
Zhou Y, HUANG R, Tang K. A Novel Hybrid-FE-layer FeFET with Enhanced Linearity for On-chip Training of CIM Accelerator, in 2024 8th IEEE Electron Devices Technology & Manufacturing Conference (EDTM).; 2024:1-3.
Chai X, Tian L, Wang J, Chen S, Mo S, Zhang K. A novel prediction model of oil-water relative permeability based on fractal theory in porous media. Fuel [Internet]. 2024;372:131840. 访问链接Abstract
It is significant to accurately evaluate the relative permeability of oil–water two phase for multiphase seepage in porous media in low permeability and tight oil reservoir. However, stress sensitivity is an important characteristic for low permeability and tight oil reservoir. It is an effective way for fractal theory to describe the complexity and heterogeneity of the microstructure of porous media. To describe the relative permeability of oil–water two phase in porous media with complex and irregularity pores, a new relative permeability model oil–water two phases is proposed by the fractal theory and the stress sensitivity is taken into the established model in this paper. Meanwhile, the effects of effective stress, elastic modulus, porosity, maximum and minimum flow radius on oil–water relative permeability are analyzed. The new model is verified by comparing with the laboratory data and the results demonstrate that irreducible water and residual oil saturation have a negative correlation with effective stress. The relative permeability of the oil–water two-phase will shrink to the middle as the rise of effective stress, and the region of co-infiltration will decrease. The deformation quantity of porous media, irreducible water and residual oil saturation will increase as the elastic modulus decreases. The larger the maximum flow radius is, the lower the irreducible water saturation and residual oil saturation is. Both the porosity and the minimum flow radius have slight influences on the relative permeability of oil–water two-phase. The proposed relative permeability model can effectively predict the relative permeability of oil and water and help to describe and reveal the multiphase flow in porous media.
Zhao E, Jin Z, Li G, Zhang K, Zeng Y. Numerical simulation of CO2 storage with enhanced gas recovery in depleted tight sandstone gas reservoirs. Fuel [Internet]. 2024;371:131948. 访问链接Abstract
Injecting CO2 into depleted gas reservoirs can sequester greenhouse gases and simultaneously enhancing gas recovery, which has significant environmental and economic benefits. Natural gas resources in tight sandstone reservoirs are huge, but the gas production decreases rapidly and the gas recovery is low due to poor reservoir properties. When these gas reservoirs are depleted, the implementation of CO2 flooding has greater potential to improve gas production and store CO2. However, the production characteristics of the CO2 flooding process and application potential in tight gas reservoirs at the field scale are not yet clear. To fully understand the production mechanism of the CO2 flooding and evaluate the technical feasibility, based on the geological data of the Sulige gas field in the Ordos Basin, a 3D numerical simulation model under the five-point well pattern is established. The production behavior of enhanced gas recovery and CO2 storage processes is studied through numerical simulation approach. Results indicate that the CH4 production rate is significantly increased after CO2 flooding, and the gas recovery can be increased by up to 19.2%, confirming the feasibility of CO2 injection to enhance CH4 production in depleted tight gas reservoirs. Once the CO2 breakthrough occurs, the CH4 production rate decreases rapidly, and the CO2 distribution is only slightly affected by the gravity difference of the components. These characteristics are significantly different from those of high-permeability gas reservoirs. The CO2 front in the early stage is proportional to the square root or cube root of time, depending on the perforation location and reservoir thickness. However, the CO2 front in the late flood stage shows a linear relationship with the square of time. It is recommended that injection well and production wells are completely perforated because the enhanced gas recovery is higher than other perforation options and excessive bottom-hole pressure in the injection well can be avoided. The new findings of this work can provide some insights into the production mechanism of CO2 storage and enhanced recovery in tight gas reservoirs, which is beneficial for reducing investment risks and improving production efficiency for future large-scale field applications.
Chen L. An online method for the accuracy level evaluation of the phasor measurement units. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems [Internet]. 2024;156:109763. 访问链接
Du K, Li S, Li M, Wei Y, Zhong Y, Zhang K. Optimized interfacial tension and contact angle for spontaneous imbibition in low-permeable and oil-wet sandstone cores with light crude oil. Journal of Molecular Liquids [Internet]. 2024;413:125901. 访问链接Abstract
Spontaneous imbibition is an important phenomenon of fluid transports in porous media, particularly in liquid environment with a certain range of interfacial tension and wettability. Meanwhile, the spontaneous imbibition could be enhanced with the additions of surfactants, through modifying the oil–water interfacial tension (IFT) and wettability. However, ultra-low IFT impairs the capillary pressure. Hence, appropriate ranges of the IFT and contact angle (CA), though lacking adequate investigations, are key to optimizing spontaneous imbibition. Here, a series of physical experiments were conducted to evaluate the spontaneous imbibition efficiency of surfactant solutions with wide-range IFTs (10−3–101 mN/m) in the porous media of permeability 11 mD, through designed interfacial property measurements with different surfactant concentrations. Besides, the inverse Bond number was employed to determine the optimized interfacial properties during the imbibition. Overall, the best imbibition-induced hydrocarbon recovery is reached at oil viscosity of 25.26 mPa·s, an IFT of 0.1–0.2 mN/m and a CA of 70–80°.
Xiong Y, Shao S. Overcoming the numerical sign problem in the Wigner dynamics via adaptive particle annihilation. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing [Internet]. 2024;46(2):B107-B136. 访问链接Abstract
The infamous numerical sign problem poses a fundamental obstacle to particle- based stochastic Wigner simulations in high-dimensional phase space. Although the existing particle annihilation (PA) via uniform mesh significantly alleviates the sign problem when dimensionality D <= 4, the mesh size grows dramatically when D >= 6 due to the curse of dimensionality and consequently makes the annihilation very inefficient. In this paper, we propose an adaptive PA algorithm, termed sequential-clustering particle annihilation via discrepancy estimation (SPADE), to overcome the sign problem. SPADE follows a divide-and-conquer strategy: adaptive clustering of particles via controlling their number-theoretic discrepancies and independent random matching in each cluster. The target is to alleviate the oversampling problem induced by the overpartitioning of phase space and to capture the nonclassicality of the Wigner function simultaneously. Combining SPADE with the variance reduction technique based on the stationary phase approximation, we attempt to simulate the proton-electron couplings in six- and 12-dimensional phase space. A thorough performance benchmark of SPADE is provided with the reference solutions in six-dimensional phase space produced by a characteristic-spectral-mixed scheme under a 733*803 uniform grid, which fully explores the limit of grid-based deterministic Wigner solvers.
Fu Z, Guo S, Yu Y, Xie HB, S Li, Lv D, Zhou P, Song K, Chen Z, Tan R, et al. Oxidation Mechanism and Toxicity Evolution of Linalool, a Typical Indoor Volatile Chemical Product. Environment and Health. 2024;2(7):486-498.
Gu J. Peer influence, market power, and enterprises' green innovation: Evidence from Chinese listed firms. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management [Internet]. 2024;31(1):108-121. 访问链接Abstract
In the era of a green economy, green innovation has become a way for enterprises to gain competitive advantage, and it is of great theoretical and practical significance to explore the driving force of enterprises' green innovation. This study explores the peer effect of an enterprise's green innovation and conducts an empirical test using data from 3338 Chinese listed companies in 2020. The results show a significant positive peer effect of enterprises' green innovation, and the green innovation of individual enterprises increases by 0.869 for each unit increase in industry-average green innovation. Further research shows that market power is the channel by which peer influence affects an enterprise's green innovation. Moreover, regional heterogeneity exists in the strength of the peer effect, which varies according to firm maturity and board size. These findings provide a reference for enterprises and governments to promote green transformation.
Li K, Xu L, Bai X, Zhang G, Zhang M, Huang Y. Potential environmental risks of field bio/non-degradable microplastic from mulching residues in farmland: Evidence from metagenomic analysis of plastisphere. Journal of Hazardous Materials [Internet]. 2024;465:133428. 访问链接Abstract
The plastisphere may act as reservoir of antibiotic resistome, accelerating global antimicrobial resistance dissemination. However, the environmental risks in the plastisphere of field microplastics (MPs) in farmland remain largely unknown. Here, antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) and virulence factors (VFs) on polyethylene microplastics (PE-MPs) and polybutylene adipate terephthalate and polylactic acid microplastics (PBAT/PLA-MPs) from residues were investigated using metagenomic analysis. The results suggested that the profiles of ARG and VF in the plastisphere of PBAT/PLA-MPs had greater number of detected genes with statistically higher values of diversity and abundance than soil and PE-MP. Procrustes analysis indicated a good fitting correlation between ARG/VF profiles and bacterial community composition. Actinobacteria was the major host for tetracycline and glycopeptide resistance genes in the soil and PE-MP plastisphere, whereas the primary host for multidrug resistance genes changed to Proteobacteria in PBAT/PLA-MP plastisphere. Besides, three human pathogens, Sphingomonas paucimobilis, Lactobacillus plantarum and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were identified in the plastisphere. The PE-MP plastisphere exhibited a higher transfer potential of ARGs than PBAT/PLA-MP plastisphere. This work enhances our knowledge of potential environmental risks posed by microplastic in farmland and provides valuable insights for risk assessment and management of agricultural mulching applications.
Gu LH, Chen ZM. Predicting reaction rate constants of organic compounds with oxidants in the atmospheric aqueous-phase through multi-task learning. Atmospheric Environment [Internet]. 2024;337:120775. 访问链接Abstract
The atmospheric aqueous-phase chemistry has received increasing attention in the last decades for its non-negligible environmental significance. Yet, the insufficient experimental data on oxidative reaction rate constants (kaq) obstructs the further analysis and modeling of this system. Predictive models based on machine learning (ML) algorithms have shown potential as an effective estimation tool, however, they are restricted to the lack of training data as well. To overcome this data limitation, we developed multi-task (MT) models that could exploit the common knowledge from reactions in gas- and aqueous-phases simultaneously. Toward kaq of organic compounds with hydroxyl radical (OH), nitrate radical (NO3), and ozone (O3), the MT models showed a notably better predictive ability compared to benchmark models, while obtaining wide applicability on compounds from different chemical classes. By interpreting the models using Shapley additive explanations (SHAP), we evidenced that the MT models utilized the common knowledge in both phases and correctly identified the reaction mechanisms. This study aims to provide new insight into the estimation of necessary kinetic parameters in atmospheric aqueous-phase chemistry, as well as a reference to ML research for other predictive tasks of atmospheric interest.
Cao Z, Hu Y*, Zhang P*. Predicting sulfate mineral scale solubility with machine learning. Journal of Cleaner Production [Internet]. 2024. LinkAbstract
Mineral scale refers to the hard inorganic solids nucleated on substrates or deposited from the aqueous phase. The formation and deposition of barium sulfate and strontium sulfate in various industries, such as water treatment and oilfield operations, can significantly impact facility operations, posing serious threats. Machine learning (ML) approaches have been adopted recently in scale threat predictions to address the limitations of conventional scaling prediction models. However, there are few reports on collecting sulfate mineral scaling data, employing ML methods for data analysis, and evaluating the modeling results to gain deeper insights of sulfate mineral scaling process and to improve the accuracy of sulfate scaling threat prediction. Despite comprehensive experimental studies, the literature does not provide adequate guidance for identifying the influence on the solubility of barium sulfate and strontium sulfate under different aqueous environments and actual operating conditions. To this end, this study collected 1600 experimental datasets of barium/strontium sulfate from the literature to construct and evaluate the reliability and versatility of a ML-based model for sulfate solubility calculations. Single neural networks, hybrid neural networks, and optimization algorithms were employed to build solubility prediction models for barium sulfate and strontium sulfate across a wide range of temperatures, pressures, and different ions. The model's applicability in predicting sulfate scaling threats in various actual operating environments demonstrated its broad usability, consistent with its actual performance. This study marks the first stride towards constructing a reliable model for identifying the scaling trends of barium sulfate and strontium sulfate across various operating conditions, underscoring the importance of developing robust and accurate prediction models to address challenges in various industrial systems.
Tang Y. Privacy protection framework for open data: Constructing and assessing an effective approach. Library & Information Science Research. 2024;46(3):101312.
Sun J, Cheng Z, Liang J, Shigekawa N, Kawamura K, Uratani H, Sakaida Y, Cahill DG. Probe beam deflection technique with liquid immersion for fast mapping of thermal conductance. Applied Physics Letters. 2024;124(4).
Kang Y, Liu C, Zhu J-P, Gao Y, Shao L, Zhang B, Sun H, Yin Y-HI, Zhang B-B. Prospects for detecting neutron star–white dwarf mergers with decihertz gravitational-wave observatories. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 2024;528:5309–5322.
Xu JY, Chen ZM. Quantifying bimolecular reaction kinetics of isoprene hydroxy peroxy radical: From dry to highly humid atmospheric environment. Atmospheric Environment [Internet]. 2024;333:120627. 访问链接Abstract
Isoprene hydroxy peroxy radicals (ISOPOO), derived from isoprene oxidation by hydroxy radicals (OH), are key intermediates for ozone and secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation in the atmosphere. Although ISOPOO-water complexes are ubiquitous, their impacts on ISOPOO chemistry remain obscure. Here the previously overlooked water effect on the bimolecular reaction kinetics of ISOPOO was investigated in an oxidative flow reactor. The major first-generation products of ISOPOO, isoprene hydroxy hydroperoxides (ISOPOOH), methacrolein (MACR), and methyl vinyl ketone (MVK), were measured simultaneously at various relative humidity (RH) with the help of a cold trap to avoid potential losses in direct gas sampling. We found that ISOPOO reactions were accelerated significantly under wet conditions, with a greater enhancement on 1,2-ISOPOO than 4,3-ISOPOO. 1,2-ISOPOOH yield appeared faster growth with RH than 4,3-ISOPOOH. MVK yield showed an upward-downward trend with RH, while MACR yield plateaued from 30% RH. To explain the enhancement in the ISOPOOH yield from 3% to 80% RH, the overall rate constants of 1,2-ISOPOO + HO2 and 4,3-ISOPOO + HO2 reactions at 80% RH should be 13 times and twice those at 3% RH, respectively. The empirical formulas were proposed for the first time to parameterize the water effect on ISOPOO + HO2 reactions. The updated kinetics of ISOPOO reactions were incorporated in a box model to simulate the RH-dependent ISOPOOH and C4 carbonyl yields under typical atmospheric conditions. High RH can enhance the ISOPOOH yield in urban, rural, and forest areas, and promote SOA formation correspondingly. Our findings shed light on the critical role of humidity in the reactions of ISOPOO and benefit evaluating the fate of isoprene and its impacts on air quality more accurately in the ambient atmosphere.
Qiu Y, Ma Y, Wu M, Jia Y, Qu X, Zhou Z, Lou J, Jia T, Ye L, HUANG R. Quartet: A 22nm 0.09mJ/inference digital compute-in-memory versatile AI accelerator with heterogeneous tensor engines and off-chip-less dataflow, in IEEE Custom Integrated Circuit Conference (CICC).; 2024.
Qiu Y, Ma* Y, Wu M, Jia Y, Qu X, Zhou Z, Lou J, Jia T, Ye L, HUANG R. Quartet: A 22nm 0.09mJ/lnference Digital Compute-in-Memory Versatile AI Accelerator with Heterogeneous Tensor Engines and Off-Chip-Less Dataflow. IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC) [Internet]. 2024. Links
Yuan CL; WL; Y. The quiet revolution: Send-down movement and female empowerment in China. Journal of Development Economics [Internet]. 2024;172(103379). 访问链接Abstract
What promotes female empowerment and gender equality? We investigate how internal population mobility and social interaction foster the advancement of female empowerment and gender equality across diverse subpopulations. Using the urban-to-rural youth resettlement program in China during the 1970s — the Send-down Movement — as our empirical context, we find that rural females with greater exposure to urban youths have achieved higher levels of education, increased labor force participation, greater financial independence, enhanced autonomy in marital and fertility decisions, increased political engagement, heightened self-confidence, reduced risk aversion, and a stronger belief in gender-equal ideologies and social values. Our findings underscore the role of population mobility in disseminating gender-equal ideologies and practices, both through human capital formation and social interactions, leading to lasting impacts on female empowerment in traditional societies.
Wei J, Chen W, Wen D. Rare biosphere drives deterministic community assembly, co-occurrence network stability, and system performance in industrial wastewater treatment system. Environment International [Internet]. 2024;190:108887. 访问链接Abstract
Bacterial community is strongly associated with activated sludge performance, but there still remains a knowledge gap regarding the rare bacterial community assembly and their influence on the system performance in industrial wastewater treatment plants (IWWTPs). Here, we investigated bacterial communities in 11 full-scale IWWTPs with similar process designs, aiming to uncover ecological processes and functional traits regulating abundant and rare communities. Our findings indicated that abundant bacterial community assembly was governed by stochastic processes; thereby, abundant taxa are generally present in wastewater treatment compartments across different industrial types. On the contrary, rare bacterial taxa were primarily driven by deterministic processes (homogeneous selection 61.9%-79.7%), thus they only exited in specific IWWTPs compartments and wastewater types. The co-occurrence networks analysis showed that the majority of keystone taxa were rare bacterial taxa, with rare taxa contributing more to network stability. Furthermore, rare bacteria rather than abundant bacteria in the oxic compartment contributed more to the degradation of xenobiotics compounds, and they were main potential drivers of pollutant removal. This study demonstrated the irreplaceable roles of rare bacterial taxa in maintaining system performance of IWWTPs, and called for environmental engineers and microbial ecologists to increase their attention on rare biosphere.
Li D, Wang C, Huang* H. Real-space approach for the Euler class and fragile topology in quasicrystals and amorphous lattices. SciPost Physics [Internet]. 2024;17:086. 访问链接Abstract
