Mitigating Reactive Nitrogen Loss and Associated Environmental Damages: Opportunities from Changes in Production and Consumption in China at American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA 2016
Effectiveness of Agricultural Ammonia Control Strategies for Mitigating PM2.5 Pollution in China at Ammonia Workshop hosted by the Environment and Climate Change Agency of the Canadian government at Ottawa, Canada 2018
(Invited)Reducing Nitrogen Pollution from Crop Fertilizer Use and Manure Management at Atmospheric Science Seminar of Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 2017
Long-lived Species Enhance Summertime Attribution of North America Ozone to Upwind Sources at American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA 2016
(Invited) Mitigating Reactive Nitrogen and Associated Environmental Damages Through Transforming Our Food Systems at ReCLEAN seminar series (jointed between ETH, EPFL, PSI, WSL and EAWAG Zurich) (online) recording (10/17/2023)
(Invited) Mitigating Reactive Nitrogen Loss and Associated Environmental Damages: Opportunities from Changes in Food Production, Consumption and Supply Chains at the 20th annual meeting of AOGS (Asia Oceania Geoscience Society) (Singapore)
(Invited) Mitigating Reactive Nitrogen pollution: present and future perspectives at the Earth, Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences (EOAS) Thrust of HongKong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) Sep 2023
(Invited) Overlooked Opportunities of Nitrogen Abatement For Improving Near-term Global Air Qual- ity, Human and Ecosystem Health at the American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting (San Francisco) expected Dec 2023
Mitigating Reactive Nitrogen Losses and Associated Environmental Damages in China at the 8th Global Nitrogen Conference (online) 2021
(Invited) Implications of improving food production and consumption for ammonia emissions and air pollution at the Center for Agricultural Resources Research in the Chinese Academy of Sciences 2021