科研成果 by Year: 2010

Xu L, Molinero V. Liquid-vapor oscillations of water nanoconfined between hydrophobic disks: Thermodynamics and kinetics. Journal of Physical Chemistry B [Internet]. 2010;(21):7320-7328. 访问链接
Stanley HE, Buldyrev SV, Franzese G, Kumar P, Mallamace F, Mazza MG, Stokely K, Xu L. Liquid polymorphism: Water in nanoconfined and biological environments. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter [Internet]. 2010;(28). 访问链接
Xu L, Buldyrev SV, Giovambattista N, Stanley EH. Liquid-liquid phase transition and glass transition in a monoatomic model system. International Journal of Molecular Sciences [Internet]. 2010;(12):5184-5200. 访问链接