科研成果 by Year: 2009

赵宏伟, 钟秀萍, 刘阳生, 王俊坚, 洪渊, 招康赛, 曾辉. 深圳市清水河垃圾焚烧厂周围地区优势植物的汞污染研究. 环境科学. 2009;30(9):2786 – 2791.
杜芳, 刘阳生*. 焚烧源汞污染控制研究技术进展及我国大气汞污染控制紧迫性. 环境工程. 2009;27(s):265-268.
占子玉, 刘阳生*. 焚烧源铅污染控制技术研究进展. 环境工程. 2009;27(s):258-261.
Liu Y*, Kong S, Li Y, Zeng H. Novel technology for sewage sludge utilization: Preparation of amino acids chelated trace elements (AACTE) fertilizer. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2009;171:1159 - 1167.
Liu Y*, Zhan Z, Li Y, Liu Y. Indoor air concentrations of mercury species in incineration plants for municipal solid waste (MSW) and hospital waste (HW). Chemosphere. 2009;75:266-271.
Liu Y*, Zheng L, Li X, Xie S. SEM/EDS and XRD characterization of raw and washed MSWI fly ash sintered at different temperatures. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2009;162:161 - 173.