environment-enhanced cracking of brittle solids. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 2023;172:105162.
Deng H, Li L, Kim JJ, Ling FT, Beckingham LE, Wammer KH. Bridging environmental geochemistry and hydrology. Journal of Hydrology. 2022:128448.
Deng H, Breunig H, Apte J, Qin Y. An early career perspective on the opportunities and challenges of team science. Environmental Science & Technology. 2022;56:1478–1481.
Xiong W, Deng H, Stuckman M, Lopano C, Hakala AJ. Fe Oxidation and Species Distribution at the Rock–Fluid Interface of Marcellus Shale Reacted with Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid. Energy & Fuels. 2022;36:8150–8160.
Zhang Q, Deng H, Dong Y, Molins S, Li X, Steefel C. Investigation of coupled processes in fractures and the bordering matrix via a micro-continuum reactive transport model. Water Resources Research. 2022;58:e2021WR030578.
Deng H, Gharasoo M, Zhang L, Dai Z, Hajizadeh A, Peters CA, Soulaine C, Thullner M, Van Cappellen P. A perspective on applied geochemistry in porous media: Reactive transport modeling of geochemical dynamics and the interplay with flow phenomena and physical alteration. Applied Geochemistry. 2022;146:105445.
Deng H, Poonoosamy J, Molins S. A reactive transport modeling perspective on the dynamics of interface-coupled dissolution-precipitation. Applied geochemistry. 2022;137:105207.
Li P, Deng H, Molins S. The Effect of Pore-Scale Two-phase Flow on Mineral Reaction Rates. Frontiers in Water. 2022;3:734518.
Deng H, Navarre-Sitchler A, Heil E, Peters C. Addressing water and energy challenges with reactive transport modeling. Environmental Engineering Science. 2021;38:109–114.
Xiong W, Deng H, Moore J, Crandall D, Hakala AJ, Lopano C. Influence of flow pathway geometry on barite scale deposition in marcellus shale during hydraulic fracturing. Energy & Fuels. 2021;35:11947–11957.
Birkholzer JT, Morris J, Bargar JR, Brondolo F, Cihan A, Crandall D, Deng H, Fan W, Fu W, Fu P, et al. A new modeling framework for multi-scale simulation of hydraulic fracturing and production from unconventional reservoirs. Energies. 2021;14:641.
Deng H, Tournassat C, Molins S, Claret F, Steefel CI. A pore-scale investigation of mineral precipitation driven diffusivity change at the column-scale. Water Resources Research. 2021;57:e2020WR028483.
Deng H, Fitts JP, Tappero RV, Kim JJ, Peters CA. Acid erosion of carbonate fractures and accessibility of arsenic-bearing minerals: In operando synchrotron-based microfluidic experiment. Environmental Science & Technology. 2020;54:12502–12510.
Poonoosamy J, Haber-Pohlmeier S, Deng H, Deissmann G, Klinkenberg M, Gizatullin B, Stapf S, Brandt F, Bosbach D, Pohlmeier A. Combination of MRI and SEM to assess changes in the chemical properties and permeability of porous media due to barite precipitation. Minerals. 2020;10:226.
Rasoulzadeh M, Al Hubail MMH, Deng H, Kuchuk FJ. Hydrodynamic driven dissolution in porous media with embedded cavities. Physics of Fluids. 2020;32.
Rasoulzadeh M, Yekta A, Deng H, B Ghahfarokhi R. Semi-analytical models of mineral dissolution in rough fractures with permeable walls. Physics of Fluids. 2020;32.
Zhang Q, Dong Y, Deng H, Elsworth D. High-resolution characterization of nanoparticle transport in heterogeneous porous media via low-field nuclear magnetic resonance. Journal of Hydrology. 2020;583:124558.
Deng H, Spycher N. Modeling reactive transport processes in fractures. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry. 2019;85:49–74.
Molins S, Trebotich D, Arora B, Steefel CI, Deng H. Multi-scale model of reactive transport in fractured media: diffusion limitations on rates. Transport in Porous Media. 2019;128:701–721.
