
Ma X, Ma J. Domestic policy consequences of international mega-events: Evidence from China. World Development [Internet]. 2024;184:106753. 出版链接Abstract
Mega-events such as the Olympic Games, the World Cup, the World Expos, and the G20 Summit play important roles in international political economy in the age of globalization. But we know little about how they shape domestic politics and policy processes in their host countries. China has emerged as the leading host of various sports, cultural, economic, and political mega-events in the past decades. Employing an original panel dataset of Chinese cities from 2001 to 2019, we find that cities that host mega-events gain an advantage in bargaining with central bureaucracies for policy resources. Using subway investments as an example, we demonstrate that host cities not only obtained centrally regulated infrastructure investments that directly serve the needs of the events, but also achieve development that they otherwise could not. The result is robust with two-way fixed effects models and after accounting for various alternative explanations. We show that host cities gain advantage because the events capture the attention of national leaders. National leaders have power over central bureaucrats’ careers and thus steer their decisions, and they see the success of mega-events as an opportunity to project national strengths. Our findings highlight the domestic policy consequences of international events in the age of China’s rapid rise and integration with the world.
Yan P, Schroeder R. Drifting Away from the Mainstream:Media Attention and the Politics of Hyperpartisan News Websites. Weizenbaum Journal of the Digital Society [Internet]. 2024;4(2). 访问链接Abstract
Populism has recently enjoyed success in Europe, the US, and beyond. Populist leaders and their supporters have accused “mainstream” media of being part of a “corrupt” elite that misrepresents the will of the virtuous “people.” Distrust of the media has also prompted the rejection of traditional media sources for political information and given prominence to alternative and hyperpartisan sources such as Breitbart. However, limited research exists concerning who consumes hyperpartisan media, how the websites of hyperpartisan media are interconnected, and what content is presented in hyperpartisan news. By combining cross-national surveys with large-scale digital trace datasets of website visits, this paper demonstrates the link between populist party support and hyperpartisan media visits. It also identifies influential sources of hyperpartisan news by analyzing the audience similarity networks of these websites and reveals country-level variations in hyperpartisan news and the dominance of US politics among the identified hyperpartisan news topics.
Wang T, Jiang D, Lu Y, Xu N, Wang Z, Zheng E, Wang R, Zhao Y, Wang Q. A Dual‐Mode, Scalable, Machine‐Learning‐Enhanced Wearable Sensing System for Synergetic Muscular Activity Monitoring. Advanced Materials Technologies. 2024:2400857.
Gu J. Dynamic bidirectional relationship between financial inclusion and energy poverty: Evidence from China. Energy Reports [Internet]. 2024;11:5300-5314. 访问链接Abstract
Financial inclusion and energy poverty have an interactive relationship; however, this two-way relationship lacks sufficient research. This study investigates the two-way mechanisms of financial inclusion, energy poverty, and neighborhood spillover effects. Using a spatial simultaneous equation model, this study examines 2615 Chinese rural households in 2020. Results reveal a statistically significant positive interaction between financial inclusion and energy poverty. In addition, the neighborhood spillover effects of financial inclusion and energy poverty are both significantly positive, whereas their neighborhood interaction spillover effects are significantly negative.
Xie J, Yang S. On the dynamical Mordell–Lang conjecture in positive characteristic. [Internet]. 2024. pdf
Xi Z, Chen M, Wei SS, Li J, ZHOU T, Wang B, Kim YH. EARA2024: a new radially anisotropic seismic velocity model for the crust and upper mantle beneath East Asia and Northwestern pacific subduction zones. Geophysical Journal International. 2024;239:914–935.
Xiong L, Zhang G, Song S, Liu S, Feng D, Chang F. Eclogite in the East Kunlun Orogen, northwestern China: A record of the Neoproterozoic breakup of Rodinia and early Paleozoic continental subduction. Geological Society of America Bulletin. 2024;136(3/4):1413–1430.
Yan W, Wang Y, Jiang Z, Peng K, Cohen G. Effects of a self-affirmation intervention among Chinese adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic: A large-scale randomized controlled trial. Applied Psychology: Health and Well‐Being [Internet]. 2024;16(3):1100–1121. 访问链接Abstract
The COVID-19 pandemic, characterized by its highly contagious nature and devastating death toll, posed a dual threat to both physical and psychological well-being. As a potential intervention to alleviate the psychological impact, values-affirmation involves individuals engaging in the activity of writing about their core values. While its effectiveness in non-WEIRD (i.e. Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, Democratic) populations, notably among Chinese adults, has been confirmed, it remains largely unexplored whether the intervention can promote mental health in Chinese adolescents, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study thus is to provide the first empirical evaluation of this intervention in promoting well-being and alleviating psychological distress among Chinese adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 2,234 students from 112 secondary schools in China were randomly assigned to an affirmation or control condition. The study found that self-affirmation intervention improved students' life satisfaction, mental health, and self-esteem, as well as buffered a decline of their purpose in life; however, no effects were found for clinical measures of depression, anxiety, and loneliness. The results suggest that self-affirmation interventions, while having limited effects on clinically relevant outcomes, can be an effective approach to boost well-being in adolescents during a major crisis, including in a more historically collectivist culture. Implications for self-affirmation theory and cultural psychology, as well as avenues for future research, are discussed.
Ha W, Ma L, Cao Y, Feng Q, Bu S. The effects of class attendance on academic performance: Evidence from synchronous courses during Covid-19 at a Chinese research university. International Journal of Educational Development [Internet]. 2024;104:102952. 访问链接Abstract
Using 13,584 observations of 4772 undergraduate students enrolled in 523 online classes offered synchronously at a research university in China, and using online-learning platform data and administrative data, this paper examines the impacts of class attendance on academic performance. Based on student-level and course-level fixed effects models with a unique set of student-course level control variables, this paper finds class attendance to have a significantly positive impact on academic performance. This effect is larger for low-performing students and smaller for students in courses with larger class sizes. The above findings survive a number of robustness checks, including a bounding technique, restricting sample to compulsory courses and limiting variation in attendance caused by whole day absence.
Effects of Mono- and Multicomponent Nonaqueous-Phase Liquid on the Migration and Retention of Pollutant-degrading Bacteria in Porous Media
He L, Li O, Qin J, Chen C, Li Z, Tong M. Effects of Mono- and Multicomponent Nonaqueous-Phase Liquid on the Migration and Retention of Pollutant-degrading Bacteria in Porous Media. Water Research [Internet]. 2024:122673. 访问链接Abstract
The successful implementation of in-situ bioremediation of nonaqueous-phase liquid (NAPL) contamination in soil-groundwater systems is greatly influenced by the migration performance of NAPL-degrading bacteria. However, the impact and mechanisms of NAPL on the migration/retention of pollutant-degrading bacteria remain unclear. This study investigated the migration/retention performance of A. lwoffii U1091, a strain capable of degrading diesel while producing surfactants, in porous media without and with the presence of mono- and multicomponent NAPL (n-dodecane and diesel) under environmentally relevant conditions. The results showed that under all examined conditions (5 and 50 mM NaCl solution at flow rates of 4 and 8 m/d), the presence of n-dodecane/diesel in porous media could reduce the migration and enhance retention of A. lwoffii in quartz sand columns. Moreover, comparing with mutlicomponent NAPLs of n-dodecane, the monocomponent NAPLs (diesel) exhibited a greater reduction effect on the retention of A. lwoffii in porous media. Through systemically investigating the potential mechanisms via tracer experiment, visible chamber experiment, and theoretical calculation, we found that the reduction in porosity, repulsive forces and movement speeds, the presence of stagnant flow zones in porous media, particularly the biosurfactants generated by A. lwoffii contributed to the enhanced retention of bacteria in NAPL-contaminated porous media. Moreover, owing to presence of the greater amount of hydrophilic components in diesel than in n-dodecane, the available binding sites for the adsorption of bacteria were lower in diesel, resulting in the slightly decreased retention of A. lwoffii in porous media containing diesel than n-dodecane. This study demonstrated that comparing with porous media without NAPL contamination, the retention of strain capable of degrading NAPL in porous media with NAPL contamination was enhanced, beneficial for the subsequent biodegradation of NAPL.
Gu J. The Effects of Straw Burning Bans on the Use of Cooking Fuels in China. Energies [Internet]. 2024;17(24):6335. 访问链接Abstract
The mitigating effects of straw burning bans on air pollution are widely known; however, their effects on indoor air pollution are generally ignored. Cooking fuel use is an important factor that affects indoor air quality. However, the debate over the pros and cons of a province-wide ban on straw burning has been a major issue in environmental economics. By utilizing household survey data, this study investigates the role of straw burning bans on cooking fuel use in households. To infer causal relationships, difference-in-difference models that compare households in provinces with and without a complete ban on open straw burning (COSB) are employed. The results show that COSBs promote the use of clean cooking fuels and discourage the use of firewood for cooking by households. These results hold true after a series of robustness tests, such as parallel trends and placebo tests. However, the results show that the effect of COSBs on the household use of coal as a cooking fuel is not significant. Further analysis shows heterogeneity in the effects of COSBs on the use of household cooking fuels. Thus, COSBs promote the conversion to cleaner cooking fuels in rural households, but the implementation of these policies needs to be contextualized.
Liu Y, Wu H, Taleghani AD, Zhang K, Zhang J, Yang M, Zhang B. Effects of temperature-dependent viscosity on thermal drawdown-induced fracture flow channeling in enhanced geothermal systems. Renewable Energy [Internet]. 2024;235:121274. 访问链接
Efficient Photosynthesis of Hydrogen Peroxide by Cyano-Containing Covalent Organic Frameworks from Water, Air and Sunlight
Hou Y, Zhou P, Liu F, Lu Y, Tan H, Li Z, Tong M, Ni J. Efficient Photosynthesis of Hydrogen Peroxide by Cyano-Containing Covalent Organic Frameworks from Water, Air and Sunlight. Angewandte Chemie International Edition [Internet]. 2024;63:e202318562. 访问链接Abstract
Abstract The insufficient exciton (e−-h+ pair) separation/transfer and sluggish two-electron water oxidation are two main factors limiting the H2O2 photosynthetic efficiency of covalent organic frameworks (COFs) photocatalysts. Herein, we present an alternative strategy to simultaneously facilitate exciton separation/transfer and reduce the energy barrier of two-electron water oxidation in COFs via a dicyano functionalization. The in situ characterization and theoretical calculations reveal that the dicyano functionalization improves the amount of charge transfer channels between donor and acceptor units from two in COF-0CN without cyano functionalization to three in COF-1CN with mono-cyano functionalization and four in COF-2CN with dicyano functionalization, leading to the highest separation/transfer efficiency in COF-2CN. More importantly, the dicyano group activates the neighbouring C atom to produce the key *OH intermediate for effectively reducing the energy barrier of rate-determining two-electron water oxidation in H2O2 photosynthesis. The simultaneously enhanced exciton separation/transfer and two-electron water oxidation in COF-2CN result in high H2O2 yield (1601 μmol g−1 h−1) from water and oxygen without using sacrificial reagent under visible-light irradiation. COF-2CN can effectively yield H2O2 in water with wide pH range, in different real water samples, in scaled-up reactor under natural sunlight irradiation, and in continuous-flow reactor for consecutively producing H2O2 solution for water decontamination.
Ma J, Huang H. Electronic topology with bound defect charges promotes intermediate hexatic phase in two-dimensional melting. Phys. Rev. B (Editors' Suggestion) [Internet]. 2024;109:205107. 访问链接
Li X ‘C’, Zhao L, Qin Y, Oleson K, Zhang Y. Elevated urban energy risks due to climate-driven biophysical feedbacks. Nature Climate Change. 2024:1-8 (NCC 封面文章).
Liu F, Shen Y, Hou Y, Wu J, Ting Y, Nie C, Tong M. Elimination of representative antibiotic-resistant bacteria, antibiotic resistance genes and ciprofloxacin from water via photoactivation of periodate using FeS2. Journal of Hazardous Materials [Internet]. 2024;(134982). 访问链接
Yang X, Song K, Guo S, Wang Y, Wang J, Peng D, Wen Y, Li A, Fan B, Lu S, et al. Elucidating the unexpected importance of intermediate-volatility organic compounds (IVOCs) from refueling procedure. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2024;471.
Tang RZ, Guo S, Song K, Yu Y, Tan R, Wang H, Liu KF, Shen RZ, Chen SY, Zeng LM, et al. Emission characteristics of intermediate volatility organic compounds from a Chinese gasoline engine under varied operating conditions: Influence of fuel, velocity, torque, rotational speed, and after-treatment device. Science of the Total Environment. 2024;906.
Qu Y, D. X, Liu Y. Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds from Human Occupants in a Student Office: Dependence on Ozone Concentration. ACS Environmental Au [Internet]. 2024;4(1):3-11. 访问链接Abstract
Human occupants themselves constitute an important source of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in indoor environments through breath and dermal emissions. In order to quantify VOC emissions from occupants under real-world settings, previous indoor observational studies often determined emission factors (i.e., average emission rates per person). However, the values obtained across these studies exhibited large variability, and the causes of this variability still need to be understood. Herein we report 10-day real-time VOC measurements in a university student office, using a proton transfer reaction-quadrupole interface-time-of-flight mass spectrometer. A method was developed to identify VOCs of primary human origin and to quantify the corresponding emission factors, accounting for the dynamically changing occupancy level and ventilation rate in the assessed office. We found that the emission factors of many dermally emitted VOCs strongly increased as the ozone concentration increased from <3 to 10–15 ppb. These VOCs include geranyl acetone, 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one (6-MHO), and C10-C12 saturated aldehydes, which align with characteristic first-generation ozonolysis products of skin oil. The strongest increase occurred for 6-MHO, from 113 to 337 μg/h/p. In comparison, acetone and isoprene, which are primarily emitted from human breath, varied little with the ozone level. In light of this finding, we conducted an integrated analysis of emission factors reported in the literature for two frequently reported species, namely, 6-MHO and decanal. Ozone concentration alone can explain 94–97% of the variation in their emission factors across previous studies, and the best-estimated ozone dependence obtained using the literature data is consistent with those obtained in the current study. These results suggest that the ozone concentration is a key factor regulating emission factors of many dermally emitted VOCs in real indoor environments, which has to be considered when reporting or using the emission factors.
He S, Liu Y, Song M, Li X, Lou S, Ye C, Liu YJ, Liu Y, Ye J, Lu S, et al. Empirical Approach to Quantifying Sensitivity in Different Chemical Ionization Techniques for Organonitrates and Nitroaromatics Constrained by Ion–Molecule Reaction and Transmission Efficiency. Analytical Chemistry [Internet]. 2024;96:16882–16890. 访问链接Abstract
Accurate identification and quantification of nitro-containing species are of great significance to understanding their chemical behaviors in the atmosphere. By optimizing the operational conditions of the H3O+ and NO+ ionization modes in a proton-transfer-reaction time-of-flight mass spectrometer (PTR-TOF-MS) and evaluating the performance of an iodide chemical ionization mass spectrometer (I– CIMS), this study leveraged the individual advantages of each ionization mode to effectively detect a diverse array of nitroaromatics and organonitrates (ONs). The H3O+ ionization mode largely fulfilled the criteria for real-time monitoring of gas-phase alkyl-, aryl-, and hydroxy-nitrates, and nitrophenols, albeit its reduced sensitivity toward ONs due to extensive fragmentation. In contrast, the NO+ mode demonstrated enhanced sensitivity for ONs with less fragmentation than the H3O+ mode. The I– CIMS featured distinguished sensitivity toward oxidized compounds containing polar functional groups, particularly increasing with the incorporation of hydroxyl, carboxyl, or nitrate groups. Further, we developed a calibration-based semiquantitative framework to enhance the accuracy of sensitivity estimation, constrained by ion–molecule reaction, transmission efficiency, along with possible decomposition of ion-clusters, with uncertainties ranging from 21% to 41% for H3O+ and 21–43% for NO+. Given considerable discrepancies (up to 1 order of magnitude) between measured and predicted sensitivity in I– CIMS using previously reported log–linear fitting, a declustering voltage (dV50)-based categorization approach was introduced, leading to a 5-fold improvement in measurement accuracy and an overall uncertainty of I– CIMS in quantifying nitro-containing species varying from 27% to 60%.
