
Yixin Guo is currently a postdoctoral researcher jointed between IIASA and Peking University. She conducts interdisciplinary research on the technological and policy opportunities for a sustainable food future. In particular, her research focuses on agricultural nitrogen cycle, ammonia emissions and associated particulate matter air pollution. In collaborations with Dr. Wilfried Winiwarter and Dr. Petr Havlik at IIASA, Yixin utilizes GAINS and GLOBIOM models to explore opportunities for mitigating agricultural reactive nitrogen pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions.

Yixin is committed to delivering innovative research that can potentially inform policymaking. She loves working with researchers from various disciplines, such as agronomists, atmospheric scientists, public health researchers, and environmental economists. She uses both quantitative (air quality modeling, integrated assessment, cost-benefit analysis and public health analysis) and qualitative research methods (interviews, surveys and scenario analysis).

Yixin received her PhD in environmental studies and public affairs from Princeton University, advised by Prof. Denise L. Mauzerall. Her dissertation focused on China and explored: 1) the potential of improving agricultural N management for improving China's PM2.5 air quality, nitrogen use efficiency and food security and 2) the environmental and health tradeoffs and co-benefits in potential future Chinese dietary choices. 

Yixin received a B.S. in atmospheric and oceanic sciences from the School of Physics at Peking University. She has worked as a volunteer for the Nature Conservancy's Beijing Office on climate change adaptation and as a short-term consultant for the World Bank on China’s nitrogen use.

Find me at Research Gate.