
Xu F, Wang K, Liu T, Tang M, Evans, Neal J. II, Palau A, Morii K, He J, Sanhueza P, Liu H-L, et al. The ALMA Survey of Star Formation and Evolution in Massive Protoclusters with Blue Profiles (ASSEMBLE): Core Growth, Cluster Contraction, and Primordial Mass Segregation. \apjs. 2024;270:9.
Liu X, Liu T, Zhu L, Garay G, Liu H-L, Goldsmith P, Evans N, Kim K-T, Liu S-Y, Xu F, et al. The ALMA-QUARKS Survey. I. Survey Description and Data Reduction. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 2024;24:025009.
Xu F, Wang K, Liu T, Zhu L, Garay G, Liu X, Goldsmith P, Zhang Q, Sanhueza P, Qin S, et al. The ALMA-QUARKS Survey. II. The ACA 1.3 mm Continuum Source Catalog and the Assembly of Dense Gas in Massive Star-Forming Clumps. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 2024;24:065011.
Li W, Zhang P, Wang J. Analysing humanities scholars’ data seeking behaviour patterns using Ellis' model. Information Research. 2024;29(2):401-418.
Wang Z, Liang D, Zhao J, Liu C, Shao L. Anatomy of parameter-estimation biases in overlapping gravitational-wave signals. Class. Quant. Grav. 2024;41:055011.
Xu B, Shuo F, Wei Y. Anticipating object shapes using world knowledge and classifier information: Evidence from eve-movements in L1 and L2 processing. The Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society [Internet]. 2024:2861–2869. Full textAbstract
This study explores how L1 and L2 Chinese speakers use world knowledge and classifier information to predict fine-grained referent features. In a visual-world-paradigm eye-tracking experiment, participants were presented with two visual objects that were denoted by the same noun in Chinese but matched different shape classifiers. Meanwhile, they heard sentences containing world knowledge triggering context and classifiers. The effect of world knowledge has been differentiated from word-level associations. Native speakers generated anticipations about the shape/state features of the referents at an early processing stage and quickly integrated linguistic information with world knowledge upon hearing the classifiers. In contrast, L2 speakers show delayed, reduced anticipation based on world knowledge and minimal use of classifier cues. The findings reveal different cue-weighting strategies in L1 and L2 processing. Specifically, L2 speakers whose first languages lack obligatory classifiers do not employ classifier cues in a timely manner, even though the semantic meanings of shape classifiers are accessible to them. No evidence supports over-reliance on world knowledge in L2 processing. This study contributes to the understanding of L2 real-time processing, particularly in L2 speakers’ utility of linguistic and non-linguistic information in anticipating fine-grained referent features.
Matsuzawa Y, Xie J. Arithmetic degree and Zariski dense orbit conjecture. [Internet]. 2024. pdf
Pan Z, Jin Z, Li G, Zhang K. Assessing Subsurface Gas Storage Security for Climate Change Mitigation and Energy Transition. Geophysical Research Letters [Internet]. 2024;51:e2024GL109913. 访问链接Abstract
Abstract Subsurface gas storage is crucial for achieving a sustainable energy future, as it helps to reduce CO2 emissions and facilitates the provision of renewable energy sources. The confinement effect of the nanopores in caprock induces distinctive thermophysical properties and fluid dynamics. In this paper, we present a multi-scale study to characterize the subsurface transport of CO2, CH4, and H2. A nanoscale-extended volume-translated Cubic-Plus-Association equation of state was developed and incorporated in a field-scale numerical simulation, based on a full reservoir-caprock suite model. Results suggest that in the transition from nanoscale to bulk-scale, gas solubility in water decreases while phase density and interfacial tension increase. For the first time, a power law relationship was identified between the capillary pressure within nanopores and the pore size. Controlled by buoyancy, viscous force and capillary pressure, gases transport vertically and horizontally in reservoir and caprock. H2 has the maximum potential to move upward and the lowest areal sweep efficiency; in short term, CH4 is more prone to upward migration compared to CO2, while in long term, CH4 and CO2 perform comparably. Thicker caprock and larger caprock pore size generally bring greater upward inclination. Gases penetrate the caprock when CH4 is stored with a caprock thickness smaller than 28 m or H2 is stored with a caprock pore size of 2–10 nm or larger than 100 nm. This study sheds light on the fluid properties and dynamics in nanoconfined environment and is expected to contribute to the safe implementation of gigatonne scale subsurface gas storage.
Zhang C, Liu T, Ren Z-Y, Zhu F-Y, Liu H-L, Wang K, Wu J-W, Li D, Jiao S, Tatematsu K, et al. ATOMS: ALMA three-millimetre observations of massive star-forming regions - XVI. Neutral versus ion line widths. MNRAS. 2024;533:4234-4247.
Li W, Kerven C. Between commons and anticommons: a nested common-private interface framework. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications [Internet]. 2024;11:509. 访问链接Abstract
The collapse of the former Soviet Union signaled failure of large-scale experiment in communitarian property. Privatization reform consequently was taken as the start point to transfer the planned economy to a market economy by the post socialist countries. This also occurred in economic transition countries such as China. However, in overcoming the tragedy of the commons privatization might create anticommons problems. Here we develop a nested common-private interface framework from the perspective of resource system and resource units and apply this framework to explain reforms of rangeland property in China and Kyrgyzstan. We confirmed that the root of the dilemma, either caused by commons or anticommons, can be attributed to the interface mismatch between individual elements and common elements. Trying to overcome the dilemma by changing property arrangements alone cannot eliminate the incentive mismatch caused by the common-private interface. Institutions aimed at alleviating the mismatch are accordingly required. Theoretically, this framework converts Ostrom's concept of commons into liberal commons that the members have options to exit, which is becoming increasingly common in the current global context of marketization. In the real world, this framework can serve to understand the property reform progress of transition countries, and may enlighten future property reforms.
Cochet M, Swaminathan K, Loscalzo EJ, Zuckerman J, dos Santos MC, Giri D, Buyuktosunoglu A, Jia T, Brooks D, Wei G-Y, et al. BlitzCoin: Fully Decentralized Hardware Power Management for Accelerator-Rich SoCs, in International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA).; 2024.
Li F. Book Review of Causality: Models, Reasoning, and Inference, Judea Pearl. (Second Edition). (2009). International Journal of Forecasting [Internet]. 2024;40:423–425. 访问链接Abstract
With the big popularity and success of Judea Pearl's original causality book, this review covers the main topics updated in the second edition in 2009 and illustrates an easy-to-follow causal inference strategy in a forecast scenario. It further discusses some potential benefits and challenges for causal inference with time series forecasting when modeling the counterfactuals, estimating the uncertainty and incorporating prior knowledge to estimate causal effects in different forecasting scenarios.
Li Y, Xie Y, Wang J, Xu Y, Wang S, Zhao Y, Qian L, Zhang J. Calibrated absolute optical contrast for high-throughput characterization of horizontally aligned carbon nanotube arrays. Nano Today [Internet]. 2024;59:102502. 访问链接Abstract
Horizontally aligned carbon nanotube (HACNT) arrays hold significant potential for various applications in nanoelectronics and material science. However, their high-throughput characterization remains challenging due to the lack of methods with both high efficiency and high accuracy. Here, we present a novel technique, Calibrated Absolute Optical Contrast (CAOC), achieved through the implementation of differential principles to filter out stray signals and high-resolution calibration to endow optical contrast with physical significance. CAOC offers major advantages over previous characterization techniques, providing consistent and reliable measurements of HACNT array density with high throughput and non-destructive assessment. To validate its utility, we demonstrate wafer-scale uniformity assessment by rapid density mapping. This technique not only facilitates the practical evaluation of HACNT arrays but also provides insights into balancing high throughput and high resolution in nanomaterial characterization.
Li Jie, Wang Ting* LE. Carbon and hydrogen isotopic evidence for atrazine degradation by electro-activated persulfate: Radical contributions and comparisons with heat-activated persulfate. Environmental Pollution. 2024;341:122892.
Wang H, Wang W, Li F, Kang Y, Li H. Catastrophe Duration and Loss Prediction via Natural Language Processing. Variance. 2024;Forthcoming.Abstract
Textual information from online news is more timely than insurance claim data during catastrophes, and there is value in using this information to achieve earlier damage estimates. In this paper, we use text-based information to predict the duration and severity of catastrophes. We construct text vectors through Word2Vec and BERT models, using Random Forest, LightGBM, and XGBoost as different learners, all of which show more satisfactory prediction results. This new approach is informative in providing timely warnings of the severity of a catastrophe, which can aid decision-making and support appropriate responses.
Zhu B, Zhong X, Cai W, Shi C, Shao X, Chen Z, Yang J, Chen Y, Ni E, Guo S, et al. Characterization of VOC source profiles, chemical reactivity, and cancer risk associated with petrochemical industry processes in Southeast China. Atmospheric Environment: X. 2024;21.
Li S, Zhu J, Wang Z, Li M, Wei Y, Zhang K. Chemical strategies for enhancing CO2-Hydrocarbon miscibility. Separation and Purification Technology [Internet]. 2024;337:126436. 访问链接Abstract
Carbon dioxide (CO2) flooding holds immense potential for enhancing hydrocarbon recovery and facilitating geological carbon storage. Among CO2 flooding methods, miscible flooding demonstrates significantly higher production compared to immiscible flooding. However, in certain reservoirs, the high miscibility pressure presents a challenge for achieving miscibility under reservoir pressure conditions. Nonionic surfactants offer a solution by reducing the miscibility pressure in hydrocarbon-CO2 systems. In this study, eight nonionic surfactants were assessed, and two of the most effective surfactants were selected. These surfactants were combined to create a novel nonionic surfactant system aimed at lowering the miscibility pressure. The minimum miscibility pressure (MMP) of the hydrocarbon-CO2 system was measured using a slim-tube experiment, and a comparative analysis was conducted between the vanishing interfacial tension method (VIT) and the slim-tube method. Furthermore, the microscopic mechanism by which surfactants reduce the miscibility pressure was studied and analyzed. The findings indicate that the compound nonionic surfactant SF, with a total concentration of 1.0 wt% and a SMF to Span20 ratio of 1:1, reduces the miscibility pressure by 18.30%. The slim-tube data were processed to obtain a narrower range for MMP using criteria such as the crude oil recovery factor (ORF) and the break-over pressure (BOP). The maximum error between MMP measured by the VIT method and the slim-tube experiment is 5.86%, demonstrating the high accuracy of the VIT method in this study. The surfactant effectively reduces the miscibility pressure by decreasing the interfacial tension (IFT) between oil and gas, enhancing the CO2 extraction efficiency on intermediate hydrocarbons within the crude oil, and improving the solubility of CO2 in the crude oil. The findings of this study hold significant guidance for future investigations on the miscibility in the processes of geological CO2 utilization and storage.
Zhang C, Liu Y, Gu Z, Li P, Li Z, Zhang K. Chemicals-CO2 mechanisms of inhibiting steam heat transfer and enhancing oil film strip: Steam flow through the wall-adhering oil film surface in porous medium. Fuel [Internet]. 2024;356:129572. 访问链接Abstract
The CO2 and Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS) assisted steam flooding technology was an effective approach addressed the persistent issues that have hindered the stable development of high-viscosity cold oil through steam injection. However, in the process of steam flow through porous media, the synergistic influence of the oil film adsorbed in near wellbore porous media, and the CO2-SDS on steam heat transfer has not been investigated. Steam heat transfer is the key factors affecting heavy oil recovery. The primary objective of this study was to research the effect of CO2-SDS on steam heat transfer and oil film stripping by designing experiments. The study results demonstrated that in the initial stage of displacement, the heat transfer resistance between the steam and the porous medium was increased by the oil film adsorbed in near wellbore area. In additional, the condensation mode of the steam was altered from bead condensing to film condensing by the composite thermal fluid flooding, preventing the steam heat dissipation near wellbore area and transferring more thermal to the long-distance area. At the later stage of displacement, the interfacial tension between oil-water and oil-gas was reduced by CO2-SDS, improving the fluidity of oil and providing the seepage channel for steam, and increasing the steam thermal sweep range. Compared to the sandpack experiment of steam flooding, the temperature at the output end of the sandpack model increased from 69.8 °C to 88.7 °C, indicating an expansion of the steam heat sweep range and successful long-distance heat transfer during composite thermal fluid flooding. In the process of composite thermal fluid flooding, the maximum displacement pressure difference increased from 2.28 MPa to 3.07 MPa, and the maximum oil recovery rate increased from 2.48 g/mL to 2.81 g/mL. The peak of the high production period was raised, resulting in a 40.97% to 51.86% increase in recovery rates.
CO2 foam to enhance geological storage capacity in hydrocarbon reservoirs. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews [Internet]. 2024;199(114504). 访问链接
Tang MX, He LY, Xia SY, Jiang Z, He DY, Guo S, Zhu R, Zeng H, Huang XF. Coarse particles compensate for missing daytime sources of nitrous acid and enhance atmospheric oxidation capacity in a coastal atmosphere. Science of the Total Environment. 2024;915.
