科研成果 by Type: 期刊论文

Zhao X. Association of edentulism and all-cause mortality in Chinese older adults: do sex differences exist?. Public Health [Internet]. 2023;221:184-189. 访问链接
Zhao X. Unmet needs and depression among spousal caregivers: the mediating role of marital satisfaction. Aging & Mental Health [Internet]. 2023. 访问链接
Zhao X, Li D, Yu N, Zhang Q, Du J, Zhang M. Daytime Napping and Metabolic Syndrome: A 4-Year Follow-Up Study of Chinese Middle-Aged and Older Adults. Research in Gerontological Nursing [Internet]. 2023:1-10. 访问链接
Zhao X, Zhang Q, Ma C, Liu H, Chen Y. Association between Multimorbidity Patterns and Healthcare Costs among Middle-aged and Older Adults in China. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics [Internet]. 2023. 访问链接
赵忻怡, 韩啸, 梁兴堃. 老年群体微信使用对心理健康的影响:社会参与的中介作用. 情报科学. 2022;40(10):82-89.
Zhai X, Zhang Q, Li X, Zhao X*. Association between multimorbidity patterns and catastrophic health expenditure among Chinese older adults living alone. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 2022;106.
Zhao X, Zhang Q, Ji Y, Liu H, Lou VW. Influence of spousal caregiving and living arrangement on depression among husband caregivers in rural China. Aging & Mental Health [Internet]. 2022. 访问链接
Fang B, Huang J, Zhao X*, Liu H, Chen B, Zhang Q. Concurrent and lagged associations of social participation and frailty among older adults. Health and Social Care in the Community. 2022.
Zhang Q, Han X, Zhao X*, Wang Y. Multimorbidity patterns and associated factors in older Chinese: results from the China health and retirement longitudinal study. BMC Geriatrics. 2022;22(1).
丁华, 王堃, 赵忻怡, 严洁. 老年人认知功能状况的相关因素. 中国心理卫生杂志. 2022;36:197-203.
赵忻怡, 杨伟国, 李丽林, 董仟禧. 印度养老保障制度及其启示. 南亚研究季刊. 2021:79-98.
赵忻怡, 张泉. 照料失能配偶对老年女性抑郁程度的影响——基于CHARLS数据的实证分析. 中国卫生事业管理. 2021;38:226-229.
Zhao X, Yu Y-H, Peng M-M, Luo W, Hu S-H, Yang X, Liu B, Zhang T, Gao R, Chan CL-W. Change of poverty and outcome of persons with severe mental illness in rural China, 1994-2015. International Journal of Social Psychiatry. 2021;67(4):315-323.
Zhao X, Li D, Zhang Q, Liu H. Spousal concordance in frailty predicting mental and functional health decline: A four‐year follow‐up study of older couples in urban and rural China. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2021.
梁兴堃, 贺梦洁, 陈琰, 赵忻怡*. 老年人阅读的异质性动机——基于生产性老龄化视角的解读. 图书情报知识. 2021;38:63-76.
Liu H, Chen B, Wang Y, Zhao X*, Hu J. Social affiliation moderates the link between depressive symptoms and heart rate variability in healthy middle‐aged and older individuals: An intensive ecologic momentary assessment study. Psychophysiology. 2021:e13958.
Zhang Q, Zhao X*, Liu H, Yu N, Li D. Association between the metabolic syndrome and muscle weakness among Chinese older adults: results from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study. Geriatric Nursing. 2021;42(6):1415-1421.
Liu H, Li D, Zhao X*, Fang B, Zhang Q, Li T. Longitudinal Impact of Frailty States and Sleep Duration on Subsequent Depressive Symptoms of Older Adults. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2021;69(4):1003-1011.
Zhang Q, Wang Y, Yu N, Ding H, Li D, Zhao X*. Metabolic syndrome predicts incident disability and functional decline among Chinese older adults: results from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research. 2021:1-8.
赵忻怡, 陈奕帆, 刘姝, 付芳. 美国医学院校死亡教育及其启示. 中华医学教育杂志. 2020;40:940-944.
