
Wu D, Ma X, Zhang S. Integrating synergistic effects of air pollution control technologies: More cost-effective approach in the coal-fired sector in China. Journal of Cleaner Production [Internet]. 2018;199:1035 - 1042. 访问链接
Wu ZJ, Chen J, Wang Y, Zhu YS, Liu YC, Yao B, Zhang YH, Hu M. Interactions between water vapor and atmospheric aerosols have key roles in air quality and climate change. National Science Review. 2018;5:452-454.
Li ZY, Zhu R, Xie PH, Wang HC, Lu KD, Wang D. Intercomparison of in situ CRDS and CEAS for measurements of atmospheric N2O5 in Beijing, China. Science of the Total Environment. 2018;613:131-139.Abstract
Dinitrogen pentoxide (N2O5) is one of the basic trace gases which plays a key role in nighttime atmosphere. An intercomparison and validation of different N2O5 measurement methods is important for determining the true accuracy of these methods. Cavity ring down spectroscopy (CRDS) and cavity enhanced absorption spectrometer (CEAS) were used to measure N2O5 at the campus of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) from February 21, 2016 to March 4, 2016. The detection limits were 1.6 ppt (1 sigma) at 30 s intervals for the CEAS instrument and 3.9 ppt (1 sigma) at 10 s time resolution for the CRDS instrument respectively. In this study, a comparison of the 1 min observations from the two instruments was presented. The two data sets showed a good agreement within their uncertainties, with an absolute shift of 15.6 ppt, slope of 0.94 and a correlation coefficient R-2 = 0.97. In general, the difference between the CRDS and CEAS instruments for N2O5 measurement can be explained by their combined measurement uncertainties. However, high relative humidity (> 60%) and high PM2.5 concentration (> 200 mu g/m(3)) may contribute to the discrepancies. The excellent agreement between the measurement by the CRDS and CEAS instruments demonstrates the capability of the two instruments for accurately measuring N2O5 with high sensitivity. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Liu Y, Wang ZQ, Zhang XF, Liu CF, Liu YJ, Zhou ZM, Wang JF, Wang QY, Liu YZ, Xi CY, et al. Interface-Induced Zeeman-Protected Superconductivity in Ultrathin Crystalline Lead Films. Physical Review X [Internet]. 2018;8. 访问链接
Yuan C, Li C, Johnston L. The Intergenerational Education Spillovers of Pension Reform in China. Journal of Population Economics. 2018;31(2):671-701.
Li H, Wei X, Wu G, Gao S, Chen Q, Peng L-M. Interlayer electrical resistivity of rotated graphene layers studied by in-situ scanning electron microscopy. Ultramicroscopy [Internet]. 2018;193:90 - 96. 访问链接
Lu WT, Dai C, Fu ZH, Liang ZY, Guo HC. An interval-fuzzy possibilistic programming model to optimize China energy management system with \CO2\ emission constraint. Energy [Internet]. 2018;142:1023 - 1039. 访问链接Abstract
Abstract Energy system contains multiple uncertainties, and it is hard to express all its uncertainties by only one method. In order to solve this problem, an interval-fuzzy possibilistic programming (IFPP) method was developed based on the interval parameter programming (IPP), the fuzzy possibilistic programming (FPP) and fuzzy expected value equation within a general optimization framework. In this model, uncertainties presented in terms of crisp intervals and fuzzy-boundary intervals in both the objective function and constraints can be effectively addressed, and decision maker can choose the credibility degree of constraints based on his preference. The method was applied to optimize China energy management system with \CO2\ emission constraint, in which a \CO2\ emission coefficient model was employed to estimate the \CO2\ emission of each province. The study set two \CO2\ emission scenarios to analyze China energy system planning. The optimization results showed the approach could be used for generating a series of optimization schemes under multiple credibility levels, ensuring the energy system could meet the society demand, considering a proper balance between expected energy system costs and risks of violating the constraints of \CO2\ emission. Strengthening the \CO2\ emission constraint suggests the increasing of non-fossil energy generation and a higher system costs.
Ni X, Jiang W, Huang H, Jin K-H, Liu F. Intrinsic quantum anomalous hall effect in a two-dimensional anilato-based lattice. Nanoscale. 2018;10:11901.
Gao R, Ye F, Luo G, Cong J. Introduction of Indoor Map Construction. In: SpringerBriefs in Computer Science. ; 2018. pp. 1–2. 访问链接Abstract
© The Author(s) 2018. We describe the motivation and background of map construction for ubiquitous indoor location-based services, and then give an overview of this book and present how it is organized in the following chapters.
Eckstein MP, Yu C, Sagi D, Carrasco M, Lu ZL. Introduction to Special Issue on Perceptual Learning. Vision Research. 2018;152:1-2.
Cao B, Stack AG, Steefel CI, DePaolo DJ, Lammers LN, Hu Y*. Investigating calcite growth rates using a quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation (QCM-D). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta [Internet]. 2018;222:269-283. LinkAbstract
Calcite precipitation plays a significant role in processes such as geological carbon sequestration and toxic metal sequestration and, yet, the rates and mechanisms of calcite growth under close to equilibrium conditions are far from well understood. In this study, a quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation (QCM-D) was used for the first time to measure macroscopic calcite growth rates. Calcite seed crystals were first nucleated and grown on sensors, then growth rates of calcite seed crystals were measured in real-time under close to equilibrium conditions (saturation index, SI = log (Ca2+/CO32−/Ksp) = 0.01–0.7, where i represent ion activities and Ksp = 10−8.48 is the calcite thermodynamic solubility constant). At the end of the experiments, total masses of calcite crystals on sensors measured by QCM-D and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) were consistent, validating the QCM-D measurements. Calcite growth rates measured by QCM-D were compared with reported macroscopic growth rates measured with auto-titration, ICP-MS, and microbalance. Calcite growth rates measured by QCM-D were also compared with microscopic growth rates measured by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and with rates predicted by two process-based crystal growth models. The discrepancies in growth rates among AFM measurements and model predictions appear to mainly arise from differences in step densities, and the step velocities were consistent among the AFM measurements as well as with both model predictions. Using the predicted steady-state step velocity and the measured step densities, both models predict well the growth rates measured using QCM-D and AFM. This study provides valuable insights into the effects of reactive site densities on calcite growth rate, which may help design future growth models to predict transient-state step densities.
Zou J, Rezaee R, Xie Q, You L, Liu K, Saeedi A. Investigation of moisture effect on methane adsorption capacity of shale samples. Fuel [Internet]. 2018;232:323-332. 访问链接Abstract
The existing moisture in shale samples makes the evaluation for shale gas reservoirs more difficult due to its impact on the methane adsorption capacity and pore structure measurements. This paper compares the pore structure characteristics and methane adsorption capacity between dry and wet shale samples from Perth Basin, Western Australia. Pores with size between 0.4 nm and 100 nm were quantified by low-pressure N2 and CO2 adsorption. The comparative results demonstrate that moisture could alter the pore size distribution for big pores (>16 nm) and small pores (0.4–16 nm) in different ways. For each sample, the moisture effect on methane adsorption in shales changes with pressure: moisture effect on methane adsorption is more pronounced at lower pressure than higher pressure. For all samples, the effect of moisture on methane adsorption is related to the total organic carbon (TOC) content. Moisture could reduce methane adsorption by blocking clay- hosted small pores directly and organic matter-hosted small pores indirectly in high TOC samples. This phenomenon can effectively lead to a reduced Langmuir volume (VL) and increased Langmuir pressure (PL) when moisture exists.
LU G, Wang Y, ZHANG L, WANG Y, HUANG R, Zhang X. Investigation on the Gate Bias Voltage of BigFET in Power-rail ESD Clamp Circuit for Enhanced Transient Noise Immunity, in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS). Florence, Italy; 2018:08350905.
Zhu J, Yang Y, Jia R, Liang Z, Zhu W, Rehman ZU, Bao L, Zhang X, Cai Y, Song L, et al. Ion gated synaptic transistors based on 2D van der Waals crystals with tunable diffusive dynamics. Advanced Materials. 2018;30:1800195.
Liu YJ, Seco R, Kim S, Guenther AB, Goldstein AH, Keutsch FN, Springston SR, Watson TB, Artaxo P, Souza RAF, et al. Isoprene photo-oxidation products quantify the effect of pollution on hydroxyl radicals over Amazonia. Science Advances [Internet]. 2018;4:eaar2547. Link
Zeng ZP, Ma J, Xi P, Xu CH. Joint tagging assisted fluctuation nanoscopy enables fast high-density super-resolution imaging. Journal of Biophotonics [Internet]. 2018;11(9):e201800020. 访问链接Abstract
In fluctuation-based optical nanoscopy, investigating high-density labeled subcellular structures with high fidelity has been a significant challenge. In this study, based on super-resolution radial fluctuation (SRRF) microscopy, the joint tagging (JT) strategy is employed to enable fast high-density nanoscopic imaging and tracking. In fixed cell experiment, multiple types of quantum dots with distinguishable fluorescence spectra are jointly tagged to subcellular microtubules. In each spectral channel, the decrease in labeling density guarantees the high-fidelity super-resolution reconstruction using SRRF microscopy. Subsequently, the combination of all spectral channels achieves high-density super-resolution imaging of subcellular microtubules with a resolution of similar to 62 nm using JT assisted SRRF technique. In the live-cell experiment, 3-channel JT is utilized to track the dynamic motions of high-density toxin-induced lipid clusters for 1 minute, achieving the simultaneous tracking of many individual toxin-induced lipid clusters spatially distributed significantly below the optical diffraction limit in living cells.
Sun J, Liu L, Xu L, Wang Y, Wu Z, Hu M, Shi Z, Li Y, Zhang X, Chen J, et al. Key Role of Nitrate in Phase Transitions of Urban Particles: Implications of Important Reactive Surfaces for Secondary Aerosol Formation. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES. 2018;123:1234-1243.Abstract
Ammonium sulfate (AS) and ammonium nitrate (AN) are key components of urban fine particles. Both field and model studies showed that heterogeneous reactions of SO2, NO2, and NH3 on wet aerosols accelerated the haze formation in northern China. However, little is known on phase transitions of AS-AN containing haze particles. Here hygroscopic properties of laboratory-generated AS-AN particles and individual particles collected during haze events in an urban site were investigated using an individual particle hygroscopicity system. AS-AN particles showed a two-stage deliquescence at mutual deliquescence relative humidity (MDRH) and full deliquescence relative humidity (DRH) and three physical states: solid before MDRH, solid-aqueous between MDRH and DRH, and aqueous after DRH. During hydration, urban haze particles displayed a solid core and aqueous shell at RH=60-80% and aqueous phase at RH>80%. Most particles were in aqueous phase at RH>50% during dehydration. Our results show that AS content in individual particles determines their DRH and AN content determines their MDRH. AN content increase can reduce MDRH, which indicates occurrence of aqueous shell at lower RH. The humidity-dependent phase transitions of nitrate-abundant urban particles are important to provide reactive surfaces of secondary aerosol formation in the polluted air. Plain Language Summary Recently, aerosol water has received more attention because heterogeneous reactions of SO2, NO2, and NH3 on wet particles accelerate the severe haze formation in north China. Ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate (AS-AN) are key components of fine urban particles. Especially, nitrate concentration keeps increasing in polluted air in China. Our study indicates that the increase of AN content promotes the occurrence of aqueous shell at lower RH. Here we find that most of urban particles generally keep solid core and aqueous shell at RH=60-80% and aqueous phase at RH>80%. These findings can clearly explain the role of nitrate in phase transitions and make up the discussion about heterogeneous reactions on particle surfaces during the severe hazes in north China. Humidity-dependent phase states of particles are useful for interpreting the secondary aerosols' formation in severe hazes as well as in modeling studies.
Sun J, Liu L, Xu L, Wang Y, Wu Z, Hu M, Shi Z, Li Y, Zhang X, Chen J, et al. Key Role of Nitrate in Phase Transitions of Urban Particles: Implications of Important Reactive Surfaces for Secondary Aerosol Formation. Journal of Geophysical Research: AtmospheresJournal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2018;123:1234-1243.Abstract
Abstract Ammonium sulfate (AS) and ammonium nitrate (AN) are key components of urban fine particles. Both field and model studies showed that heterogeneous reactions of SO2, NO2, and NH3 on wet aerosols accelerated the haze formation in northern China. However, little is known on phase transitions of AS-AN containing haze particles. Here hygroscopic properties of laboratory-generated AS-AN particles and individual particles collected during haze events in an urban site were investigated using an individual particle hygroscopicity system. AS-AN particles showed a two-stage deliquescence at mutual deliquescence relative humidity (MDRH) and full deliquescence relative humidity (DRH) and three physical states: solid before MDRH, solid-aqueous between MDRH and DRH, and aqueous after DRH. During hydration, urban haze particles displayed a solid core and aqueous shell at RH = 60?80% and aqueous phase at RH > 80%. Most particles were in aqueous phase at RH > 50% during dehydration. Our results show that AS content in individual particles determines their DRH and AN content determines their MDRH. AN content increase can reduce MDRH, which indicates occurrence of aqueous shell at lower RH. The humidity-dependent phase transitions of nitrate-abundant urban particles are important to provide reactive surfaces of secondary aerosol formation in the polluted air.
Zhou Y, Bi J, Yang T, Gao K, Zhang C, Cao J, Wang Y. KeySight: Troubleshooting programmable switches via scalable high-coverage behavior tracking, in IEEE ICNP.; 2018:291–301.
Yang C, Zhang H, Liu Y, Yu Z, Wei X, Hu Y*. Kirigami-Inspired Deformable 3D Structures Conformable to Curved Biological Surface. Advanced Science. 2018;5:1801070.
