Simplicity of mesh generation and robustness against mesh entanglement during large deformations are key attractive features of particle based methods. These features can be exploited in number of engineering problems where traditional techniques suffer due to aforementioned limitations. Numerical modelling of particulate composites is one of such ideal engineering applications where particle based methods can be effectively used due to their simplicity and robustness. Complicated geometrical configurations of particulate composites obtained from techniques such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM) can be easily converted to particle based mesh without loosing much information. This enables more accurate analysis of the chosen composite materials. Therefore, a smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH) based numerical technique is developed here to investigate the mechanical properties and evolution of debonding process in particulate composites. To perform the numerical study, a Lagrangian corrected SPH (CSPH) method is presented together with an appropriate numerical model for treating material interface discontinuity within the particulate composites. The material interface discontinuity is enforced using an innovative method which combines penalty formulation with a bilinear interface cohesive model for SPH method. The proposed SPH methodology is used in a number of numerical examples involving composite materials and related interface problems. The effect of penalty value on the interface model and of the smoothing length of the SPH method are also analysed during these simulations. The results illustrate the effectiveness, robustness and potential of the developed methodology. It is concluded that the proposed numerical techniques can be easily and effectively applied to simulate multi-phase composites with various interface conditions and, can provide useful information regarding the inherent mechanism of damage evolution and fracture of particulate or fibre reinforced composites. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.附注:
524ogTimes Cited:14Cited References Count:21