Wang S, Rodríguez-Escrich C, Fan X, Pericàs MA.
A site isolation-enabled organocatalytic approach to enantiopure γ-amino alcohol drugs. TetrahedronTetrahedron. 2018;74:3943-3946.
AbstractSolid support-enabled site isolation has previously allowed to use paraldehyde as an acetaldehyde surrogate in aldol reactions. However, only electron-poor aldehydes were tolerated by the system. Herein, we show that the temporary conversion of benzaldehyde into η6-benzaldehyde Cr(CO)3 circumvents this limitation. Asymmetric synthesis of (R)-Phenoperidine, as well as formal syntheses of (R)-Fluoxetine and (R)-Atomoxetine, illustrate the benefits of this strategy.
Li M, Berritt S, Wang C, Yang X, Liu Y, Sha S-C, Wang B, Wang R, Gao X, Li Z, et al. Sulfenate anions as organocatalysts for benzylic chloromethyl coupling polymerization via C=C bond formation. Nature CommunicationsNature Communications. 2018;9:1754.
AbstractOrganocatalytic polymerization reactions have a number of advantages over their metal-catalyzed counterparts, including environmental friendliness, ease of catalyst synthesis and storage, and alternative reaction pathways. Here we introduce an organocatalytic polymerization method called benzylic chloromethyl-coupling polymerization (BCCP). BCCP is catalyzed by organocatalysts not previously employed in polymerization processes (sulfenate anions), which are generated from bench-stable sulfoxide precatalysts. The sulfenate anion promotes an umpolung polycondensation via step-growth propagation cycles involving sulfoxide intermediates. BCCP represents an example of an organocatalyst that links monomers by C=C double bond formation and offers transition metal-free access to a wide variety of polymers that cannot be synthesized by traditional precursor routes.
Yao Q, Lin F, Fan X, Wang Y, Liu Y, Liu Z, Jiang X, Chen PR, Gao Y.
Synergistic enzymatic and bioorthogonal reactions for selective prodrug activation in living systems. Nature CommunicationsNature Communications. 2018;9:5032.
AbstractAdverse drug reactions (ADRs) restrict the maximum doses applicable in chemotherapy, which leads to failure in cancer treatment. Various approaches, including nano-drug and prodrug strategies aimed at reducing ADRs, have been developed, but these strategies have their own pitfalls. A renovated strategy for ADR reduction is urgently needed. Here, we employ an enzymatic supramolecular self-assembly process to accumulate a bioorthogonal decaging reaction trigger inside targeted cancer cells, enabling spatiotemporally controlled, synergistic prodrug activation. The bioorthogonally activated prodrug exhibits significantly enhanced potency against cancer cells compared with normal cells. This prodrug activation strategy further demonstrates high tumour inhibition efficacy with satisfactory biocompatibility, pharmacokinetics, and safety in vivo. We envision that integration of enzymatic and bioorthogonal reactions will serve as a general small-molecule-based strategy for alleviation of ADRs in chemotherapy.
Liu L, Liu Y, Zhang G, Ge Y, Fan X, Lin F, Wang J, Zheng H, Xie X, Zeng X, et al. Genetically Encoded Chemical Decaging in Living Bacteria. Biochemistry. 2018;57:446-450.
Fan* X, Gong X, Ma M, Wang R, Walsh PJ *.
Visible light-promoted CO2 fixation with imines to synthesize diaryl α-amino acids. Nature CommunicationsNature Communications. 2018;9:4936.
AbstractLight-mediated transformations with CO2 have recently attracted great attention, with the focus on CO2 incorporation into C–C double and triple bonds, organohalides and amines. Herein is demonstrated visible light -mediated umpolung imine reactivity capable of engaging CO2 to afford α-amino acid derivatives. By employing benzophenone ketimine derivatives, CO2 fixation by hydrocarboxylation of C=N double bonds is achieved. Good to excellent yields of a broad range of α,α–disubstituted α-amino acid derivatives are obtained under mild conditions (rt, atmospheric pressure of CO2, visible light). A procedure that avoids tedious chromatographic purification and uses sustainable sunlight is developed to highlight the simplicity of this method.
Wang R, Ma M, Gong X, Panetti GB, Fan* X, Walsh PJ *.
Visible-Light-Mediated Umpolung Reactivity of Imines: Ketimine Reductions with Cy2NMe and Water. Organic LettersOrganic Letters. 2018;20:2433-2436.