
Shao S, Yang C. Continuous iterative algorithms for anti-Cheeger cut. Communications in Mathematical Sciences [Internet]. 2025;23(3):839-860. 访问链接Abstract
As a judicious correspondence to the classical maxcut, the anti-Cheeger cut has more balanced structure, but few numerical results on it have been reported so far. In this paper, we propose a continuous iterative algorithm (CIA) for the anti-Cheeger cut problem through fully using an equivalent continuous formulation. It does not need rounding at all and has advantages that all subproblems have explicit analytic solutions, the objective function values are monotonically updated and the iteration points converge to a local optimum in finite steps via an appropriate subgradient selection. It can also be easily combined with the maxcut iterations for breaking out of local optima and improving the solution quality thanks to the similarity between the anti-Cheeger cut problem and the maxcut problem. The performance of CIAs is fully demonstrated through numerical experiments on G-set from two aspects: one is on the solution quality where we find that the approximate solutions obtained by CIAs are of comparable quality to those by the multiple search operator heuristic method; the other is on the computational cost where we show that CIAs always run faster than the often-used continuous iterative algorithm based on the rank-two relaxation.
Lei Z, Shao S, Xiong Y. An efficient stochastic particle method for moderately high-dimensional nonlinear PDEs . Journal of Computational Physics [Internet]. 2025;527:113818. 访问链接Abstract
Numerical resolution of moderately high-dimensional nonlinear PDEs remains a huge challenge due to the curse of dimensionality for the classical numerical methods including finite difference, finite element and spectral methods. Starting from the weak formulation of the Lawson-Euler scheme, this paper proposes a stochastic particle method (SPM) by tracking the deterministic motion, random jump, resampling and reweighting of particles. Real-valued weighted particles are adopted by SPM to approximate the high-dimensional solution, which automatically adjusts the point distribution to intimate the relevant feature of the solution. A piecewise constant reconstruction with virtual uniform grid is employed to evaluate the nonlinear terms, which fully exploits the intrinsic adaptive characteristic of SPM. Combining both, SPM can achieve the goal of adaptive sampling in time. Numerical experiments on the 6-D Allen-Cahn equation and the 7- D Hamiltonian-Jacobi-Bellman equation demonstrate the potential of SPM in solving moderately high-dimensional nonlinear PDEs efficiently while maintaining an acceptable accuracy
Deng Y, Shao S, Mogilner A, Xia M. Adaptive hyperbolic-cross-space mapped Jacobi method on unbounded domains with applications to solving multidimensional spatiotemporal integrodifferential equations. Journal of Computational Physics [Internet]. 2025;520:113492. 访问链接Abstract
In this paper, we develop a new adaptive hyperbolic-cross-space mapped Jacobi (AHMJ) method for solving multidimensional spatiotemporal integrodifferential equations in unbounded domains. By devising adaptive techniques for sparse mapped Jacobi spectral expansions defined in a hyperbolic cross space, our proposed AHMJ method can efficiently solve various spatiotemporal integrodifferential equations such as the anomalous diffusion model with reduced numbers of basis functions. Our analysis of the AHMJ method gives a uniform upper error bound for solving a class of spatiotemporal integrodifferential equations, leading to effective error control.
Shao S, Wu Y. An ODE approach to multiple choice polynomial programming. East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics [Internet]. 2025;15(1):1-28. 访问链接Abstract
WeproposeanODEapproachtosolvingmultiplechoicepolynomialprogram- ming (MCPP) after assuming that the optimum point can be approximated by the ex- pected value of so-called thermal equilibrium as usually did in simulated annealing. The explicit form of the feasible region and the affine property of the objective function are both fully exploited in transforming an MCPP problem into an ODE system. We also show theoretically that a local optimum of the former can be obtained from an equilib- rium point of the latter. Numerical experiments on two typical combinatorial problems, MAX-k-CUT and the calculation of star discrepancy, demonstrate the validity of the ODE approach, and the resulting approximate solutions are of comparable quality to those obtained by the state-of-the-art heuristic algorithms but with much less cost. When compared with the numerical results obtained by using Gurobi to solve MCPP directly, our ODE approach is able to produce approximate solutions of better quality in most instances. This paper also serves as the first attempt to use a continuous algorithm for approximating the star discrepancy.
Shao S, Zhang D, Zhang W. A simple iterative algorithm for maxcut. Journal of Computational Mathematics [Internet]. 2024;42(5):1277-1304. 访问链接Abstract
We propose a simple iterative (SI) algorithm for the maxcut problem through fully using an equivalent continuous formulation. It does not need rounding at all and has advantages that all subproblems have explicit analytic solutions, the cut values are monotonically up- dated and the iteration points converge to a local optima in finite steps via an appropriate subgradient selection. Numerical experiments on G-set demonstrate the performance. In particular, the ratios between the best cut values achieved by SI and those by some ad- vanced combinatorial algorithms in [Ann. Oper. Res., 248 (2017), 365–403] are at least 0.986 and can be further improved to at least 0.997 by a preliminary attempt to break out of local optima.
Xiong Y, Shao S. Overcoming the numerical sign problem in the Wigner dynamics via adaptive particle annihilation. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing [Internet]. 2024;46(2):B107-B136. 访问链接Abstract
The infamous numerical sign problem poses a fundamental obstacle to particle- based stochastic Wigner simulations in high-dimensional phase space. Although the existing particle annihilation (PA) via uniform mesh significantly alleviates the sign problem when dimensionality D <= 4, the mesh size grows dramatically when D >= 6 due to the curse of dimensionality and consequently makes the annihilation very inefficient. In this paper, we propose an adaptive PA algorithm, termed sequential-clustering particle annihilation via discrepancy estimation (SPADE), to overcome the sign problem. SPADE follows a divide-and-conquer strategy: adaptive clustering of particles via controlling their number-theoretic discrepancies and independent random matching in each cluster. The target is to alleviate the oversampling problem induced by the overpartitioning of phase space and to capture the nonclassicality of the Wigner function simultaneously. Combining SPADE with the variance reduction technique based on the stationary phase approximation, we attempt to simulate the proton-electron couplings in six- and 12-dimensional phase space. A thorough performance benchmark of SPADE is provided with the reference solutions in six-dimensional phase space produced by a characteristic-spectral-mixed scheme under a 733*803 uniform grid, which fully explores the limit of grid-based deterministic Wigner solvers.
Chou T, Shao S, Xia M. Adaptive Hermite spectral methods in unbounded domains. Applied Numerical Mathematics [Internet]. 2023;183:201-220. 访问链接Abstract
A novel adaptive spectral method has been recently developed to numerically solve partial differential equations (PDEs) in unbounded domains. To achieve accuracy and improve efficiency, the method relies on the dynamic adjustment of three key tunable parameters: the scaling factor, a displacement of the basis functions, and the spectral expansion order. In this paper, we perform the first numerical analysis of the adaptive spectral method using generalized Hermite functions in both one- and multi-dimensional problems. Our analysis reveals why adaptive spectral methods work well when a “frequency indicator” of the numerical solution is controlled. We then investigate how the implementation of the adaptive spectral methods affects numerical results, thereby providing guidelines for the proper tuning of parameters. Finally, we further improve performance by extending the adaptive methods to allow bidirectional basis function translation, and the prospect of carrying out similar numerical analysis to solving PDEs arising from realistic difficult-to- solve unbounded models with adaptive spectral methods is also briefly discussed.
Xiong Y, Zhang Y, Shao S. A characteristic-spectral-mixed scheme for six-dimensional Wigner-Coulomb dynamics. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing [Internet]. 2023;45(6):B906-B931. 访问链接Abstract
Numerical resolution for 6-D Wigner dynamics under the Coulomb potential is faced with the combined challenges of high dimensionality, nonlocality, oscillation, and singularity. In particular, the extremely huge memory storage of 6-D grids hinders the usage of all existing deterministic numerical schemes, which is well known as the curse of dimensionality. To surmount these difficulties, we propose a massively parallel solver, termed the characteristic-spectral-mixed (CHASM) scheme, by fully exploiting two distinct features of the Wigner equation: locality of spatial advection and nonlocality of quantum interaction. Our scheme utilizes the local cubic B-spline basis to interpolate the local spatial advection. The key is to use a perfectly matched boundary condition to give a closure of spline coefficients, so that distributed pieces can recover the global one as accurately as possible owing to the rapid decay of wavelet basis in the dual space, and communication costs are significantly reduced. To resolve the nonlocal pseudodifferential operator with a singular symbol, CHASM further adopts the truncated kernel method to attain a highly efficient approximation. Several typical experiments including the quantum harmonic oscillator and the 1s state of hydrogen demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of CHASM. Nonequilibrium electron-proton couplings are also clearly displayed and illuminate the uncertainty principle and quantum tunneling in phase space. Finally, the scalability of CHASM up to 16000 cores is presented.
Pu Z, Li H, Zhang N, Jiang H, Gao YQ, Xiao Y, Sun Q, Zhang Y, Shao S. Noncollinear density functional theory. Physical Review Research [Internet]. 2023;5(1):013036. 访问链接Abstract
An approach to generalize any kind of collinear functional in density functional theory to noncollinear functionals is proposed. This approach satisfies the correct collinear limit for any kind of functional, guaranteeing that the exact collinear functional after generalization is still exact for collinear spins. Besides, it has well-defined and numerically stable functional derivatives, a desired feature for noncollinear and spin-flip time-dependent density functional theory. Furthermore, it provides local torque, hinting at its applications in spin dynamics.
Shao S, Su L. Nonlocalization of singular potentials in quantum dynamics. Journal of Computational Electronics [Internet]. 2023;22(4):930-945. 访问链接Abstract
Nonlocal modeling has drawn more and more attention and becomes steadily more powerful in scientific computing. In this paper, we demonstrate the superiority of a first-principle nonlocal model—Wigner function—in treating singular potentials which are often used to model the interaction between point charges in quantum science. The nonlocal nature of the Wigner equation is fully exploited to convert the singular potential into the Wigner kernel with weak or even no singularity, and thus highly accurate numerical approximations are achievable, which are hardly designed when the singular potential is taken into account in the local Schrödinger equation. The Dirac delta function, the logarithmic, and the inverse power potentials are considered. Numerically converged Wigner functions under all these singular potentials are obtained with a fourth-order accurate operator splitting spectral method, and display many interesting quantum behaviors as well.
Chen Z, Jiang H, Shao S. A higher-order accurate operator splitting spectral method for the Wigner-Poisson system. Journal of Computational Electronics [Internet]. 2022;21(4):756-770. 访问链接Abstract
An accurate description of 2-D quantum transport in a double-gate metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (dgMOSFET) requires a high-resolution solver for a coupled system of the 4-D Wigner equation and 2-D Poisson equation. In this paper, we propose an operator-splitting spectral method to evolve such Wigner–Poisson (WP) system in 4-D phase space with high accuracy. After the operator splitting of the Wigner equation, the resulting two sub-equations can be solved analytically with spectral approximation in phase space. Meanwhile, we adopt a Chebyshev spectral method to solve the Poisson equation. Spectral convergence in phase space and a fourth-order accuracy in time are both numerically verified. Finally, we apply the proposed solver to the simulation of a dgMOSFET, develop the steady states via long-time simulations and obtain numerically converged current–voltage (I–V) curves.
Xia M, Shao S, Chou T. Efficient scaling and moving techniques for spectral methods in unbounded domains. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing [Internet]. 2021;43(5):A3244–A3268. 访问链接Abstract
When using Laguerre and Hermite spectral methods to numerically solve PDEs in unbounded domains, the number of collocation points assigned inside the region of interest is often insufficient, particularly when the region is expanded or translated in order to safely capture the unknown solution. Simply increasing the number of collocation points cannot ensure a fast convergence to spectral accuracy. In this paper, we propose a scaling technique and a moving technique to adaptively cluster enough collocation points in a region of interest in order to achieve fast spectral convergence. Our scaling algorithm employs an indicator in the frequency domain that both is used to determine when scaling is needed and informs the tuning of a scaling factor to redistribute collocation points in order to adapt to the diffusive behavior of the solution. Our moving technique adopts an exterior-error indicator and moves the collocation points to capture the translation. Both frequency and exterior-error indicators are defined using only the numerical solutions. We apply our methods to a number of different models, including diffusive and moving Fermi--Dirac distributions and nonlinear Dirac solitary waves, and demonstrate recovery of spectral convergence for time-dependent simulations. A performance comparison in solving a linear parabolic problem shows that our frequency scaling algorithm outperforms the existing scaling approaches. We also show our frequency scaling technique is able to track the blowup of average cell sizes in a model for cell proliferation. In addition to the Laguerre and Hermite basis functions with exponential decay at infinity, we also successfully apply the frequency-dependent scaling technique into rational basis functions with algebraic decay at infinity.
Chang K-C, Shao S, Zhang D, Zhang W. Lovász extension and graph cut. Communications in Mathematical Sciences [Internet]. 2021;19(3):761–786. 访问链接Abstract
A set-pair Lovász extension is established to construct equivalent continuous optimization problems for graph k-cut problems.
Chang K-C, Shao S, Zhang D, Zhang W. Nonsmooth critical point theory and applications to the spectral graph theory. SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics [Internet]. 2021;64(1):1-32. 访问链接Abstract
Existing critical point theories including metric and topological critical point theories are difficult to be applied directly to some concrete problems in particular polyhedral settings, because the notions of critical sets could be either very vague or too large. To overcome these difficulties, we develop critical point theory for nonsmooth but Lipschitzian functions defined on convex polyhedrons. This yields natural extensions of classical results in critical point theory, such as the Liusternik-Schnirelmann multiplicity theorem. More importantly, eigenvectors for some eigenvalue problems involving graph 1-Laplacian coincide with critical points of the corresponding functions on polytopes, which indicates that the critical point theory proposed in the present paper can be applied to study the nonlinear spectral graph theory.
Xia M, Shao S, Chou T. A frequency-dependent p-adaptive technique for spectral methods. Journal of Computational Physics [Internet]. 2021;446:110627. 访问链接Abstract
When using spectral methods, a consistent method for tuning the expansion order is often required, especially for time-dependent problems in which oscillations emerge in the solution. In this paper, we propose a frequency-dependent p-adaptive technique that adaptively adjusts the expansion order based on a frequency indicator. Using this p-adaptive technique, combined with recently proposed scaling and moving techniques, we are able to devise an adaptive spectral method in unbounded domains that can capture and handle diffusion, advection, and oscillations. As an application, we use this adaptive spectral method to numerically solve Schrödinger’s equation in an unbounded domain and successfully capture the solution’s oscillatory behavior at infinity.
Shao S, Xiong Y. Branching random walk solutions to the Wigner equation. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis [Internet]. 2020;58(5):2589-2608. 访问链接Abstract
The stochastic solutions to the Wigner equation, which explain the nonlocal oscillatory integral operator $\Theta_V$ with an anti-symmetric kernel as the generator of two branches of jump processes,  are analyzed. All existing branching random walk solutions are formulated based on the Hahn-Jordan decomposition $\Theta_V=\Theta^+_V-\Theta^-_V$, i.e., treating $\Theta_V$ as the difference of two positive operators $\Theta^\pm_V$, each of which characterizes the transition of states for one branch of particles. Despite the fact that the first moments of such models solve the Wigner equation, we prove that the bounds of corresponding variances grow exponentially in time with the rate depending on the upper bound of $\Theta^\pm_V$, instead of $\Theta_V$. In other words, the decay of high-frequency components is totally ignored, resulting in a severe numerical sign problem. To fully utilize such decay property, we have recourse to the stationary phase approximation for $\Theta_V$, which captures essential contributions from the stationary phase points as well as the near-cancelation of positive and negative weights. The resulting branching random walk solutions are then proved to asymptotically solve the Wigner equation, but gain a substantial reduction in variances, thereby ameliorating the sign problem. Numerical experiments in 4-D phase space validate our theoretical findings. 
Shao S, Xiong Y. A branching random walk method for many-body Wigner quantum dynamics. Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications [Internet]. 2019;12(1):21-71. 访问链接Abstract
A branching random walk algorithm for many-body Wigner equations and its numerical applications for quantum dynamics in phase space are proposed and analyzed in this paper. Using an auxiliary function, the truncated Wigner equation and its adjoint form are cast into integral formulations, which can be then reformulated into renewal-type equations with probabilistic interpretations. We prove that the first moment of a branching random walk is the solution for the adjoint equation. With the help of the additional degree of freedom offered by the auxiliary function, we are able to produce a weighted-particle implementation of the branching random walk. In contrast to existing signed-particle implementations, this weighted-particle one shows a key capacity of variance reduction by increasing the constant auxiliary function and has no time discretization errors. Several canonical numerical experiments on the 2D Gaussian barrier scattering and a 4D Helium-like system validate our theoretical findings, and demonstrate the accuracy, the efficiency, and thus the computability of the proposed weighted-particle Wigner branching random walk algorithm.
Chen Z, Shao S, Cai W. A high order efficient numerical method for 4-D Wigner equation of quantum double-slit interferences. Journal of Computational Physics [Internet]. 2019;396:54-71. 访问链接Abstract
We propose a high order numerical method for computing time dependent 4-D Wigner equation with unbounded potential and study a canonical quantum double-slit interference problem. To address the difficulties of 4-D phase space computations and higher derivatives from the Moyal expansion of nonlocal pseudo-differential operator for unbounded potentials, an operator splitting technique is adopted to decompose the 4-D Wigner equation into two sub-equations, which can be computed analytically or numerically with high efficiency. The first sub-equation contains only linear convection term in $(\bm x, t)$-space and can be solved with an advective method, while the second involves the pseudo-differential term and can be approximated by a plane wave expansion in $\bm k$-space. By exploiting properties of Fourier transformation,  the expansion coefficients for the second sub-equation have explicit forms and the resulting scheme is shown to be unconditionally stable for any higher derivatives of the Moyal expansion, ensuring the feasibility of the 4-D Wigner numerical simulations for quantum double-slit interferences. Numerical experiments demonstrate the spectral convergence in $(\bm x, \bm k)$-space and provide highly accurate information on the number, position, and intensity of the interference fringes for different types of slits, quantum particle masses, and initial states (pure and mixed).
Quintero NR, Shao S, Alvarez-Nodarse R, Mertens FG. Externally driven nonlinear Dirac equation revisited: Theory and simulations. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical [Internet]. 2019;52:155401. 访问链接Abstract
The externally driven nonlinear Dirac (NLD) equation with scalar-scalar  self-interaction studied in [J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 49, 065402 (2016)] is revisited. By using a variational method and an ansatz with five collective coordinates, the dynamics of the NLD solitons  is well described. It is shown that this new ansatz possesses certain advantages, namely the canonical momentum agrees with the field momentum, the energy associated to the collective coordinate equations agrees with the energy of the NLD soliton, whereas the ansatz with either three or four collective coordinates does not. Thus the study of the  whole phase space of the system is enhanced. It is also shown that this approach is equivalent to the method of moments: the time variation of the charge,  the momentum, the energy, and the first moment  of the charge. The advantages of the new ansatz are illustrated by means of numerical simulations. 
Chen Z, Xiong Y, Shao S. Numerical methods for the Wigner equation with unbounded potential. Journal of Scientific Computing [Internet]. 2019;79:345-368. 访问链接Abstract
Unbounded potentials are always utilized to strictly confine quantum dynamics and generate bound or stationary states due to the existence of quantum tunneling. However, the existed accurate Wigner solvers are often designed for either localized potentials or those of the polynomial type. This paper attempts to solve the time-dependent Wigner equation in the presence of a general class of unbounded potentials by exploiting two equivalent forms of the pseudo-differential operator: integral form and series form (i.e., the Moyal expansion). The unbounded parts at infinities are approximated or modeled by polynomials and then a remaining localized potential dominates the central area. The fact that the Moyal expansion reduces to a finite series for polynomial potentials is fully utilized. In order to accurately resolve both the pseudo-differential operator and the linear differential operator,  a spectral collocation scheme for the phase space and an explicit fourth-order Runge-Kutta time discretization are adopted. We are able to prove that the resulting full discrete spectral scheme conserves both mass and energy. Several typical quantum systems are simulated with a high accuracy and reliable estimation of macroscopically measurable quantities is thus obtained.  
