科研成果 by Year: 2016

李世娟. 技术:不是答案的全部. 图书馆杂志. 2016;35(04):24-25.
李世娟, 张鹏翼, 黄文彬. 管窥我国出版机构数字化转型——基于三家出版社的调研分析. 出版科学. 2016;2016(01):96-98.
S Li, Yao L, Liu Z, Liu T. Opportunity Or Challenge? When Designing mhealth Applications For Underserved Population: A Case Study On Migrant Workers In China. the 15th International Conference WWW/Internet 2016. 2016:303-306.
Li S. Qualitative Evaluation Of An Innovative 3-D System For Assessment And Feedback Of Chronic Conditions: Ankylosing Spondylitis As An Exemplar Case. International Conference e-Health 2016. 2016:67-74.
Yu B, S Li. Exploring Young People's Perception On The Assessment Of The Credibility Of Online Health Information: A Case Study On University Students In China. the 15th International Conference WWW/Internet 2016. 2016:312-314.