科研成果 by Type: 图书

颜海英. 古埃及语言文字与文化.; 出版中.
杨伟、周晓华、韩开山、邓宇昊译. 观察性研究设计. 2nd ed. (Rosenbaum PR). 高等教育出版社; 准备出版.
颜海英. 中国收藏的古埃及文物.; 已提交.
Gu J. Wealth Management Report for Mid-High Net Worth Families. 1st ed. Singapore: Springer; 2024 pp. 358. 访问链接Abstract
This book analyzes the wealth management of mid-high net worth individuals and families. As China's economy develops and people's living standards improve, more and more families are becoming well-off and the middle-income group continues to expand. After creating wealth and becoming rich, better guarding, spreading and enjoying wealth is not only an urgent challenge faced by more and more micro-families, but also an inevitable need to enrich and energize people's livelihood and the connotation of a good life. Mid-high net worth people are an organic part of China's middle-income group, as well as the future coordinates of many families that have just crossed into the middle-income group. An accurate portrait of this group and an in-depth study of the needs, habits, ways and effects of their family wealth management and distribution are conducive to better responding to the demands of affluent families to "keep, pass on and enjoy wealth," as well as exploring the path of solidly promoting common prosperity at the micro-family level. From this perspective, Institute of Social Science Survey of Peking University has conducted a panoramic analysis on mid-high net worth people from panel survey with more 16,000 households in China after 10 years of tracking and investigation, from six aspects: behavioral patterns, financial asset allocation, non-financial asset allocation, commercial insurance allocation, children's commercial medical insurance allocation and pension insurance allocation, the importance of which is self-evident. As the first systematic work on asset allocation and insurance protection of Chinese middle and high net worth families, although part of the purpose is to explore the demand for insurance protection and develop the commercial insurance market, there is no doubt that this study is an important reference for the government to formulate social security policies and for financial institutions to optimize the supply of family wealth services.
编 谢侃侃、张忞煜、曹寅. 季风亚洲:全球视野下的跨印度洋文化网络. 北京: 北京大学出版社; 2024.
数字生态与治理(第一辑):数字生态与中美欧数字治理格局. 北京: 社会科学文献出版社; 2023.
译 谢侃侃、罗杰 等. 杀戮季节:1965—1966年印度尼西亚大屠杀历史 by Geoffrey B. Robinson. 1st ed. 北京: 世界知识出版社; 2023 pp. 446.
Liu Y, Wang C-C, Liu W. Emerging Nanotechnologies for Water Treatment. (Liu Y, Wang C-C, Liu W). The Royal Society of Chemistry; 2022 pp. P001-542. 访问链接
张丽娟,姜雨婷,王金霞,孙天合. 变化环境下的适应性灌溉管理. 1st ed. 北京: 中国社会科学出版社; 2022 pp. 349. 访问链接Abstract
贾积有, 史陈新,季茂生. 优课及师生分析. 1st ed. 西安: 未来出版社; 2022 pp. 436.
时胜勋. 审美的境象:中国当代艺术话语范式研究. 1st ed. 北京: 社会科学文献出版社; 2022 pp. 317. 访问链接Abstract
周晓华、邓宇昊译. 缺失数据统计分析. 3rd ed. (Little RJA, Rubin DB). 高等教育出版社; 2022.
Koger FH, 赵朝熠(译). 金融市场风险管理分析 (Financial Market Risk Management Analytics). 上海: 格致出版社; 2022.
王延飞,杜元清著. 情报感知论. 北京: 科学技术文献出版社; 2021.Abstract
李世娟编著. 健康信息学概论. 北京: 朝华出版社; 2021.
周晓华、周初安、刘丹萍、丁晓波著, 侯艳、邓宇昊、孙嘉瑞译. 健康科学领域中的缺失数据分析方法(译著). 人民卫生出版社; 2021.
时胜勋. 国际化与本土化:全球化时代中国当代艺术的文化景观. 1st ed. 北京: 九州出版社; 2021 pp. 314. 访问链接Abstract
编写作者之一. 大数据学科与技术路线图. 北京: 中国科学技术出版社; 2021.
黄国彬等. 建设服务型政府——中国政务热线服务能力发展报告(2021)[M]. 北京: 海洋出版社; 2021.Abstract
英国DK出版社, 赵朝熠(译). 数学百科(全彩)(The Maths Book). 电子工业出版社; 2021. 访问链接
