加州大学伯克利分校的Kirk Smith教授于2020年6月15日突然离世,享年73岁。Smith教授是室内空气污染(固体燃料燃烧)的先驱,孜孜不倦地致力于帮助发展中国家改善民众的环境健康问题,是一位在学术和人品上都令人敬仰的前辈科学家。回国后我有幸与Smith教授有过一些接触,得到过他的不少指点;并通过教授《室内空气污染与健康》一课对他的开创性工作有了更深的了解。愿Smith教授安息,我辈继续努力~
Kirk Smith教授网站: http://www.kirkrsmith.org/
I am really shocked and sad to hear this new. I met Kirk for the first time when I just started to work in Peking University 2 years ago and served as his translator during his visit to a leading air quality monitoring company in China. On that trip, I was amazed to know Kirk’s life-long devotion to environmental health issues in the developing countries, truly admired his determination of helping the poor and his efforts of bridging science and policy. As a young faculty who was still figuring out future research direction, I was also inspired by many insights he shared, “health-damaging pollutants must be measured where the people are”, “(do research) following the risk, not following the money”, ect. After that interaction, I met Kirk several times in conferences. Each time he gave me valuable feedback after my talk, reminded me the bigger picture or historical background, and encouraged me to keep exploring something new. These advice and suggestions mean a lot to me.
Kirk will be greatly missed. May his soul rest in peace.