科研成果 by Year: 2008

郑丽婷, 刘阳生*. 从焚烧飞灰中回收金属研究进展. 环境工程. 2008;26(s):343 - 345.
占子玉, 刘阳生*. 垃圾焚烧飞灰处置与资源化研究进展. 四川环境. 2008;27(1):1-5.
郑丽婷, 刘阳生*. 水洗及酸洗过程对焚烧飞灰中Cu , Zn 和Pb洗脱率影响的试验研究. 北京大学学报(自然科学版). 2008;3:128-136.
Liu Y*, Li Y, Li X, Jiang Y. Leaching behavior of heavy metals and PAHs from MSWI bottom ash in a long-term static immersing experiment. Waste Management. 2008;28:1126-1136.
Liu Y. Comment on Impact of Sulfur Oxides on Mercury Capture by Activated Carbon. Environmental Science and Technology. 2008;42:970-972.
Kong S, Chen J, Liu Y, Wen X, Pi P, Yang Z. Synthesis of Functional Magnetic porous SrFe12O19/P(St-DVB-MAA) Microspheres by a Novel Suspension Polymerization. Central European Journal of Chemistry. 2008;6(4):627–633.