科研成果 by Year: 2014

Chen Y, Xie S. Spatiotemporal pattern and regional characteristics of visibility in China during 1976–2010. Chinese science bulletin. 2014;59:3054–3065.
J.J. S, Z. S, X.Q. L, H. H, C. X, Q.B. C, S.Q. Z, C.Y. S, J. M. Spectroscopy of 74Ge: From soft to rigid triaxiality. Physics Letters B. 2014;734:308.
Cheng R, Xiao J, Niu Q, Brataas A. Spin pumping and spin-transfer torques in antiferromagnets. Physical Review Letters. 2014;(5).
Yang Z-C, Sun Q-F, Xie XC. Spin-current Seebeck effect in quantum dot systems. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. 2014;(4).
Sun H-T, Zhang J, Hou N, Zhang XQ, Wang J, Bai Y. Spontaneous periodontitis is associated with metabolic syndrome in rhesus monkeys. Archives of Oral Biology. 2014;(4):386-392.
Sun H-T, Zhang J, Hou N, Zhang XQ, Wang J, Bai Y. Spontaneous periodontitis is associated with metabolic syndrome in rhesus monkeys. Archives of Oral Biology. 2014;(4):386-392.
Han M, Liu W, Meng B, Zhang X-S, Sun X, Zhang H. Springless cubic harvester for converting three dimensional vibration energy. Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 2014 IEEE 27th International Conference on. 2014:425-428.
Shao S, Quintero NR, Mertens FG, Cooper F, Khare A, Saxena A. Stability of solitary waves in the nonlinear Dirac equation with arbitrary nonlinearity. Physical Review E [Internet]. 2014;90:032915. 访问链接Abstract
We consider the nonlinear Dirac equation in 1+1 dimension with scalar-scalar  self interaction $ \frac{ g^2}{ \kappa+1} ( {\bar \Psi} \Psi)^{ \kappa+1}$ and with mass $m$.    Using  the exact analytic form for  rest frame solitary waves of the form $\Psi(x,t) = \psi(x) e^{-i \omega t}$  for arbitrary $ \kappa$, we  discuss the validity  of various approaches to understanding stability that were successful for the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation. In particular we study the validity of a version of  Derrick's theorem, the criterion of Bogolubsky  as well as  the Vakhitov-Kolokolov criterion, and find that these criteria yield inconsistent results. Therefore, we study the stability by numerical  simulations using a recently developed 4th-order operator splitting integration method. For different ranges of $\kappa$ we map out the stability regimes in $\omega$. We find that all stable nonlinear Dirac solitary waves have a one-hump profile, but not all one-hump waves are stable, while all waves with two humps are unstable. We also find that the time $t_c$, it takes for the instability to set in, is an exponentially increasing function of $\omega$ and $t_c$ decreases monotonically with increasing $\kappa$.
Liu C-W, Wang F, Yang L, Li X-Z, Zheng W-J, Gao YQ. Stable salt-water cluster structures reflect the delicate competition between ion-water and water-water interactions. 2014;(3):743-751.
Liu C-W, Wang F, Yang L, Li X-Z, Zheng W-J, Gao YQ. Stable salt-water cluster structures reflect the delicate competition between ion-water and water-water interactions. 2014;(3):743-751.
Tang P, Chen P, Cao W, Huang H, Cahangirov S, Xian L, Xu Y, Zhang S-C, Duan W, Rubio A. Stable two-dimensional dumbbell stanene: A quantum spin Hall insulator. Physical Review B. 2014;90:121408.
Men J, Ting H, Li Y, Wang W, Gao G, Xiao L, Chen Z, Wang S, Gong Q. Static and ultrafast time-resolved fluorescent anisotropy in oriented Poly(3-hexylthiophene) films. Chemical Physics LettersChemical Physics Letters. 2014;609:33-36.
Men J, Ting H, Li Y, Wang W, Gao G, Xiao L, Chen Z, Wang S, Gong Q. Static and ultrafast time-resolved fluorescent anisotropy in oriented Poly(3-hexylthiophene) films. CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS. 2014;609:33-36.
Men J, Ting H, Li Y, Wang W, Gao G, Xiao L, Chen Z, Wang S, Gong Q. Static and ultrafast time-resolved fluorescent anisotropy in oriented Poly(3-hexylthiophene) films. CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS. 2014;609:33-36.
Liping M, Kunfeng P. Stay or Migrate? An Empirical Study of the Relationship between Place of Work, Place of Study and Birthplace. Chinese Education & Society. 2014;47:80-95.
Jiang SW, Shu DJ, Lin L, Shi YJ, Shi J, Ding HF, Du J, Wang M, Wu D. Strong asymmetrical bias dependence of magnetoresistance in organic spin valves: The role of ferromagnetic/organic interfaces. New Journal of Physics. 2014.
Ma J, Zhang L, Tipton AR, Wu J, Messmer-Blust AF, Philbrick MJ, Qi Y, Liu S-T, Liu H, Li J, et al. Structural and functional analysis of the related transcriptional enhancer factor-1 and NF-κB interaction. American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology [Internet]. 2014;(2):H233-H242. 访问链接
Wang, Y. ZHXB* JJ. Structure and tectonic geomorphology of the Qujiang fault at the intersection of the Ailao Shan–Red River fault and the Xianshuihe–Xiaojiang fault system, Wang, Y. ZHXB* JJ. China. Tectonophysics,. 2014;634:156-170.
Kan M, Wang JY, Li XW, Zhang SH, Li YW, Kawazoe Y, Sun Q, Jena P. Structures and phase transition of a MoS2 monolayer. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2014;118(3):1515-1522.
Jiang X, Kang Y, Pan X, Yu J, Ouyang Q, Luo C. Studies of the drug resistance response of sensitive and drug-resistant strains in a microfluidic system. Integrative Biology (United Kingdom) [Internet]. 2014;(2):143-151. 访问链接
