科研成果 by Year: 2012

Zhang J, Zhao C, Xiong R, Ma S, Zhao D. Image super-resolution via dual-dictionary learning and sparse representation, in 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2012, Seoul, Korea (South), May 20-23, 2012.; 2012:1688–1691. 访问链接
Zhang J, Zhao C, Xiong R, Ma S, Zhao D. Image Super-Resolution via Dual-Dictionary Learning And Sparse Representation. CoRR [Internet]. 2012;abs/1208.3723. 访问链接
Fang F, Wang Y. Image understanding, attention and human early visual cortex. Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in China. 2012;(1):85-93.
Lu J, Clark AG. Impact of microRNA regulation on variation in human gene expression. [Internet]. 2012;(7):1243-1254. 访问链接
Li X-Z, Gómez-Abal R, Jiang H, Ambrosch-Draxl C, Scheffler M. Impact of widely used approximations to the G 0W 0 method: An all-electron perspective. 2012.
Li X-Z, Gómez-Abal R, Jiang H, Ambrosch-Draxl C, Scheffler M. Impact of widely used approximations to the G 0W 0 method: An all-electron perspective. 2012.
Dai H, Masui T, Matsuoka Y, Fujimori S. The impacts of China's household consumption expenditure patterns on energy demand and carbon emissions towards 2050. Energy Policy [Internet]. 2012;50:736-750. 访问链接
Tao L, Praissman J, Sornborger AT. Improved dimensionally-reduced visual cortical network using stochastic noise modeling. Journal of Computational Neuroscience [Internet]. 2012;(2):367-376. 访问链接
Wang LH*, Dong HB, Yan C, Zeng L, Zheng M, Zhang Y, Liu J, RJ W. Improvement and application of the method for determination of OCEC split. Environmental Science [Internet]. 2012;33:2946—2952. LINK
Shen XL, Chen ZM, Zhao Y, Huang D. In situ FTIR studying the absorption and transformation of glyoxal on the surface of dust particles. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis. 2012;32(11):2946-2949.
Zhu R, Zhao Q, Xu J, Liu BG, Gao JY, Zhang JM, Zhu WG, Xu HJ, Sun YH, Fu Q, et al. In situ growth and density-functional-theory study of polarity-dependent homo-epitaxial ZnO microwires. CrystengcommCrystengcomm. 2012;14:355-358.Abstract
Polarity-dependent homo-epitaxy on (0001)-Zn and (000 (1) over bar)-O surfaces of cleaved ZnO microwires was investigated by in situ growth in ESEM and DFT simulations. ZnO monomers adsorption, adatoms desorption and chemisorption were simulated to understand the explicit mechanism.
Ye S, Yang R, Xiong J, Shung KK, Zhou Q, Li C, Ren Q. In vivo imaging of small animal models by photoacoustic microscopy. Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. 2012.
Jiang H, Tian L, Li Z, Liu Q, Li CC, Yao X, Yang Z. InCl 3-mediated intramolecular Friedel-Crafts-type cyclization and its application to construct the [6-7-5-6] tetracyclic scaffold of liphagal. Science China Chemistry. 2012;(1):36-42.
Zhu W-L, Shi H-S, Wang S-J, Xu C-M, Jiang W-G, Wang X, Wu P, Li Q-Q, Ding Z-bo, Lu L. Increased Cdk5/p35 activity in the dentate gyrus mediates depressive-like behaviour in rats. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology [Internet]. 2012;(6):795-809. 访问链接
Yang H, Qu B, Ma S, Chen Z, Xiao L, Gong Q. Indium tin oxide-free polymer solar cells using a PEDOT:PSS/Ag/PEDOT:PSS multilayer as a transparent anode. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS. 2012;45.
Yang H, Qu B, Ma S, Chen Z, Xiao L, Gong Q. Indium tin oxide-free polymer solar cells using a PEDOT:PSS/Ag/PEDOT:PSS multilayer as a transparent anode. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS. 2012;45.
Huang W, Wang GF, Lu SE, Kipen H, Wang YD, Hu M, Lin WW, Rich D, Ohman-Strickland P, Diehl SR, et al. Inflammatory and Oxidative Stress Responses of Healthy Young Adults to Changes in Air Quality during the Beijing Olympics. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2012;186:1150-1159.Abstract
Rationale: Unprecedented pollution control actions during the Beijing Olympics provided a quasi-experimental opportunity to examine biologic responses to drastic changes in air pollution levels.Objectives: To determine whether changes in levels of biomarkers reflecting pulmonary inflammation and pulmonary and systemic oxidative stress were associated with changes in air pollution levels in healthy young adults.Methods: We measured fractional exhaled nitric oxide, a number of exhaled breath condensate markers (H+, nitrite, nitrate, and 8-isoprostane), and urinary 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine in 125 participants twice in each of the pre- (high pollution), during(low pollution), and post-Olympic (high pollution) periods. We measured concentrations of air pollutants near where the participants lived and worked. We used mixed-effects models to estimate changes in biomarker levels across the three periods and to examine whether changes in biomarker levels were associated with changes in pollutant concentrations, adjusting for meteorologic parameters.Measurements and Main Results: From the pre- to the during-Olympic period, we observed significant and often large decreases (ranging from -4.5% to -72.5%) in levels of all the biomarkers. From the during-Olympic to the post-Olympic period, we observed significant and larger increases (48-360%) in levels of these same biomarkers. Moreover, increased pollutant concentrations were consistently associated with statistically significant increases in biomarker levels.Conclusions: These findings support the important role of oxidative stress and that of pulmonary inflammation in mediating air pollution health effects. The findings demonstrate the utility of novel and noninvasive biomarkers in the general population consisting largely of healthy individuals.
Yang H, Tong M, Kim H. Influence of Bentonite Particles on Representative Gram Negative and Gram Positive Bacterial Deposition in Porous Media. Environmental Science & Technology [Internet]. 2012;46(21):11627-11634. 访问链接Abstract
The significance of clay particles on the transport and deposition kinetics of bacteria in irregular quartz sand was examined by direct comparison of both breakthrough curves and retained profiles with clay particles in bacteria suspension versus those without clay particles. Two representative cell types, Gram-negative strain E. coli DH5 alpha and Gram-positive strain Bacillus subtilis were utilized to systematically determine the influence of clay particles (bentonite) on cell transport behavior. Packed column experiments for both cell types were conducted in both NaCl (5 and 25 mM ionic strengths) and CaCl2 (5 mM ionic strength) solutions at pH 6.0. The breakthrough plateaus with bentonite in solutions (30 mg L-1 and 50 mg L-1) were lower than those without bentonite for both cell types under all examined conditions, indicating that bentonite in solutions decreased cell transport in porous media regardless of cell types (Gram-negative or Gram-positive) and solution chemistry (ionic strength and ion valence). The enhanced cell deposition with bentonite particles was mainly observed at segments near to column inlet, retained profiles for both cell types with bentonite particles were therefore steeper relative to those without bentonite. The increased cell deposition with bentonite observed in NaCl solutions was attributed to the codeposition of bacteria with bentonite particles whereas, in addition to codeposition of bacteria with bentonite, the bacteria bentonite bacteria cluster formed in suspensions also contributed to the increased deposition of bacteria with bentonite in CaCl2 solution.
Wang S, Tang Z* QSWZFXZXC. The influence of species pools and local processes on the community structure: a test case with woody plant communities in China`s mountains. Ecography. 2012;35(12):1168–1175.
Huang JY, Peng XL, Xiong CY, Fang J. Influence of substrate rigidity on primary nucleation of cell adhesion: A thermal fluctuation model. Journal of Colloid and Interface ScienceJournal of Colloid and Interface Science. 2012;366:200-208.
