
Zhang M, He L, Jin X, Bai F, Tong M, Ni J. Flagella and Their Properties Affect the Transport and Deposition Behaviors of Escherichia coli in Quartz Sand. Environmental Science and Technology [Internet]. 2021;55(8):4964-4973. 访问链接Abstract
The effects of flagella and their properties on bacterial transport and deposition behaviors were examined by using four types of Escherichia coli (E. coli) with or without flagella, as well as with normal or sticky flagella. Packed column, quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation, visible parallel-plate flow chamber system, and visible flow chamber packed with porous media system were employed to investigate the deposition mechanisms of bacteria with different properties of flagella. We found that the presence of flagella favored E. coli deposition onto quartz sand/silica surfaces. Moreover, by changing the porous media porosity and directly observing the bacterial deposition process, local sites with high roughness, narrow flow channels, and grain-to-grain contacts were found to be the major sites for bacterial deposition. Particularly, flagella could help bacteria swim near and then deposit at these sites. In addition, we found that due to the stronger adhesive forces, sticky flagella could further enhance bacterial deposition onto quartz sand/silica surfaces. Elution experiments indicated that flagella could help bacteria attach onto sand surfaces more irreversibly. Clearly, flagella and their properties would have obvious impacts on the transport/deposition behaviors of bacteria in porous media. © 2021 American Chemical Society.
Yang E-Y, Jia T, Brooks D, Wei G-Y. FlexACC: A programmable accelerator with application-specific ISA for flexible deep neural network inference, in International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP).; 2021.
Feng R, Mu YF, Zeng XW, Jia WJ, Liu YX, Jiang XJ, Gong QB. A Flexible Integrated Bending Strain and Pressure Sensor System for Motion Monitoring. Sensors. 2021;21:3969.
Feng R, Mu YF, Zeng XW, Jia WJ, Liu YX, Jiang XJ, Gong QB. A Flexible Integrated Bending Strain and Pressure Sensor System for Motion Monitoring. Sensors. 2021;21:3969.
Mu YF, Feng R, Gong QB, Liu YX, Jiang XJ, Hu* YF. A Flexible Two-Sensor System for Temperature and Bending Angle Monitoring. Materials. 2021;14:2962.
Mu YF, Feng R, Gong QB, Liu YX, Jiang XJ, Hu* YF. A Flexible Two-Sensor System for Temperature and Bending Angle Monitoring. Materials. 2021;14:2962.
Zhang Z, Zhu W, Hu M, Liu K, Wang H, Tang R, Shen R, Yu Y, Tan R, Song K, et al. Formation and evolution of secondary organic aerosols derived from urban-lifestyle sources: Vehicle exhaust and cooking emissions. Atmospheric Chemistry and PhysicsAtmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2021;21:15221-15237.
Zhang ZR HM*. Formation and evolution of secondary organic aerosols derived from urban-lifestyle sources: vehicle exhaust and cooking emissions. ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS [Internet]. 2021;21(19):15221-15237. 访问链接
Xia M, Shao S, Chou T. A frequency-dependent p-adaptive technique for spectral methods. Journal of Computational Physics [Internet]. 2021;446:110627. 访问链接Abstract
When using spectral methods, a consistent method for tuning the expansion order is often required, especially for time-dependent problems in which oscillations emerge in the solution. In this paper, we propose a frequency-dependent p-adaptive technique that adaptively adjusts the expansion order based on a frequency indicator. Using this p-adaptive technique, combined with recently proposed scaling and moving techniques, we are able to devise an adaptive spectral method in unbounded domains that can capture and handle diffusion, advection, and oscillations. As an application, we use this adaptive spectral method to numerically solve Schrödinger’s equation in an unbounded domain and successfully capture the solution’s oscillatory behavior at infinity.
Frustrated double ionization of atoms in circularly polarized laser fields. New Journal of Physics [Internet]. 2021;23:033041. 访问链接Abstract
Binsted M, Iyer G, Patel P, Graham N, Ou Y, Khan Z, Kholod N, Narayan K, Hejazi M, Kim S. GCAM-USA v5. 3_water_dispatch: Integrated modeling of subnational US energy, water, and land systems within a global framework. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions. 2021;2021:1-39.
Cao J, Dai* H, Li* S, Guo C, He J, Ho M, Cai W, Li J, Liu Y, Wang C, et al. The General Equilibrium Impacts of Carbon Tax Policy in China: A Multi-model Comparison. Energy Economics [Internet]. 2021;99:105284. 访问链接
Sun X, Li J, Li X, Wang Z, Zhang T, Qiu H, Wu F, Fan C. A General Framework for Defending Against Backdoor Attacks via Influence Graph. arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.14309. 2021.
Shao L. General Relativity Withstands Double Pulsar’s Scrutiny. APS Physics. 2021;14:173.
Shao X, Lu Q, Liu M, Xiong M, Bu H, Wang D, Liu S, Li S*, Yao M*. Generalist carnivores as effective biodiversity samplers of terrestrial vertebrates. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment [Internet]. 2021;19(10):557-563. 访问链接
Han F-Y, Yin L-Z, Du C-H, Liu P-K*. Generalized Wavefront Manipulation: Dual-Foci Superfocusing with Hybrid-Magnitude Evanescent Modes and Terahertz Space-Division Multiplexing. ACS Photonics [Internet]. 2021;8:1592-1606. 查看文章Abstract
To distinctively identify two objects at the deep-subwavelength scales requires sharp superfocusing to overcome the diffraction limit. However, conventional superfocusing effect and information-carrying capacity are limited by the focal length and single focusing field (only electric or magnetic field), which are hard to be apparently improved. Here, we introduce the concept of “dual-foci superfocusing”, an advanced focusing form that can provide either one or two focusing spots, simultaneously converging both electric and magnetic fields and presenting an effect of electromagnetostatic space-division multiplexing. The physical mechanism of the dual-foci superfocusing is analyzed and synthesized by an original theory of shaping functional fields using hybrid-magnitude evanescent modes. Through a terahertz plasmonic array, the dual-foci superfocusing is numerically demonstrated, whose metric (ratio of focal length to focusing-spot size) is sufficiently improved from traditional 1–1.8 up to 2.8. The proposed methodology could be exploited as a platform to investigate the novel concurrent characteristics of superfocusing and might represent an important step toward the development of beam manipulation and sophisticated holography.
Han F-Y, Yin L-Z, Du C-H, Liu* P-K. Generalized Wavefront Manipulation: Dual-Foci Superfocusing with Hybrid-Magnitude Evanescent Modes and Terahertz Space-Division Multiplexing. ACS Photonics. 2021;8(6):1592-1606.
Zhang Y, Chen X, Han W. Generation of Droplets in Double T-Shaped Microchannels with Necked Structures. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY [Internet]. 2021;44(7):1241-1250. 访问链接Abstract
Microfluidic droplets are widely applied in various fields such as biomedicine, aerospace, energy utilization, and chemical engineering due to their advantages of large specific surface area, uniform size, stability, and easy control. The double T-shaped microchannel has the characteristics of rapid preparation of microdroplets with controllable size and good uniformity. Through 3D numerical simulation, the influence of the constriction structure of the microchannel on the formation of droplets was studied qualitatively and quantitatively. Compared with ordinary double T-shaped microchannels, the microchannels with a necked structure generate smaller droplets in diameter and faster generation frequency. Among the three structures of rectangular necking, inverted trapezoidal necking, and trapezoidal necking, the microchannel with the latter structure has the best performance, can produce monodisperse droplets of uniform size, and the period is stable.
Huang* H, Fan J, Li D, Liu* F. Generic orbital design of higher-order topological quasicrystalline insulators with odd five-fold rotation symmetry. Nano Letters [Internet]. 2021;16:7056–7062. 访问链接
Huang H, Fan J, Li D, Liu F. Generic Orbital Design of Higher-Order Topological Quasicrystalline Insulators with Odd Five-Fold Rotation Symmetry. Nano Lett. 2021;21:7056–7062.
