科研成果 by Type: 图书

编写作者之一. 中国交通一卡通发展与实践. 北京: 人民交通出版社; 2020.
李世娟等编著. 国外图书馆阅读推广. 北京: 朝华出版社; 2020.
杨钋. 技能形成与区域创新:职业教育校企合作的功能分析. 北京: 社会科学文献出版社; 2020.
教育经济学. 北京: 北京大学出版社; 2020.
张忞煜. 格比尔诗歌译注与研究. 成都: 四川人民出版社; 2020 pp. 445.
郭锡良编著、雷瑭洵校订. 汉字古音表稿. 北京: 中华书局; 2020.
《汉泰词典》. 1st ed. 北京: 商务印书馆; 2020. 百度链接Abstract
高校扩招. 北京: 中国社会科学出版社; 2020.
范凡. 中日图书馆学交流65年(一八九九-一九六四)历史探微. 北京: 海洋出版社; 2019.Abstract
米尔顿·穆勒, 段海新, 胡泳(等译). 从根上治理互联网:互联网治理与网络空间的驯化. 北京: 电子工业出版社; 2019.
肖清和. 天儒同异:清初儒家基督徒研究. 上海大学出版社; 2019.
Wei Y. Causal connectives and perspective markers in Chinese: The encoding and processing of subjectivity in discourse. LOT publications; 2018. Full textAbstract
Language users need to interpret others’ subjective opinions in communication. In causal relations, subjectivity is defined as the involvement of a speaker who is responsible for the causal reasoning. Subjectivity can be expressed by various linguistic cues such as perspective markers (e.g. I think, it is said) and modal verbs (e.g. may, must). Some connectives encode subjectivity as well – the Chinese connective kejian ‘so/therefore’ and the Dutch connective dus ‘so’ indicate that a causal relation is based on the subjective reasoning of the speaker. These linguistic cues function as instructions for comprehenders in on-line language processing. This dissertation explores the use of linguistic markers expressing subjectivity in discourse and how these markers influence the representation and processing of discourse. Three different methods were applied to Mandarin Chinese: a collocational analysis, an on- line reading study and a visual world paradigm eye-tracking study. The results show that linguistic cues such as perspective markers and modal verbs are used in combination with connectives to express subjectivity in causal relations. In on-line reading, these linguistic cues function as processing instructions to readers – helping them track the source of information and interpret subjectivity. Moreover, this process is highly incremental. An eye-tracking study using the visual world paradigm provided evidence about how subjectivity influences processing: the processing of subjectivity involves activating the source of information in the mental representation of the linguistic input. Combining these three methods has proved to be a fruitful way of gaining more insight into the phenomenon of subjectivity.
Jia J. The cost-effect analysis of integration of CSIEC system into English instruction.; 2018 pp. 1917-1939. 访问链接
Jia J. The design and implementation of English instruction in four high schools with CSIEC system.; 2018 pp. 438-461. 访问链接
Tian M, Xiong X, Huang M, Li T, Li S, Hu Q, Li X, Wu Y. High-performance two-dimensional transistors and circuits.; 2018 pp. 565-568. 访问链接
Gao R, Ye F, Luo G, Cong J. Smartphone-Based Indoor Map Construction - Principles and Applications. Singapore: Springer Singapore; 2018. 访问链接
李文军, 徐建华, 芦玉. 中国自然保护管理体制改革方向和路径研究 . 北京: 中国环境出版集团; 2018.
祝帅. 《中国设计研究百年》. 北京: 清华大学出版社; 2018.
[美]倪雅梅著,杨简茹译,祝帅校译. 《中正之笔:颜真卿书法与宋代文人政治》. 南京: 江苏人民出版社; 2018.
祝帅、阴澍雨. 《书画同源:赵之谦》. 北京: 荣宝斋出版社; 2018.
