科研成果 by Year: 2014>

Liu C-W, Wang F, Yang L, Li X-Z, Zheng W-J, Gao YQ. Stable salt-water cluster structures reflect the delicate competition between ion-water and water-water interactions. 2014;(3):743-751.
Tang P, Chen P, Cao W, Huang H, Cahangirov S, Xian L, Xu Y, Zhang S-C, Duan W, Rubio A. Stable two-dimensional dumbbell stanene: A quantum spin Hall insulator. Physical Review B. 2014;90:121408.
Men J, Ting H, Li Y, Wang W, Gao G, Xiao L, Chen Z, Wang S, Gong Q. Static and ultrafast time-resolved fluorescent anisotropy in oriented Poly(3-hexylthiophene) films. Chemical Physics LettersChemical Physics Letters. 2014;609:33-36.
Men J, Ting H, Li Y, Wang W, Gao G, Xiao L, Chen Z, Wang S, Gong Q. Static and ultrafast time-resolved fluorescent anisotropy in oriented Poly(3-hexylthiophene) films. CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS. 2014;609:33-36.
Men J, Ting H, Li Y, Wang W, Gao G, Xiao L, Chen Z, Wang S, Gong Q. Static and ultrafast time-resolved fluorescent anisotropy in oriented Poly(3-hexylthiophene) films. CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS. 2014;609:33-36.
Liping M, Kunfeng P. Stay or Migrate? An Empirical Study of the Relationship between Place of Work, Place of Study and Birthplace. Chinese Education & Society. 2014;47:80-95.
Jiang SW, Shu DJ, Lin L, Shi YJ, Shi J, Ding HF, Du J, Wang M, Wu D. Strong asymmetrical bias dependence of magnetoresistance in organic spin valves: The role of ferromagnetic/organic interfaces. New Journal of Physics. 2014.
Ma J, Zhang L, Tipton AR, Wu J, Messmer-Blust AF, Philbrick MJ, Qi Y, Liu S-T, Liu H, Li J, et al. Structural and functional analysis of the related transcriptional enhancer factor-1 and NF-κB interaction. American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology [Internet]. 2014;(2):H233-H242. 访问链接
Wang, Y. ZHXB* JJ. Structure and tectonic geomorphology of the Qujiang fault at the intersection of the Ailao Shan–Red River fault and the Xianshuihe–Xiaojiang fault system, Wang, Y. ZHXB* JJ. China. Tectonophysics,. 2014;634:156-170.
Kan M, Wang JY, Li XW, Zhang SH, Li YW, Kawazoe Y, Sun Q, Jena P. Structures and phase transition of a MoS2 monolayer. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2014;118(3):1515-1522.
Jiang X, Kang Y, Pan X, Yu J, Ouyang Q, Luo C. Studies of the drug resistance response of sensitive and drug-resistant strains in a microfluidic system. Integrative Biology (United Kingdom) [Internet]. 2014;(2):143-151. 访问链接
Luo Q, Wang LV, Tuchin VV, Gao G, Li Y, Wang W, Men J, Zhong D, Wang S, Gong Q. Study of solvation dynamics in the interior of staphylococcal nuclease (SNase) using picosecond-resolved emission spectra of tryptophan. 2014;9230:92300M.
Guo Y, Han Y, Li J, Xiang A, Wei X, Gao S, Chen Q. Study on the Resistance Distribution at the Contact between Molybdenum Disulfide and Metals. Acs Nano. 2014;8:7771-7779.
Yang X, Tzeng YK, Zhu ZY, Huang ZH, Chen XZ, Liu YJ, Chang HC, Huang L, Li WD, Xi P. Sub-diffraction imaging of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond by stimulated emission depletion and structured illumination. Rsc Advances [Internet]. 2014;4:11305-11310. 访问链接
Peng JF, Hu M, Wang ZB, Huang XF, Kumar P, Wu ZJ, Guo S, Yue DL, Shang DJ, Zheng Z, et al. Submicron aerosols at thirteen diversified sites in China: size distribution, new particle formation and corresponding contribution to cloud condensation nuclei production. Atmospheric Chemistry and PhysicsAtmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2014;14:10249-10265.Abstract
Understanding the particle number size distributions in diversified atmospheric environments is important in order to design mitigation strategies related to submicron particles and their effects on regional air quality, haze and human health. In this study, we conducted 15 different field measurement campaigns between 2007 and 2011 at 13 individual sites in China, including five urban sites, four regional sites, three coastal/background sites and one ship cruise measurement along eastern coastline of China. Size resolved particles were measured in the 15-600 nm size range. The median particle number concentrations (PNCs) were found to vary in the range of 1.1-2.2 x 10(4) cm(-3) at urban sites, 0.8-1.5 x 10(4) cm(-3) at regional sites, 0.4-0.6 x 10(4) cm(-3) at coastal/background sites, and 0.5 x 10(4) cm(-3) during cruise measurement. Peak diameters at each of these sites varied greatly from 24 to 115 nm. Particles in the 15-25 nm (nucleation mode), 25-100 nm (Aitken mode) and 100-600 nm (accumulation mode) range showed different characteristics at each sites, indicating the features of primary emissions and secondary formation in these diversified atmospheric environments. Diurnal variations show a build-up of accumulation mode particles belt at regional sites, suggesting the contribution of regional secondary aerosol pollution. Frequencies of new particle formation (NPF) events were much higher at urban and regional sites than at coastal sites and during cruise measurement. The average growth rates (GRs) of nucleation mode particles were 8.0-10.9 nm h(-1) at urban sites, 7.4-13.6 nm h(-1) at regional sites and 2.8-7.5 nm h(-1) at coastal sites and during cruise measurement. The high gaseous precursors and strong oxidation at urban and regional sites not only favored the formation of particles, but also accelerated the growth rate of the nucleation mode particles. No significant difference in condensation sink (CS) during NPF days were observed among different site types, suggesting that the NPF events in background areas were more influenced by the pollutant transport. In addition, average contributions of NPF events to potential cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) at 0.2% super-saturation in the afternoon of all sampling days were calculated as 11% and 6% at urban sites and regional sites, respectively. On the other hand, NPF events at coastal sites and during cruise measurement had little impact on potential production of CCN. This study provides a large data set of particle size distribution in diversified atmosphere of China, improving our general understanding of emission, secondary formation, new particle formation and corresponding CCN activity of submicron aerosols in Chinese environments.
Peng JF, Hu M, Wang ZB, Huang XF, Kumar P, Wu ZJ, Guo S, Yue DL, Shang DJ, Zheng Z, et al. Submicron aerosols at thirteen diversified sites in China: size distribution, new particle formation and corresponding contribution to cloud condensation nuclei production. Atmospheric Chemistry and PhysicsAtmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2014;14:10249-10265.Abstract
Understanding the particle number size distributions in diversified atmospheric environments is important in order to design mitigation strategies related to submicron particles and their effects on regional air quality, haze and human health. In this study, we conducted 15 different field measurement campaigns between 2007 and 2011 at 13 individual sites in China, including five urban sites, four regional sites, three coastal/background sites and one ship cruise measurement along eastern coastline of China. Size resolved particles were measured in the 15-600 nm size range. The median particle number concentrations (PNCs) were found to vary in the range of 1.1-2.2 x 10(4) cm(-3) at urban sites, 0.8-1.5 x 10(4) cm(-3) at regional sites, 0.4-0.6 x 10(4) cm(-3) at coastal/background sites, and 0.5 x 10(4) cm(-3) during cruise measurement. Peak diameters at each of these sites varied greatly from 24 to 115 nm. Particles in the 15-25 nm (nucleation mode), 25-100 nm (Aitken mode) and 100-600 nm (accumulation mode) range showed different characteristics at each sites, indicating the features of primary emissions and secondary formation in these diversified atmospheric environments. Diurnal variations show a build-up of accumulation mode particles belt at regional sites, suggesting the contribution of regional secondary aerosol pollution. Frequencies of new particle formation (NPF) events were much higher at urban and regional sites than at coastal sites and during cruise measurement. The average growth rates (GRs) of nucleation mode particles were 8.0-10.9 nm h(-1) at urban sites, 7.4-13.6 nm h(-1) at regional sites and 2.8-7.5 nm h(-1) at coastal sites and during cruise measurement. The high gaseous precursors and strong oxidation at urban and regional sites not only favored the formation of particles, but also accelerated the growth rate of the nucleation mode particles. No significant difference in condensation sink (CS) during NPF days were observed among different site types, suggesting that the NPF events in background areas were more influenced by the pollutant transport. In addition, average contributions of NPF events to potential cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) at 0.2% super-saturation in the afternoon of all sampling days were calculated as 11% and 6% at urban sites and regional sites, respectively. On the other hand, NPF events at coastal sites and during cruise measurement had little impact on potential production of CCN. This study provides a large data set of particle size distribution in diversified atmosphere of China, improving our general understanding of emission, secondary formation, new particle formation and corresponding CCN activity of submicron aerosols in Chinese environments.
Peng JF, Hu M, Wang ZB, Huang XF, Kumar P, Wu ZJ, Guo S, Yue DL, Shang DJ, Zheng Z, et al. Submicron aerosols at thirteen diversified sites in China: size distribution, new particle formation and corresponding contribution to cloud condensation nuclei production. Atmospheric Chemistry and PhysicsAtmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2014;14:10249-10265.Abstract
Understanding the particle number size distributions in diversified atmospheric environments is important in order to design mitigation strategies related to submicron particles and their effects on regional air quality, haze and human health. In this study, we conducted 15 different field measurement campaigns between 2007 and 2011 at 13 individual sites in China, including five urban sites, four regional sites, three coastal/background sites and one ship cruise measurement along eastern coastline of China. Size resolved particles were measured in the 15-600 nm size range. The median particle number concentrations (PNCs) were found to vary in the range of 1.1-2.2 x 10(4) cm(-3) at urban sites, 0.8-1.5 x 10(4) cm(-3) at regional sites, 0.4-0.6 x 10(4) cm(-3) at coastal/background sites, and 0.5 x 10(4) cm(-3) during cruise measurement. Peak diameters at each of these sites varied greatly from 24 to 115 nm. Particles in the 15-25 nm (nucleation mode), 25-100 nm (Aitken mode) and 100-600 nm (accumulation mode) range showed different characteristics at each sites, indicating the features of primary emissions and secondary formation in these diversified atmospheric environments. Diurnal variations show a build-up of accumulation mode particles belt at regional sites, suggesting the contribution of regional secondary aerosol pollution. Frequencies of new particle formation (NPF) events were much higher at urban and regional sites than at coastal sites and during cruise measurement. The average growth rates (GRs) of nucleation mode particles were 8.0-10.9 nm h(-1) at urban sites, 7.4-13.6 nm h(-1) at regional sites and 2.8-7.5 nm h(-1) at coastal sites and during cruise measurement. The high gaseous precursors and strong oxidation at urban and regional sites not only favored the formation of particles, but also accelerated the growth rate of the nucleation mode particles. No significant difference in condensation sink (CS) during NPF days were observed among different site types, suggesting that the NPF events in background areas were more influenced by the pollutant transport. In addition, average contributions of NPF events to potential cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) at 0.2% super-saturation in the afternoon of all sampling days were calculated as 11% and 6% at urban sites and regional sites, respectively. On the other hand, NPF events at coastal sites and during cruise measurement had little impact on potential production of CCN. This study provides a large data set of particle size distribution in diversified atmosphere of China, improving our general understanding of emission, secondary formation, new particle formation and corresponding CCN activity of submicron aerosols in Chinese environments.
Li X, Zhang F, Niu Q, Feng J. Superlattice valley engineering for designer topological insulators. Scientific Reports [Internet]. 2014;4. 访问链接
Wong JPS, Liggio J, Li S-M, Nenes A, Abbatt JPD. Suppression in droplet growth kinetics by the addition of organics to sulfate particles. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES. 2014;119:12222-12232.Abstract
Aerosol-cloud interactions are affected by the rate at which water vapor condenses onto particles during cloud droplet growth. Changes in droplet growth rates can impact cloud droplet number and size distribution. The current study investigated droplet growth kinetics of acidic and neutral sulfate particles which contained various amounts and types of organic compounds, from model compounds (carbonyls) to complex mixtures (a-pinene secondary organic aerosol and diesel engine exhaust). In most cases, the formed droplet size distributions were shifted to smaller sizes relative to control experiments (pure sulfate particles), due to suppression in droplet growth rates in the cloud condensation nuclei counter. The shift to smaller droplets correlated with increasing amounts of organic material, with the largest effect observed for acidic seed particles at low relative humidity. For all organics incorporated onto acidic particles, formation of high molecular weight compounds was observed, probably by acid-catalyzed Aldol condensation reactions in the case of carbonyls. To test the reversibility of this process, carbonyl experiments were conducted with acidic particles exposed to higher relative humidity. High molecular weight compounds were not measured in this case and no shift in droplet sizes was observed, suggesting that high molecular weight compounds are the species affecting the rate of water uptake. While these results provide laboratory evidence that organic compounds can slow droplet growth rates, the modeled mass accommodation coefficient of water on these particles (alpha > 0.1) indicates that this effect is unlikely to significantly affect cloud properties, consistent with infrequent field observations of slower droplet growth rates.
Tiejun H. Surveillance Video: The Biggest Big Data. Computing Now [Internet]. 2014;7(2). 访问链接
