科研成果 by Type: 学位论文

Wu Z, Lu C. Sustainable careers under uncertainty. 研究手稿.
魏胜昆. 《史记》(下)几组维度形容词的句法和语义. 北京大学中国语言文学系 [Internet]. 已提交. 访问链接Abstract
本文[1]結合Dixon(2010)對核心語義類維度形容詞在語義上的描述,詳細比較了《史記》(下)中主要用來表示維度意義的4組形容詞——“大/小”、“遠/近”、“深/淺”、“高/下”,發現《史記》(下)的上述8個形容詞在語義上的表現要更加多樣化。在此基礎上,本文首先嘗試描寫上述各詞在《史記》(下)中用作構詞成分以及記錄獨立的詞的情況,之後又詳細描寫四組獨立的詞的句法功能和格式,并分析各詞充當的句法功能,以及與不同類別的詞搭配使用時在語義上的差異,也嘗試分析各詞不同意義得以产生的隐喻机制。最後通過比較各詞在句法功能、語言義及意義類別上的共同點和差異,得出如下幾點結論:1.各詞均表現出形容詞的典型句法特征,大多皆能充當定語、狀語或謂語;2.除最基本的維度意義外,並不存在一個所有詞都具有的意義類別;3.並非使用頻率越高,意義就越多越複雜。最后,文章嘗試使用概念整合的理論以及維度形容詞本身的特性(即程度性/量性特征和維度概念在空間上的延展性)來解釋上述各詞語義上能夠實現多種隱喻的原因。 [1]  本研究得到多卷本斷代漢語語法史研究國家社科基金(編號:14ZDB092)資助。
Deng Y. Causal Inference with Confounding and Intercurrent Events. School of Mathematical Sciences. 2023.
张逸凡. “不见夺之理则天下乐从”?——增值税对政治问责之影响的跨国分析. 北京大学. 2022.Abstract
雷瑭洵. 先秦汉语形容词的句法语义研究. 北京大学. 2020.
韩文博. 微流控中微液滴生成及其操控机理的数值模拟研究. 辽宁工业大学 [Internet]. 2020. 访问链接Abstract
唐方舟. 海面舰船毫米波辐射图像特征分析与目标检测方法研究. 华中科技大学 [Internet]. 2020. 访问链接Abstract
被动毫米波(PMMW, Passive Millimeter Wave)辐射探测技术具有较好的隐蔽性。此外,毫米波具备一定的穿透云、雾和雨区的能力。因此,PMMW 辐射探测技术能够在复杂的海洋环境中用来探测舰船目标。但是目前的被动毫米波辐射探测技术大多根据单一的辐射亮温差异信息判断目标,难以满足在海面舰船目标检测应用中的实际需求。本文从实际场景出发,对海面舰船及伴生尾迹的毫米波辐射图像特征和目标检测方法进行了研究。主要包括以下内容: 研究了海面舰船毫米波辐射图像中舰船目标的倒影特征与目标检测方法。首先 根据毫米波辐射成像原理分析了舰船目标与背景的相互作用原理和亮温变化规律,然后对海面舰船的毫米波辐射仿真图像应用图像配准方法,对舰船目标与倒影区域进行分割,避免将倒影区域错误地识别为舰船目标。最后介绍了舰船毫米波辐射倒影成像实验,并应用图像配准与边缘检测方法对舰船目标与倒影进行分割,证明了倒影检测方法的正确性。 研究了海面舰船目标和海面背景在毫米波辐射图像中的极化特征差异与舰船目 标检测方法。提出了基于毫米波辐射双线性极化检测(DLPD,Dual Linear Polarization Discriminator)方法的金属舰船目标检测方法。然后将目标与背景存在“亮温混叠”现象的区域进行区分,提高了舰船目标在毫米波辐射图像中的识别率。最后介绍了舰船目标毫米波辐射极化成像实验,给出了实验结果并验证了基于 DLPD 方法的金属舰船目标检测方法。 研究了在毫米波辐射图像中舰船尾迹的辐射亮温特征与目标检测方法。首先对 开尔文尾迹与湍流尾迹的泡沫群分布进行仿真。再结合毫米波辐射计算模型,通过对比分析海面背景、舰船及其尾迹的毫米波辐射亮温特征,提出了基于亮温对比度的舰船尾迹目标检测方法。最后通过实验验证了舰船尾迹毫米波辐射图像目标检测方法的有效性,证明了舰船尾迹辅助舰船目标检测的可行性。
朱道也. 多尺度空间面要素匹配优化方法研究. 武汉大学. 2018.
邓宇昊. 生物等效性试验中的假设检验及对第一类错误的控制. 北京大学数学科学学院 [Internet]. 2018. PDF下载Abstract
Yang W. Development and optimization of activated carbon air cathode towards scale up applications of microbial fuel cells. 2016.
Yang W. Development and optimization of activated carbon air cathode towards scale up applications of microbial fuel cells. 2016.
Zhang H. Infinite Divisibility and Compound Poisson Law:Related Count Data Models and High-Dimensional Variable Selection. 华中师范大学 硕士论文 [Internet]. 2016. 访问链接Abstract
In this master thesis, we explore the probability theory, statistical inference and numerical computation of discrete compound Poisson (DCP) distribution. In particular, we do a very comprehensive literature review of DCP distributions and its applications in related statistical models of count data fields, and especially, we discuss penalized generalized linear model of count data regression.The discrete compound Poisson distributions have the probability generating function in the form of the following: The famous Feller’s characterization of the compound Poisson states that a discrete distribution is compound Poisson if and only if its distribution is discrete infinitely divisible. This is a special case of Levy-Khinchine formula. When the{ai}i=1∞, may take negative values and the sum is absolutely convergent, it is called pseudo discrete compound Poisson distribution.In the first chapter, we introduce an important tool (probability generating function and Fourier transform) as preliminaries and improve the flawed proof of Feller’s characterization, and then we give a short introduction of variable selection method about Lasso and generalization. We close this chapter with the infinitely divisibile prior distribution in Bayesian Lasso and we envisages appropriate zero-inflated distribution as prior distribution which obtains the nonzero sparse estimation of coefficients. The chapter Ⅱ discusses characterizations of DCP distribution(process) with ten methods to prove the probability mass function are given in Appendix, and we give over a hundred kinds of special cases or sub-families of DCP distribution which are listed in a table with references. We use Stein-Chen method and operator semigroup method to obtain the upper bound of the total variation between a sum of independent discrete r.v. and a related discrete compound Poisson r.v., and use row sum in random triangular array to approximate discrete compound Poisson distribution. Chapter Ⅳ studys statistics, parameters estimation, FFT of DCP probability mass. Chapter Ⅴ firstly uses cumulants estimation and Fourier transform estimation to actuarial claim data with zero-inflated and overdispersion properties, then compares its Kolmogorov-Smimov test and Chi-squared test. We give a theorem that a set of count data obeys discrete pseudo compound Poisson distribution if its. probability of zero is larger than the probability of nonzero. Further more, we use this zero-inflated property of pseudo discrete compound Poisson with adding virtual frequency techniques; we get an algorithm to fit any discrete distributions. Chapter V also discusses count GLM related to the DCP distribution and use penalized estimation to select important regression variables. In particular, we consider the Elastic net estimates of negative binomial regression, and we give a necessary and sufficient condition(like Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions) for non-zero(zero) coefficient estimates. Using a spider count data, we analysis this real example by negative binomial regression with MLE, Lasso, Elastic net penalties. Next, we set forth the survival functions in discrete frailty model and cured rate models (or long term survivor models with competing causes) which are derived from some DCP distributions. In the last section, we look forword to the future study that mixed Poisson distribution to approximate any discrete distribution, and states the problem of variable selection in mixture components. Due to the complexity of the mixture, it results the high-dimentional problem. 
雷瑭洵. 上古汉语“V+NP1+于+NP2”双及物结构的及其历史演变研究. 北京大学. 2016.Abstract
“V+NP1+于/于+NP2”格式(“于”字式)是上古汉语中双及物结构的一种表层编码方式。“于”字式与双宾语式都可以编码双及物结构,但二者存在语义差异。在演变过程中,“于”字式逐渐衰落并最终消失。其衰落过程主要发生在上古汉语时期,并与介词“于/于”的演变有密切联系。 本文以《左传》中进入“于”字式的“献”、“归”、“假”、“求”、“告”、“言”等动词为例,在考察音义关系确定单位同一性的基础上,描写这批动词的共时句法表现及历史演变过程,从而展现“于”字结构的衰落过程及其替换格式。 本文得出以下结论: 第一、动词的内外方向性、等级性和礼节仪式性是影响双及物动词选择“于”字式或者双宾式的要素。 第二、“V+NP1+NP2”格式(倒置双宾式)是一种独立的句法格式,由“于”的变化引起,应分析为双宾式。这一格式是“于”字式演变的中间过程。 第三、“于”字式的主要替换式,除了“V(…)与…”和“从…V…”之外,还有双宾语格式,包括“授与类”受类推因素形成的双宾语格式,和“受取类”从“V+[NP1+NP2]”重新分析而成的双宾式。
Li F. Bayesian Modeling of Conditional Densities. [Internet]. 2013. 访问链接Abstract
This thesis develops models and associated Bayesian inference methods for flexible univariate and multivariate conditional density estimation. The models are flexible in the sense that they can capture widely differing shapes of the data. The estimation methods are specifically designed to achieve flexibility while still avoiding overfitting. The models are flexible both for a given covariate value, but also across covariate space. A key contribution of this thesis is that it provides general approaches of density estimation with highly efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. The methods are illustrated on several challenging non-linear and non-normal datasets. In the first paper, a general model is proposed for flexibly estimating the density of a continuous response variable conditional on a possibly high-dimensional set of covariates. The model is a finite mixture of asymmetric student-t densities with covariate-dependent mixture weights. The four parameters of the components, the mean, degrees of freedom, scale and skewness, are all modeled as functions of the covariates. The second paper explores how well a smooth mixture of symmetric components can capture skewed data. Simulations and applications on real data show that including covariate-dependent skewness in the components can lead to substantially improved performance on skewed data, often using a much smaller number of components. We also introduce smooth mixtures of gamma and log-normal components to model positively-valued response variables. In the third paper we propose a multivariate Gaussian surface regression model that combines both additive splines and interactive splines, and a highly efficient MCMC algorithm that updates all the multi-dimensional knot locations jointly. We use shrinkage priors to avoid overfitting with different estimated shrinkage factors for the additive and surface part of the model, and also different shrinkage parameters for the different response variables. In the last paper we present a general Bayesian approach for directly modeling dependencies between variables as function of explanatory variables in a flexible copula context. In particular, the Joe-Clayton copula is extended to have covariate-dependent tail dependence and correlations. Posterior inference is carried out using a novel and efficient simulation method. The appendix of the thesis documents the computational implementation details.
范凡. 民国时期图书馆学着作出版与学术传承. 北京大学信息管理系. 2008.
范凡. 网络出版对科学情报交流的影响. 郑州大学信息管理系. 2003.
