科研成果 by Type: 期刊论文

Zhang S, Zheng Y, Zhan A, Dong C, Zhao J, Yao M*. Environmental DNA captures native and non-native fish community variations across the lentic and lotic systems of a megacity. Science Advances [Internet]. 2022;8(6):eabk0097. 访问链接
Chen X, Kong Y, Zhang S, Zhao J, S Li, Yao M*. Comparative evaluation of common materials as passive samplers of environmental DNA. Environmental Science & Technology [Internet]. 2022. 访问链接
Lu Q, Xiao L, Cheng C, Lu Z, Zhao J, Yao M*. Snow leopard dietary preferences and livestock predation revealed by fecal DNA metabarcoding: no evidence for apparent competition between wild and domestic prey. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution [Internet]. 2021;9:783546. 访问链接
金森龙#, 瞿春茂#, 施小刚, 邹晓艳, 刘俊, 邵昕宁, 姚蒙, 何廷美, 李晟*. 卧龙国家级自然保护区食肉动物多样性及部分物种的食性分析. 野生动物学报. 2021;42(4):958-964.
施小刚, 史晓昀, 胡强, 冯茜, 金森龙, 程跃红, 张静, 姚蒙, 李晟*. 四川邛崃山脉雪豹与赤狐时空生态位关系. 兽类学报. 2021;41(2):115-127.
Shen Z*, Malanson GP, Yao M, Zhang J. Editorial: Temporal patterns and mechanisms of biodiversity across scales in East Asia. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution [Internet]. 2021;9:662454. 访问链接
Zheng Y, Zhang S, Lu Q, Zhang SY, Wang L, Hong M, Nguyen T, Zhao J, Yao M*. Population genetic patterns of a mangrove-associated frog reveal its colonization history and habitat connectivity. Diversity and Distributions [Internet]. 2021;27(8):1584-1600. 访问链接
Shao X, Lu Q, Xiong M, Bu H, Wang D, Shi X, Wang D, Zhao J, Li S*, Yao M*. Prey partitioning and livestock consumption in the world's richest large carnivore assemblage. Current Biology [Internet]. 2021;31:4887-4897. 访问链接
Shao X, Lu Q, Liu M, Xiong M, Bu H, Wang D, Liu S, Li S*, Yao M*. Generalist carnivores as effective biodiversity samplers of terrestrial vertebrates. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment [Internet]. 2021;19(10):557-563. 访问链接
Zhang S, Zhao J, Yao M*. A comprehensive and comparative evaluation of primers for metabarcoding eDNA from fish. Methods in Ecology and Evolution [Internet]. 2020;11(12):1609-1625. 访问链接
Werhahn G*, Liu Y, Yao M*, Cheng C, Lu Z, et al. Himalayan wolf distribution and admixture based on multiple genetic markers. Journal of Biogeography [Internet]. 2020;47:1272-1285. 访问链接
Zhang S, Lu Q, Wang Y, Wang X, Zhao J, Yao M*. Assessment of fish communities using eDNA: effect of spatial sampling design in lentic systems of different sizes. Molecular Ecology Resources [Internet]. 2020;20:242-255. 访问链接
史晓昀,施小刚,胡强,官天培,付强,张剑,姚蒙,李晟*. 四川邛崃山系雪豹与散放牦牛潜在分布重叠与捕食风险评估. 生物多样性 [Internet]. 2019;27(9):951-959. 访问链接
陆琪, 胡强, 施小刚, 金森龙, 李晟, 姚蒙*. 基于分子宏条形码分析四川卧龙国家级自然保护区雪豹的食性. 生物多样性 [Internet]. 2019;27(9):960-969. 访问链接
Wang W, Zheng Y, Yao M*. Low genetic diversity in a critically endangered primate: shallow evolutionary history or recent population bottleneck?. BMC Evolutionary Biology [Internet]. 2019;19:134. 访问链接
Lin M, Zhang S, Yao M*. Effective detection of environmental DNA from the invasive American bullfrog. Biological Invasions [Internet]. 2019;21:2255-2268. 访问链接
邵昕宁, 宋大昭, 黄巧雯, 李晟, 姚蒙*. 基于粪便DNA及宏条形码技术的食肉动物快速调查及食性分析. 生物多样性 [Internet]. 2019;27(5):543-556. 访问链接
Han S, Guan Y, Dou H, Yang H, Yao M, Ge J, Feng L. Comparison of the fecal microbiota of two free-ranging Chinese subspecies of the leopard (Panthera pardus) using high-throughput sequencing. PeerJ [Internet]. 2019;7:e6648. 访问链接
