科研成果 by Year: 2007

Lu L, Uejima JL, Gray SM, Bossert JM, Shaham Y. Systemic and Central Amygdala Injections of the mGluR2/3 Agonist LY379268 Attenuate the Expression of Incubation of Cocaine Craving. Biological Psychiatry [Internet]. 2007;(5):591-598. 访问链接
Uejima JL, Bossert JM, Poles GC, Lu L. Systemic and central amygdala injections of the mGluR2/3 agonist LY379268 attenuate the expression of incubation of sucrose craving in rats. Behavioural Brain Research [Internet]. 2007;(2):292-296. 访问链接
Wang J, Liu Y-X, Hande PM, Wong AC, Jin JY, Yin Y. TAp73 is a downstream target of p53 in controlling the cellular defense against stress. Journal of Biological Chemistry [Internet]. 2007;(40):29152-29162. 访问链接
Zhang P, Plettenberg L, Klavans JL, Oard DW, Soergel D. Task-based interaction with an integrated multilingual, multimedia information system: A formative evaluation. Proceedings of the 7th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries. 2007:117-126.
胡泳. TCL并购之败(上). 中国计算机用户. 2007;(37):44-46.Abstract
胡泳. TCL并购之败(下). 中国计算机用户. 2007;(38):44-46.Abstract
Vallat LD, Park Y, Li C, Gribben JG. Temporal genetic program following B-cell receptor cross-linking: Altered balance between proliferation and death in healthy and malignant B cells. [Internet]. 2007;(9):3989-3997. 访问链接
Yao Y, Liang Y, Xiao D, Niu Q, Shen S-Q, Dai X, Fang Z. Theoretical evidence of the Berry-phase mechanism in anomalous Hall transport: First-principles studies of Cu Cr2 Se4-x Brx. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2007;(2).
Feng J, Ashcroft NW, Hoffmann R. Theoretical indications of singular structural and electronic features of laves-hase CaLi2 under pressure. Physical Review Letters. 2007;(24).
Feng J, Ashcroft NW, Hoffmann R. Theoretical indications of singular structural and electronic features of laves-phase CaLi2 under pressure. Physical Review Letters [Internet]. 2007;98. 访问链接
Zhu Z, Wang Y, Xia K, Xie XC, Ma Z. Time-reversal Aharonov-Casher effect in mesoscopic rings with spin-orbit interaction. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2007;(12).
Wang WL, Bai XD, Wang EG. Towards the single-walled B- and/or N-doped carbon nanotubes. International Journal of Nanoscience. 2007;(6):431-442.
Fang F, Ijichi K, He S. Transfer of the face viewpoint after effect from adaptation to different and inverted faces. Journal of Vision [Internet]. 2007;(13):1-9. 访问链接
Hines DR, Southard AE, Tunnell A, Sangwan V, Moore T, Chen J-H, Fuhrer MS, Williams ED. Transfer printing as a method for fabricating hybrid devices on flexible substrates. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2007.
Yang Z, O'Brien JD, Zheng X, Zhu H-Q, She Z-S. Tree and rate estimation by local evaluation of heterochronous nucleotide data. Bioinformatics [Internet]. 2007;(2):169-176. 访问链接
Mao Y, Chang S, Yang S, Ouyang Q, Jiang L. Tunable non-equilibrium gating of flexible DNA nanochannels in response to transport flux. Nature Nanotechnology [Internet]. 2007;(6):366-371. 访问链接
Zheng K, Guo Q, Xue M, Guo D, Liu S, Wang EG. Ultra-thin zinc oxide film on Mo(100). Thin Solid Films. 2007;(18):7167-7170.
Wu Z, Huang N, Liu Z, Wu J, Duan W, Gu B-L. Unusual vortex structure in ultrathin Pb (Zr0.5 Ti0.5) O3 films. Journal of Applied Physics. 2007;(1).
Xiao D, Yao W, Niu Q. Valley-contrasting physics in graphene: Magnetic moment and topological transport. Physical Review Letters. 2007;(23).
Georgel P, Jiang ZF, Kunz S, Janssen E, Mols J, Hoebe K, Bahram S, Oldstone MBA, Beutler B. Vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein G activates a specific antiviral Toll-like receptor 4-dependent pathway. Virology [Internet]. 2007;(2):304-313. 访问链接
