
郑宇涵, 苏志国, 李菲菲, 姚鹏城, 温东辉. 陆源排水对近海纳污区微生物群落组成及碳代谢功能的影响. 环境工程 [Internet]. 2023:1-10. 访问链接Abstract
随着现代城市和工商业的快速发展,污水处理厂成为保护水环境的重要设施,然而污水处理厂的尾水排放仍然对受纳水体产生不利影响。沿海地区的污水处理厂长期将尾水排入近海,引起海水水质变差,但是近海环境微生物对污染的响应尚不清晰。本研究选择我国污染形势严峻的杭州湾北岸、南岸各一片纳污区(简称JX 和SY)为研究对象,进行环境质量调查,并对沉积物微生物群落进行宏基因组测序,分析不同类型的废水排放对纳污区微生物群落结构和功能的潜在影响。研究结果表明,陆源废水排放对纳污区沉积物的微生物群落产生影响。JX和SY群落的物种组成和多样性存在差异,造成这种差异的关键环境因子为水中COD以及水深;JX和SY群落的碳代谢功能也存在差异,JX群落中与甲烷代谢相关的功能基因丰度更高,而SY群落中与糖异生途径相关的功能基因丰度更高,主要影响因子为水中COD和沉积物中TOC及石油类。上述结果对纳污海域的环境管理具有重要意义,并为完善污水处理厂排放标准提供了科学依据。
Wang C, Huang* H. 非周期体系拓扑物态的研究进展. 《中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学》 [Internet]. 2023;53(10):100002. 访问链接
陈美华,张明亮,王延飞. 面向国家安全体系和能力现代化建设的应急情报工作研究. 情报科学. 2023;41(7):2-7+13.Abstract
马雨萌,王延飞. 面向战略性新兴产业政策制定的情报感知研究. 情报学报. 2023;42(08):883-892.Abstract
康雁飞, 李丰. 预测:方法与实践. 在线出版; 2023. 访问链接
胡龙海, 黄炜, 任昶宇, 周羿. 风险感知、网络搜索与消费扭曲. 经济学 [Internet]. 2023;23(2):425-446. 访问链接Abstract
刘宇初. 高校图书馆创新能力提升策略研究——以北京大学图书馆创新实践为例. 大学图书馆学报. 2023;41(01):87-93.
XIAO K, CUI X, WANG X'an, Wang Y. A 128Kb DAC-less 6T SRAM Computing-in-Memory Macro with Prioritized Subranging ADC for AI Edge Applications. Microelectronics Journal [Internet]. 2022;126:105506. 访问链接
Jia T, Mantovani P, dos Santos MC, Giri D, Zuckerman J, Loscalzo EJ, Cochet M, Swaminathan K, Tombesi G, Zhang JJ, et al. A 12nm agile-designed SoC for swarm-based perception with heterogeneous IP blocks, a reconfigurable memory hierarchy, and an 800MHz multi-plane NoC, in European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC).; 2022.
张子睿 胡敏. 2013~2020年北京大气PM_(2.5)和O_3污染演变态势与典型过程特征. 科学通报 [Internet]. 2022;67(18):1995-2007. 访问链接
Xie Y, Meng L, Zhou T, Xu L, Bao H, Chu R. The 2021 Mw 7.3 East Cape Earthquake: Triggered Rupture in Complex Faulting Revealed by Multi-Array Back-Projections. Geophysical Research Letters. 2022;49:e2022GL099643.
HU Y, ZHANG Y, WANG R, ZHANG Z, SONG J, TANG X, QIAN W, WANG Y, Wang Y, HUANG R. A 28nm 198.9 TOPS/W Fault-Tolerant Stochastic Computing Neural Network Processor. IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters: [Internet]. 2022;5:198-201. 访问链接
PAN N, CUI X, QIAO X, XIAO K, GUO Q, Wang Y. A 28nm 64Kb SRAM based Inference-Training Tri-Mode Computing-in-Memory Macro, in 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS). Austin TX, USA: IEEE Press; 2022:2561-2565. 访问链接
Xu X, Ye S, Gao J, Zhang Y, Shen L, Ye L. A 32-ppm/°C 0.9-nW/kHz Relaxation Oscillator with Event-Driven Architecture and Charge Reuse Technique, in 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS).; 2022:1973-1977.
Shi W, Liu J, Mukherjee A, Yang X, TANG X, Shen L, Zhao W, Sun N. A 3.7mW 12.5MHz 81dB-SNDR 4th-Order Continuous-time DSM with Single-OTA and 2nd-Order Noise-shaping SAR. IEEE Open Journal of the Solid-State Circuits Society. 2022:1-1.Abstract
This paper presents a hybrid 4th-order delta-sigma modulator (DSM). It combines a continuous-time (CT) loop filter and a discrete-time (DT) passive 2nd-order noise-shaping SAR (NSSAR). Since the 2nd-order NS-SAR is robust against PVT variation, the stability of this 4th-order DSM is similar to that of a 2nd-order CT-DSM. The CT loop filter is based on single-amplifier bi-quad (SAB) structure. As a result, only one OTA is used to achieve 4th-order noise shaping, leading to a high power efficiency. Moreover, this work implements both excess loop delay (ELD) compensation and an input feedforward path inside the NS-SAR in the charge domain, further reducing the circuit complexity and the OTA power. Overall, this work achieves 81 dB SNDR over 12.5 MHz with 3.7 mW power, leading to a Schreier FoM of 176 dB.
SONG J, LUO H, TANG X, XU K, JI Z, Wang Y, WANG R, HUANG R. A 3T eDRAM In-Memory Physically Unclonable Function with Spatial Majority Voting Stabilization. IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters [Internet]. 2022;5:58-61. 访问链接Abstract
This letter presents a 3T eDRAM in-memory physically unclonable function (PUF) for low-cost Internet of Things (IoT) applications. The proposed design integrates PUF to eDRAM with a small peripheral overhead. With the subthreshold leakage of the bit-cell read path exploited as the entropy source, two adjacent 3T eDRAMs (with 2 × 197 F2 = 394 F2 area) race to generate the key bit. To overcome voltage and temperature variations, the spatial majority voting (SMV) is adopted. Implemented in 65-nm CMOS, the proposed eDRAM PUF achieves <0.35% bit error rate (BER) across a voltage range of 1.0–1.2 V and temperature range of 0 ◦C–60 ◦C, presenting a low-cost and robust solution for IoT security.
GUO Q, CUI X, Zhang J, ZHANG A, GUO X, Wang Y. A 4-bit Integer-Only Neural Network Quantization Method Based on Shift Batch Normalization, in 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS). Austin TX, USA: IEEE Press; 2022:707-711. 访问链接
QIAO X, SONG J, TANG X, LUO H, PAN N, CUI X, WANG R, Wang Y. A 65nm 73Kb SRAM-Based Computing-In-Memory Macro with Dynamic-Sparsity Controlling. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Brief Paper [Internet]. 2022;69(6):2977-2981. 访问链接Abstract
For neural network (NN) applications at the edge ofAI, computing-in-memory (CIM) demonstrates promising energyefficiency. However, when the network size grows while fulfillingthe accuracy requirements of increasingly complicated applicationscenarios, significant memory consumption becomes an issue.Model pruning is a typical compression approach for solvingthis problem, but it does not fully exploit the energy efficiencyadvantage of conventional CIMs, because of the dynamic distributionof sparse weights and the increased data movement energyconsumption of reading sparsity indexes from outside the chip.Therefore, we propose a vector-wise dynamic-sparsity controllingand computing in-memory structure (DS-CIM) that accomplishesboth sparsity control and computation of weights in SRAM, toimprove the energy efficiency of the vector-wise sparse pruningmodel. Implemented in a 65 nm CMOS process, the measurementresults show that the proposed DS-CIM macro can save upto 50.4% of computational energy consumption, while ensuringthe accuracy of vector-wise pruning models. The test chip canalso achieve 87.88% accuracy on the CIFAR-10 dataset at 4-bitprecision in inputs and weights, and it achieves 530.2TOPS/W(normalized to 1 bit) energy efficiency.
Zhang H, Shen L, Zhang S, Li H, Zhang Y, Tan Z, HUANG R, Ye L. A 77μW 115dB-Dynamic-Range 586fA-Sensitivity Current-Domain Continuous-Time Zoom ADC with Pulse-Width-Modulated Resistor DAC and Background Offset Compensation Scheme, in 2022 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC).; 2022:1-2. 访问链接Abstract
High-precision large dynamic-range (DR) current-sensing front-ends are widely used in biomedical applications, such as patch-clamp, molecular concentration detection, and gene sequencing. The new gene sequencers require low-noise analog front-ends capable of sensing large DR current (>100 dB) down to sub-pA-level. At this level of precision, oversampled data converters are usually used. However, given the limited oversampling ratio in high throughput applications, it is very challenging to achieve a sub-pA-level sensitivity and >100dB DR within the limited area and energy budgets [1]. In [2], a 140dB DR is achieved using a multi-bit delta-sigma modulator (DSM), but the power consumption is over 1mW and the current sensitivity is limited to 6.3pA. An hourglass ADC achieving a 100fA sensitivity and 140dB DR is presented in [3], but is limited by conversion rate and relatively high power consumption (295μW). For a 100Hz bandwidth, its noise floor increases to 18pA.
Liu Y, Wang Z, He W, Shen L, Zhang Y, Chen P, Wu M, Zhang H, Zhou P, Liu J, et al. An 82nW 0.53pJ/SOP Clock-Free Spiking Neural Network with 40µs Latency for AloT Wake-Up Functions Using Ultimate-Event-Driven Bionic Architecture and Computing-in-Memory Technique, in 2022 IEEE International Solid- State Circuits Conference (ISSCC).Vol 65.; 2022:372-374.
