科研成果 by Year: 2012

Huang N, Shah PK, Li C. Lessons from a decade of integrating cancer copy number alterations with gene expression profiles. [Internet]. 2012;(3):305-316. 访问链接
Wang SC, Zhou XH, Fang YD, Zhang YH, Zhang NT, Gao BS, Liu ML, Wang JG, Ma F, Guo YX, et al. Level structure in the transitional nucleus $^195$Au. Phys. Rev. C [Internet]. 2012;85:027301. 访问链接
Li Y-M, Yang M-Y, Huang Y-C, Li Y-T, Chen PR, Liu L. Ligation of expressed protein α-hydrazides via genetic incorporation of an α-hydroxy acid. ACS Chemical Biology [Internet]. 2012;(6):1015-1022. 访问链接
Li Q, Zhang Z. Linking DNA replication to heterochromatin silencing and epigenetic inheritance. [Internet]. 2012;(1):3-13. 访问链接
Zheng C, Yu Z, Zhou Y, Tao L, Pang Y, Chen T, Zhang X, Qiu H, Zhou H, Chen Z, et al. Live cell imaging analysis of the epigenetic regulation of the human endothelial cell migration at single-cell resolution. Lab on a Chip - Miniaturisation for Chemistry and Biology [Internet]. 2012;(17):3063-3072. 访问链接
Wei J, Chandrasekhar V. Local and nonlocal conductance enhancement due to Cooper pair splitting. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2012;(PART 4).
Sterbinsky GE, Ryan PJ, Kim J-W, Karapetrova E, Ma JX, Shi J, Woicik JC. Local atomic and electronic structures of epitaxial strained LaCoO 3 thin films. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2012;(2).
Yan Y, Wu B. Local field distributions in systems with dipolar interaction. Chinese Physics Letters. 2012;(1).
Reed MW, Walker PM, Cullen IJ, Litvinov YA, Shubina D, Dracoulis GD, Blaum K, Bosch F, Brandau C, Carroll JJ, et al. Long-lived isomers in neutron-rich $\mathbitZ=\mathbf72$\char2176 nuclides. Phys. Rev. C [Internet]. 2012;86:054321. 访问链接
Dracoulis GD, Lane GJ, Byrne AP, Watanabe H, Hughes RO, Palalani N, Kondev FG, Carpenter M, Janssens RVF, Lauritsen T, et al. Long-lived three-quasiparticle isomers in 191Ir and 193Ir with triaxial deformation. Physics Letters B [Internet]. 2012;709:59 - 64. 访问链接
Fuccillo MK, Charles ME, Hor YS, Jia S, Cava RJ. Low temperature thermoelectric properties of Bi 2-xSb xTeSe 2 crystals near the n-p crossover. Solid State Communications. 2012;(14):1208-1211.
Guido I, Xiong CY, Fang J. Low-voltage electroporation with fluidic microelectrodes. Microelectronic EngineeringMicroelectronic Engineering. 2012;98:707-710.
Chen J, Pei J, Hussain F, She Z. Mach number similarity of large--scale structures in compressible channel flows, in ICTAM2012. Beijing; 2012:FM14-028.
Li J, Wang ZY, Tan A, Glans P-A, Arenholz E, Hwang C, Shi J, Qiu ZQ. Magnetic dead layer at the interface between a Co film and the topological insulator Bi 2Se 3. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2012;(5).
Li X, Yuan Q, Yang T, Liu J, Zhang H. Magnetic energy coupling system based on micro-electro-mechanical system coils. Journal of Applied Physics. 2012;111(7):07E734.
Zhang S, Zhou J, Li X, Wang Q. Magnetism of triangular nanoflakes with different compositions and edge terminations. Journal of Nanoparticle Research. 2012;14(10):1-11.
Li W *, Li. Y. Managing Rangeland as a Complex System: How Government Interventions Decouple Social Systems from Ecological Systems. Ecology and Society. 2012;17(1):1-9.
Masuyama K, Zhang Y, Rao Y, Wang JW. Mapping neural circuits with activity-dependent nuclear import of a transcription factor. Journal of Neurogenetics [Internet]. 2012;(1):89-102. 访问链接
Song C-X, Yi C, He C. Mapping recently identified nucleotide variants in the genome and transcriptome. Nature Biotechnology [Internet]. 2012;(11):1107-1116. 访问链接
Gordon M, Staebler RM, Liggio J, Li S-M, Wentzell J, Lu G, Lee P, Brook JR. Measured and modeled variation in pollutant concentration near roadways. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT. 2012;57:138-145.Abstract
This paper presents a study of the evolution of particles and gases downwind of a highway, with a focus on the diurnal variation of pollutant gradients and its controlling variables. A mobile laboratory was used to measure the concentration gradients of ultra-fine particles (UFP), black carbon (BC), CO2, NO, and NO2 at varying distances up to 850 m from a major highway. The horizontal distributions of pollutants show a strong diurnal pattern. Results suggest that the horizontal gradients are predominantly influenced by traffic levels, friction velocity, and atmospheric stability. The results were compared to a dispersion model, which showed good agreement with the measurements and was able to qualitatively capture the observed diurnal cycles. Emission rates [g km(-1)] calculated from the model fits are within 10% of the Mobile 6.2C inventory for CO2 and demonstrate good agreement for NOx, but are higher than the inventory by a factor between 2.0 and 5.9 for black carbon. Hourly NOx emission rates correlate with the fraction of heavy-duty vehicles in the total fleet and agree with inventory values based on maximum vehicle emission rates. Crown Copyright (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
