科研成果 by Year: 2013

Yu R, Pan C, Hu Y, Li L, Liu H, Liu W, Chua S, Chi D, Wang ZL*. Enhanced performance of GaN nanobelt-based photodetectors by means of piezotronic effects. Nano Research. 2013;6:758–766.
Yu R, Pan C, Hu Y, Li L, Liu H, Liu W, Chua S, Chi D, Wang ZL*. Enhanced performance of GaN nanobelt-based photodetectors by means of piezotronic effects. Nano Research. 2013;6:758–766.
Yao S, Ni J, Chen Q, Borthwick AGL. Enrichment and characterization of a bacteria consortium capable of heterotrophic nitrification and aerobic denitrification at low temperature. Bioresource TechnologyBioresource Technology. 2013;127:151-157.Abstract
Nitrogen removal in wastewater treatment plants is usually severely inhibited under cold temperature. The present study proposes bioaugmentation using psychrotolerant heterotrophic nitrification-aerobic denitrification consortium to enhance nitrogen removal at low temperature. A functional consortium has been successfully enriched by stepped increase in DO concentration. Using this consortium, the specific removal rates of ammonia and nitrate at 10 degrees C reached as high as 3.1 mg N/(g SS h) and 9.6 mg N/ (g SS h), respectively. PCR-DGGE and clone library analysis both indicated a significant reduction in bacterial diversity during enrichment. Phylogenetic analysis based on nearly full-length 16S rRNA genes showed that Alphaproteobacteria. Deltaproteobacteria and particularly Bacteroidetes declined while Gammaproteobacteria (all clustered into Pseudomonas sp.) and Betaproteobacteria (mainly Rhodoferax ferrireducens) became dominant in the enriched consortium. It is likely that Pseudomonas spp. played a major role in nitrification and denitrification, while R. ferrireducens and its relatives utilized nitrate as both electron acceptor and nitrogen source. Crown Copyright (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Zhang X, Wang S, Ma S, Liu S, Gao W. Entropy of primitive: A top-down methodology for evaluating the perceptual visual information, in 2013 Visual Communications and Image Processing, VCIP 2013, Kuching, Malaysia, November 17-20, 2013.; 2013:1–6. 访问链接
Ji Q, Zhang Y, Gao T, Zhang Y, Ma D, Liu M, Chen Y, Qiao X, Tan P-H, Kan M, et al. Epitaxial monolayer MoS2 on mica with novel photoluminescence. Nano Letters [Internet]. 2013;(8):3870-3877. 访问链接
Ji QQ, Zhang YF, Gao T, Zhang Y, Ma DL, Liu MX, Chen YB, Qiao XF, Tan PH, Kan M, et al. Epitaxial Monolayer MoS2 on Mica with Novel Photoluminescence. Nano Letters [Internet]. 2013;13:3870-3877. 访问链接
Zhuang Q, Wu B. Equilibration of quantum chaotic systems. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2013;(6).
Zhang G-L, Cong L-J, Song Y, Yu C. ERP P1-N1 changes associated with Vernier perceptual learning and its location specificity and transfer. Journal of Vision [Internet]. 2013;(4). 访问链接
Tritsaris GA, Kaxiras E, Meng S, Wang E. Erratum: Adsorption and diffusion of lithium on layered silicon for Li-ion storage (Nano Letters (2013) 13:5 (2258-2263) DOI: 10.1021/nl400830u). Nano Letters. 2013;(6):3004-.
Whelan RS, Konstantinidis K, Xiao RP, Kitsis RN. Erratum: Cardiomyocyte life-death decisions in response to chronic β-adrenergic signaling (Circulation Research (2013) 112 (408-410) DOI: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.113.300805). Circulation Research. 2013;(12):e181.
Chen H, Jiang ZF. The essential adaptors of innate immune signaling. Protein and Cell [Internet]. 2013;(1):27-39. 访问链接
Xing X, Zhong L, Zhang L, Chen Z, Qu B, Chen E, Xiao L, Gong Q. Essential Differences of Organic Films at the Molecular Level via Vacuum Deposition and Solution Processes for Organic Light-Emitting Diodes. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C. 2013;117:25405-25408.
Xing X, Zhong L, Zhang L, Chen Z, Qu B, Chen E, Xiao L, Gong Q. Essential Differences of Organic Films at the Molecular Level via Vacuum Deposition and Solution Processes for Organic Light-Emitting Diodes. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C. 2013;117:25405-25408.
LiJia(博士后);*TianYonghong;DuanLingyu;HuangTiejun. Estimating Visual Saliency Through Single Image Optimization. IEEE Signal Processing Letters. 2013;20(9):845-848.Abstract
This letter presents a novel approach for visual saliency estimation through single image optimization. Instead of directly mapping visual features to saliency values with a unified model, we treat regional saliency values as the optimization objective on each single image. By using a quadratic programming framework, our approach can adaptively optimize the regional saliency values on each specific image to simultaneously meet multiple saliency hypotheses on visual rarity, center-bias and mutual correlation. Experimental results show that our approach can outperform 14 state-of-the-art approaches on a public image benchmark.
Li Z, Peng J, Wen X, Guo H. ETHYLENE-INSENSITIVE3 is a senescence-associated gene that accelerates age-dependent leaf senescence by directly repressing miR164 transcription in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell [Internet]. 2013;(9):3311-3328. 访问链接
Zhang W-J, Xu S-Q, Cai H-Q, Men X-L, Wang Z, Lin H, Chen L, Jiang Y-W, Liu H-L, Li C-H, et al. Evaluation of islets derived from human fetal pancreatic progenitor cells in diabetes treatment. Stem Cell Research and Therapy. 2013;(6).
Zhang H, Wei S, Ning S, Jie Y, Ru Y, Gu Y. Evaluation of TGFβ, XPO4, elF5A2 and ANGPTL4 as biomarkers in HCC. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine. 2013;(1):119-127.
Zhao W, Wang Q, Liu M, Zhang W, Wang Y, Chen M, Guo Y, He K, Chen X, Wang Y, et al. Evidence for Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in atomically flat two-dimensional Pb superconducting films. Solid State Communications. 2013:59-63.
Zhao W, Wang Q, Liu M, Zhang W, Wang Y, Chen M, Guo Y, He K, Chen X, Wang Y, et al. Evidence for Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in atomically flat two-dimensional Pb superconducting films. Solid State Communications. 2013:59-63.
Zhao W, Wang Q, Liu M, Zhang W, Wang Y, Chen M, Guo Y, He K, Chen X, Wang Y, et al. Evidence for Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in atomically flat two-dimensional Pb superconducting films. Solid State Communications. 2013:59-63.
