
Chen J, Wu X, Qu T. Early Reflections Based Speech Enhancement, in 2021 4th International Conference on Information Communication and Signal Processing (ICICSP). ShangHai, China; 2021:183-187.
Liu L, Wang Z. Ecosystem structure and functioning: current knowledge and perspectives. Journal of Plant EcologyJournal of Plant Ecology. 2021;45:1033-1035.
Tambe T, Hooper C, Pentecost L, Jia T, Yang E-Y, Donato M, Sanh V, Whatmough P, Rush A, Brooks D, et al. EdgeBERT: sentence-level energy optimizations for latency-aware multi-task NLP inference, in International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO).; 2021.
Shen Z*, Malanson GP, Yao M, Zhang J. Editorial: Temporal patterns and mechanisms of biodiversity across scales in East Asia. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution [Internet]. 2021;9:662454. 访问链接
Wang F, Chen J, Chen F*. Effect of carrier bandwidth on understanding mandarin sentences in simulated electric-acoustic hearing, in 22th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH). Brno, Czechia; 2021.
Jia J, Liang C, Wu X, Xiong L, Bao P, Chen Q, Yan P. Effect of high proportion concentrate dietary on Yak jejunal structure, physiological function and protein composition during cold season. Scientific ReportsScientific Reports. 2021;11.Abstract
The current study aimed to investigate the damage of long-term high concentrate diet feeding pattern on Yak jejunal structure, physiological function and protein composition during cold season. Twelve Datong male Yak (Bos grunniens) with the same age from cold season were randomly selected and slaughtered to determine Yak jejunal digestive enzyme activity, morphology and protein composition on different feeding patterns in Tibetan Plateau. The results showed that Yak jejunum digestive enzyme activity and morphology of grazing reared group were better than those in the intensively reared group. A total of 96 differentially expressed proteins were identified by label-free Mass Spectrometry (MS), which could be concluded to two predominant themes: protein structure and inflammatory response. Nine differentially expressed proteins were correlated in Yak jejunum damage in different feeding patterns. According to this research, we found that feeding pattern resulted the differences in Yak jejunum physiological function, morphology and protein composition. This fact was confirmed long-term high dietary concentrate feeding could damage the jejunum epithelial morphology and function.
Wang T, Zhao G, Tan T, Yu Y, Tang R, Dong H, Chen S, Li X, Lu K, Zeng L, et al. Effects of biomass burning and photochemical oxidation on the black carbon mixing state and light absorption in summer season. Atmospheric EnvironmentAtmospheric EnvironmentAtmospheric Environment. 2021;248.Abstract
To investigate the effects of biomass burning and photochemical oxidation on the black carbon (BC) mixing state and light absorption, a tandem centrifugal particle mass analyzer (CPMA) and single-particle soot photometer (SP2) system was used to measure ambient fine particulate BC during EXPLORE-YRD 2018 campaign (EXPeriment on the eLucidation of the atmospheric Oxidation capacity and aerosol foRmation, and their Effects in Yangtze River Delta). The mass ratio (MR) of the non-BC coating to BC core, a morphology-independent parameter to quantify the mixing state of BC-containing aerosols, is derived. Two types of periods were identified, namely non-significant biomass-burning period (NB), and enhanced biomass burning period (EB). The MR was higher during EB (2.3 ± 0.5), compared with during the NB (2.0 ± 0.5). MR showed bimodal diurnal variation with peaks in the early morning and early afternoon, mainly due to the biomass burning and photochemical processes, respectively. The light-absorbing enhancement ranged from 1.0 to 1.19 when MR was from 1.4 to 3.4. The relationship of rBC mixing state and its optical properties was parameterized, which can further be used in the regional model. © 2021 The Author(s)
Wang T, Zhao G, Tan T, Yu Y, Tang R, Dong HB, Chen S, Li X, Lu K, Zeng L, et al. Effects of biomass burning and photochemical oxidation on the black carbon mixing state and light absorption in summer season. Atmospheric Environment [Internet]. 2021;248. 访问链接
Lyu T, Wang Y, Luo A, Li Y, Peng S, Cai H, Zeng H, Wang Z. Effects of climate, plant height and evolutionary age on geographical patterns of fruit type. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2021;12:604272.
Yan M, Gong J, Liu Q, Li W, Duan X, Cao S, Li S, He L, Yin Z, Lin W, et al. The effects of indoor and outdoor air pollution on the prevalence of adults' respiratory diseases in four Chinese cities: a comparison between 2017-2018 and 1993-1996. Journal of Thoracic DiseaseJournal of Thoracic Disease. 2021;13:4560-+.
YZ S, CX D, N C, X L, XM L, YM C, Y H, Wang J. Effects of microplastics on soil microbiome: The impacts of polymer type, shape, and concentration. Science of The Total Environment [Internet]. 2021. 访问链接
Gu J. Effects of Patent Policy on Outputs and Commercialization of Academic Patents in China: A Spatial Difference-in-Differences Analysis. Sustainability [Internet]. 2021;13(23):13459. 访问链接Abstract
The development of a difference-in-differences estimator is a new move in patent policy evaluation research. However, such an estimator neglects the possibility that academic patent activities follow a spatial autoregressive process with respect to the dependent variable. The objective of this study was to propose a spatial difference-in-differences estimator accounting for possible spatial spillover effects. In this study, an empirical analysis of a sample of 31 Chinese provinces from 2010 to 2019 indicates that an incentive patent policy has a positive impact on the output and commercialization of academic patents, with positive effects also spilling over into neighboring provinces. This study further found that incentive patent policies play a placebo role in academic patent activities. Provincial patent policies are merely a proxy for other variables that characterize the systemic differences between provinces that implement patent policies and those that do not. Therefore, the promotion of academic patent activities cannot be attributed to policy incentives.
Pan Q, Zheng H, Wang Z, Wen Z, Yang YZ. Effects of plant functional traits on ecosystem services: a review. Journal of Plant EcologyJournal of Plant Ecology. 2021;45:1140-1153.Abstract
<p id="p00005">Comprehensively understanding the mechanisms underlying the formation of ecosystem services is a prerequisite for maintaining the sustainable supply of ecosystem services. Plant functional traits directly participate in a variety of ecosystem processes, which in turn affect the supply of ecosystem services. Revealing the relationship between plant functional traits and ecosystem services is an important way to understand the formation mechanism of ecosystem services. Based on a systematic literature review, 86 papers on plant functional properties and ecosystem services were retrieved in the Web of Science database, and data for 466 pairs of plant functional traits and ecosystem services and 83 plant functional traits were collected. The current status of research on the relationship between plant functional traits and ecosystem services was revealed. Moreover, the main plant functional traits that affect different ecosystem services and their mechanisms underlying their impacts were also demonstrated. The results show that the research on the relationship between plant functional traits and ecosystem services mostly focuses on natural ecosystems such as grasslands and forests. Most of these studies focus on ecosystem products providing and supporting services, including biomass, net primary productivity, and soil fertility. Based on the impacts of plant functional traits on different ecosystem services, the plant functional traits can be clustered into five categories: soil-conservation-related traits, water-cycle-related traits, ecosystem- multifunction- related traits, product-providing-related traits, and pollination-biocontrol-related traits. The impacts of climate change, human activities, and variations in spatial and temporal scales on the relationship between plant functional traits and ecosystem services need to be further explored.</p>
Liu Q, Li H, Guo L, Chen Q, Gao X, Li P-hui, Tang N, Guo X, Deng F, Wu S. Effects of Short-term Personal Exposure to Air Pollution on Platelet Mitochondrial DNA Methylation Levels and the Potential Mitigation by L-arginine Supplementation. Journal of Hazardous Materials [Internet]. 2021:125963. 访问链接Abstract
The potential effect of short-term exposure to air pollution on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) methylation remains to be explored. This study adopted an experimental exposure protocol nested with an intervention study on L-arginine (L-Arg) supplementation. Participants walked along a traffic road for 2h in the last day of a 14-day intervention to investigate the effects of short-term personal exposure to air pollution on platelet mtDNA methylation and the possible modifying effects of L-Arg supplementation. Results showed that short-term personal exposure to air pollutants was associated with hypomethylation in platelet mtDNA. Specifically, 2-h fine particulate matter (PM2.5) exposure during the outdoor walk was significantly associated with hypomethylation in mt12sRNA and ATP6; 24-h black carbon (BC) exposure from the start of the walk till next morning and 2-h NO2 exposure was significantly associated with hypomethylation in ATP8; and 24-h PM2.5 exposure, 2-h and 24-h BC exposure were significantly associated with hypomethylation in D-loop. Supplementation with L-Arg could mitigate the air pollution effects on methylation in ATP8 and D-loop. These findings suggest that platelet mtDNA methylation may be sensitive effect biomarker for short-term exposure to air pollution and may help deepen the understanding of the epigenetic mechanisms of adverse cardiovascular effects of air pollution.
Xiao C, Yang C, Li M. Efficient Alternating Least Squares Algorithms for Low Multilinear Rank Approximation of Tensors. Journal of Scientific Computing, arXiv:2004.02583 [Internet]. 2021;87:67:1-25. 访问链接
Ding Q-M, Fang X-X, Yuan X, Zhang T, Lu H. Efficient estimation of multipartite quantum coherence. Physical Review Research. 2021;3(2):023228.
Li S-Q, Du* C-H, Han F-Y, Li F-H, Liu P-K. Efficient magnetic-coupling excitation of LSSPs on high-Q multilayer planar-circular-grating resonators. Optics Express. 2021;29(16):25189–25201.
Du Y, Tu Z, Yuan X, Tao D. An efficient measure for the expressivity of variational quantum algorithms. arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.09961. 2021.
Xia M, Shao S, Chou T. Efficient scaling and moving techniques for spectral methods in unbounded domains. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing [Internet]. 2021;43(5):A3244–A3268. 访问链接Abstract
When using Laguerre and Hermite spectral methods to numerically solve PDEs in unbounded domains, the number of collocation points assigned inside the region of interest is often insufficient, particularly when the region is expanded or translated in order to safely capture the unknown solution. Simply increasing the number of collocation points cannot ensure a fast convergence to spectral accuracy. In this paper, we propose a scaling technique and a moving technique to adaptively cluster enough collocation points in a region of interest in order to achieve fast spectral convergence. Our scaling algorithm employs an indicator in the frequency domain that both is used to determine when scaling is needed and informs the tuning of a scaling factor to redistribute collocation points in order to adapt to the diffusive behavior of the solution. Our moving technique adopts an exterior-error indicator and moves the collocation points to capture the translation. Both frequency and exterior-error indicators are defined using only the numerical solutions. We apply our methods to a number of different models, including diffusive and moving Fermi--Dirac distributions and nonlinear Dirac solitary waves, and demonstrate recovery of spectral convergence for time-dependent simulations. A performance comparison in solving a linear parabolic problem shows that our frequency scaling algorithm outperforms the existing scaling approaches. We also show our frequency scaling technique is able to track the blowup of average cell sizes in a model for cell proliferation. In addition to the Laguerre and Hermite basis functions with exponential decay at infinity, we also successfully apply the frequency-dependent scaling technique into rational basis functions with algebraic decay at infinity.
Zheng ZJ, Kulasegaram S, Chen P, Chen YQ. An efficient SPH methodology for modelling mechanical characteristics of particulate composites. Defence TechnologyDefence Technology. 2021;17:135-146.Abstract
Particulate composites are one of the widely used materials in producing numerous state-of-the-art components in biomedical, automobile, aerospace including defence technology. Variety of modelling techniques have been adopted in the past to model mechanical behaviour of particulate composites. Due to their favourable properties, particle-based methods provide a convenient platform to model failure or fracture of these composites. Smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH) is one of such methods which demonstrate excellent potential for modelling failure or fracture of particulate composites in a Lagrangian setting. One of the major challenges in using SPH method for modelling composite materials depends on accurate and efficient way to treat interface and boundary conditions. In this paper, a master-slave method based multi-freedom constraints is proposed to impose essential boundary conditions and interfacial displacement constraints in modelling mechanical behaviour of composite materials using SPH method. The proposed methodology enforces the above constraints more accurately and requires only smaller condition number for system stiffness matrix than the procedures based on typical penalty function approach. A minimum cut-off value-based error criteria is employed to improve the computational efficiency of the proposed methodology. In addition, the proposed method is further enhanced by adopting a modified numerical interpolation scheme along the boundary to increase the accuracy and computational efficiency. The numerical examples demonstrate that the proposed master-slave approach yields better accuracy in enforcing displacement constraints and requires approximately the same computational time as that of penalty method. (C) 2020 China Ordnance Society. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co.
