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Yang W, Son M, Rossi R, Vrouwenvelder JS, Logan BE. Adapting Aluminum-Doped Zinc Oxide for Electrically Conductive Membranes Fabricated by Atomic Layer Deposition. ACS applied materials & interfaces. 2019;12:963–969.
Xu P, Wang HP, Wang X, Yang WL, Yu EH, Yan XJ, others. Impacts of bioturbation from tubificidae on the electrochemical performance and microbial community of sediment microbial fuel cells. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research. 2019;17:9247–9261.
Wang X, Rossi R, Yan Z, Yang W, Hickner MA, Mallouk TE, Logan BE. Balancing water dissociation and current densities to enable sustainable hydrogen production with bipolar membranes in microbial electrolysis cells. Environmental science & technology. 2019;53:14761–14768.
Yang W, Son M, Xiong B, Kumar M, Bucs S, Vrouwenvelder JS, Logan BE. Effective biofouling control using periodic H2O2 cleaning with CuO modified and polypropylene spacers. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 2019;7:9582–9587.
Son M, Kim T, Yang W, Gorski CA, Logan BE. Electro-forward osmosis. Environmental science & technology. 2019;53:8352–8361.
Rossi R, Jones D, Myung J, Zikmund E, Yang W, Gallego YA, Pant D, Evans PJ, Page MA, Cropek DM, et al. Evaluating a multi-panel air cathode through electrochemical and biotic tests. Water research. 2019;148:51–59.
Rossi R, Cario BP, Santoro C, Yang W, Saikaly PE, Logan BE. Evaluation of electrode and solution area-based resistances enables quantitative comparisons of factors impacting microbial fuel cell performance. Environmental science & technology. 2019;53:3977–3986.
Rossi R, Wang X, Yang W, Logan BE. Impact of cleaning procedures on restoring cathode performance for microbial fuel cells treating domestic wastewater. Bioresource technology. 2019;290:121759.
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Zhang F, Liu J, Yang W, Logan BE. Ammonia-based thermoelectrochemical systems and methods. 2019.
Logan BE, Zikmund E, Yang W, Rossi R, Kim K-Y, Saikaly PE, Zhang F. Impact of ohmic resistance on measured electrode potentials and maximum power production in microbial fuel cells. Environmental science & technology. 2018;52(15):8977-8985.
Rossi R, Yang W, Zikmund E, Pant D, Logan BE. In situ biofilm removal from air cathodes in microbial fuel cells treating domestic wastewater. Bioresource technology. 2018;265:200-206.
Son M, Yang W, Bucs SS, Nava-Ocampo MF, Vrouwenvelder JS, Logan BE. Polyelectrolyte-based sacrificial protective layer for fouling control in reverse osmosis desalination. Environmental Science & Technology Letters. 2018;5(9):584-590.
Myung J, Yang W, Saikaly PE, Logan BE. Copper current collectors reduce long-term fouling of air cathodes in microbial fuel cells. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology. 2018;4(4):513-519.
Tian Y, He W, Liang D, Yang W, Logan BE, Ren N. Effective phosphate removal for advanced water treatment using low energy, migration electric–field assisted electrocoagulation. Water research. 2018;138:129-136.
Huang L, Lin Z, Quan X, Zhao Q, Yang W, Logan BE. Efficient in situ utilization of caustic for sequential recovery and separation of Sn, Fe, and Cu in microbial fuel cells. ChemElectroChem. 2018;5(13):1658-1669.
Yang W, Rossi R, Tian Y, Kim K-Y, Logan BE. Mitigating external and internal cathode fouling using a polymer bonded separator in microbial fuel cells. Bioresource technology. 2018;249:1080-1084.
Kim K-Y, Yang W, Logan BE. Regenerable nickel-functionalized activated carbon cathodes enhanced by metal adsorption to improve hydrogen production in microbial electrolysis cells. Environmental science & technology. 2018;52(12):7131-7137.
Logan BE, Zikmund E, Yang W, Rossi R, Kim K-Y, Saikaly PE, Zhang F. Impact of ohmic resistance on measured electrode potentials and maximum power production in microbial fuel cells. Environmental science & technology. 2018;52:8977–8985.
