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Sustainable phosphorus recovery from wastewater and fertilizer production in microbial electrolysis cells using the biochar-based cathode
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Vapor‐phase polymerization of high‐performance thin‐film composite membranes for nanofiltration
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Vapor-phase polymerization of high-performance thin-film composite membranes for nanofiltration
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A polyelectrolyte-based sacrificial protective layer for fouling control in desalination and water filtration
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Comparison of different chemical treatments of brush and flat carbon electrodes to improve performance of microbial fuel cells
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Enhanced electrocatalytic activity and antifouling performance by iron phthalocyanine doped filtration membrane cathode
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Enhanced oxygen reduction activity and high-quality effluent of membrane filtration electrodes with Prussian blue in microbial fuel cells
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A polyelectrolyte-based sacrificial protective layer for fouling control in desalination and water filtration
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Low-cost Fe–N–C catalyst derived from Fe (III)-chitosan hydrogel to enhance power production in microbial fuel cells
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Achieved advanced wastewater phosphate removal via improved ionic interference resistance in a migration-electric-field assisted electrocoagulation (MEAEC) system with modified-biochar pseudocapacitor electrode
Data-driven interpretable analysis for polysaccharide yield prediction
Designing defect enriched Bi2Ti2O7/C3N4 micro-photo-electrolysis reactor for photo-Fenton like catalytic reaction