Response to Comment on ''Missing gas-phase source of HONO inferred from Zeppelin measurements in the troposphere''


Li X, Rohrer F, Hofzumahaus A, Brauers T, Häseler R, Bohn B, Broch S, Fuchs H, Gomm S, Holland F, et al. Response to Comment on ''Missing gas-phase source of HONO inferred from Zeppelin measurements in the troposphere''. Science. 2015;348(6241):1326-1326.


Ye et al. have determined a maximum nitrous acid (HONO) yield of 3% for the reaction HO2 center dot H2O + NO2, which is much lower than the yield used in our work. This finding, however, does not affect our main result that HONO in the investigated Po Valley region is mainly from a gas-phase source that consumes nitrogen oxides.