
Qu L, Li D, Zhang Y, Liu M, Gu H, Chen Z. Cloning and expression of a cDNA encoding ribosomal protein S4 from rice (Oryza sativa). Chinese Science Bulletin. 2000;(2):168-173.
Chen S, Deng Y, Nie X, Tu Y. Clustering kinetics of granular media in three dimensions. Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics. 2000;(4):218-223.
Chen S, Deng Y, Nie X, Tu Y. Clustering kinetics of granular media in three dimensions. Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics. 2000;(4):218-223.
Liu Z-R, Liu J-S, Gu B-L, Zhang X-W. Cluster-variation-method studies on the atomic ordering in complex perovskite alloys. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2000;(18):11918-11921.
蔡昉, 李周, 林毅夫. Comparative Advantages and Development Strategy——A Reinterpretation of the“East Asian Miracle”. Social Sciences in China. 2000;(4):16-27+184.
Michalowski BA, Francisco JS, Li SM, Barrie LA, Bottenheim JW, Shepson PB. A computer model study of multiphase chemistry in the Arctic boundary layer during polar sunrise. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES. 2000;105:15131-15145.Abstract
A multiphase chemical box model of Arctic halogen chemistry has been developed using a PC-based modeling program developed by Environment Canada called the Chemical Reactions Modeling System(CREAMS). The multiphase model contains 125 gas phase reactions, 19 photolysis reactions, and 16 aqueous reactions occurring in suspended aerosol particles and the quasi-liquid component of snow. The model simulates mass transfer of species between the gas phase and particles, and between the gas phase and the snowpack. Model simulations were conducted for the Arctic for the period April 16 to April 24 at 245 K within a 400 m boundary layer. The complete model simulates halogen-catalyzed ozone depletion within 5 days from the start of the model run, via known gas and heterogeneous phase activation mechanisms. A critically important model reaction is BrO + HCHO –> HOBr + CHO, which has a substantial impact on gas phase HOBr, and subsequent condensed phase chemistry. When coupled with a necessary snowpack efflux of aldehydes, required to maintain the aldehyde concentrations at observed levels, the new BrO chemistry has a significant impact on the concentrations of gas phase bromine species, particle bromide, and chlorine atoms, through chemistry occurring in the snowpack. We also find that O-3 depletion cannot be simulated without the presence of heterogeneous halogen chemistry occurring in the snowpack and that the rate of O-3 depletion is limited by the mass transfer rate of HOBr to the snowpack.
Liu Z-J, Jiang L, Li W-Z, Han Y-Z, Lai L-H. Conformational changes accompanying with the binding of protein and ligand. Acta Chimica Sinica. 2000;(7):772-776.
Wei L-N, Hu X, Chinpaisal C. Constitutive activation of retinoic acid receptor β2 promoter by orphan nuclear receptor TR2. Journal of Biological Chemistry [Internet]. 2000;(16):11907-11914. 访问链接
Lü H, Ming X, Qu L, Liu M, Li J, Gu H, Chen Z. Construction of chimeric inducible promoters by elicitors of rice fungal blast pathogen and their expression in transgenic rice. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2000;(3):242-246.
Liang S, Liu Z, Li W, Ni L, Lai L. Construction of protein binding sites in scaffold structures. Biopolymers [Internet]. 2000;(7):515-523. 访问链接
Zheng M*, Fang M*. Correlations between organic and inorganic species in atmospheric aerosols. Environ. Sci. Technol. [Internet]. 2000;34 (13):2721-2726. LINKAbstract
Correlations between 35 different organic and inorganic species or tracers in the aerosols of Hong Kong were derived based on the GC−MS organic results from our 1993−1994 study and Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department inorganic data. Source apportionment is essential in fingerprinting of air pollutants for cross-boundary studies. It is also important in the development of emissions inventory data, control strategies, and legislature. Traditionally, emission sources are identified from either the inorganic or organic tracers in the aerosols, but not both. Each of these techniques yields much source information; however, each by itself provides only a partial picture due to the complicated nature of ambient aerosols. Since many of the organic and inorganic species in aerosols are from the same source, correlations between the two are to be expected. In this study, such correlations were indeed found. For example, benzo[b,k]fluoranthene, the most abundant PAH (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon) in all the PAHs detected in Hong Kong, exhibited good correlation with Pb, Zn, As, nss SO42- (nonseasalt sulfate), total PAHs, and benzo[a]pyrene. This paper further demonstrates that a combination of the two techniques could be an improved method for source apportionment than using either method alone.
Lu L, Ceng X, Huang M. Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor type I mediates stress-induced relapse to opiate dependence in rats. NeuroReport [Internet]. 2000;(11):2373-2378. 访问链接
Lai L, Yokota H, Hung L-W, Kim R, Kim S-H. Crystal structure of archaeal RNase HII: A homologue of human major RNase H. Structure [Internet]. 2000;(8):897-904. 访问链接
Chen J, Nakata T, Zhang Z, Hirokawa N. The C-terminal tail domain of neurofilament protein-H (NF-H) forms the crossbridges and regulates neurofilament bundle formation. Journal of Cell Science [Internet]. 2000;(21):3861-3869. 访问链接
Zhou Y-Y, Wang S-Q, Zhu W-Z, Chruscinski A, Kobilka BK, Ziman B, Wang S, Lakatta EG, Cheng H, Xiao R-P. Culture and adenoviral infection of adult mouse cardiac myocytes: Methods for cellular genetic physiology. American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology [Internet]. 2000;(1 48-1):H429-H436. 访问链接
Zhou Y-Y, Wang S-Q, Zhu W-Z, Chruscinski A, Kobilka BK, Ziman B, Wang S, Lakatta EG, Cheng H, Xiao R-P. Culture and adenoviral infection of adult mouse cardiac myocytes: Methods for cellular genetic physiology. American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology [Internet]. 2000;(1 48-1):H429-H436. 访问链接
Schneider SC, Ohmen J, Fosdick L, Gladstone B, Guo J, Ametani A, Sercarz EE, Deng H. Cutting edge: Introduction of an endopeptidase cleavage motif into a determinant flanking region of hen egg lysozyme results in enhanced T cell determinant display. Journal of Immunology [Internet]. 2000;(1):20-23. 访问链接
Zhang X-W, Liu X, Liu Z-R, Gu B-L. Dielectric nonlinearity of relaxor ferroelectric ceramics at low alternating-current-drive amplitudes. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. 2000;(27):5929-5937.
Chen L, Zou S, Lou X, Kang H-G. Different stimulatory opioid effects on intracellular Ca2+ in SH-SY5Y cells. Brain Research [Internet]. 2000;(1-2):256-265. 访问链接
Lu L, Liu D, Ceng X, Ma L. Differential roles of corticotropin-releasing factor receptor subtypes 1 and 2 in opiate withdrawal and in relapse to opiate dependence. European Journal of Neuroscience [Internet]. 2000;(12):4398-4404. 访问链接
